Trying to install this but errors:
root@server [~]# which php
root@server [~]# which convert
Trying to install this but errors: However, root@server [~]# which php
I think it is a small problem Because This was Happen in two Things 1. It was asking you about your PhP root..It is very Easy to Filnd i Mean Where did you Host your Files ......When you Hosted your File You got a Detail of your Account in a not pad or PDF file you can check the detail of the Php Root . 2. second thing is It was the problem of your Host So befor start a step you want to Say where did you host your file Hai Be carefull because if you Dint Give the right pat its make big Problems I cheaked your site and the permision was ok i think if you say where did you Host you file so we can get the details of that Host and another thing Creat a Data base Fore Dolphin First Ok Regd, NAS CREATION |