While researching the method to install a Favicon in my site, I was able to locate all of the information needed to do the job by sifting through the Forums. Here is the result of my work--assembled in one place...at one time.
Favicon for Dolphin 7
1. To generate your own Favicon check out:
http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/ or http://www.favicon.co.uk/
or, if you wish to design your own Favicon on the fly visit:
2. Upload the favicon.ico in the dolphin root directory:
3. Open _header.html (inside templates/base ) in an Editor:
4. Find the following string: " <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /> "
5. Below this string add the following: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
4. Save file and enjoy your new Favicon.
You don't need to specify a favicon. If you place your favicon in the root directory of your site, your browser should pick it up on its own. BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I put the favicon.ico in the dolphin root directory, cleared all temporary internet files, rebooted, yea its a PC, and still no favicon.
I also tried modifying the _header.html file with no luck either. I have since reverted back to the original code.
The file is 16x16
If anybody wants to check it out. http://quakersingles.com/dolph
Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970 |
Once you installed the favicon don't panic, give it some time to show up. You will see it quicker in firefox than ie What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook |
just used the instructions........the easiest and simple way,,,,,,,thanks |
make sure you have uploaded the favicon with .ico extension and try to visit yoursite.com/favicon.ico and see if it shows up. so much to do.... |
Mine dont work neither using firefox 
waiting for days now for this dang favicon to work..
why is it not working anybody know something that can cause this? so much to do.... |
why is it not working anybody know something that can cause this?
My issue was that i had the favicon in a map - folder)
but i tried to upload it without a folder just the icon into root directory: public_html
And now its working lol :D 
lol favicon should be in the root.
why is it not working anybody know something that can cause this?
My issue was that i had the favicon in a map - folder)
but i tried to upload it without a folder just the icon into root of dolphin..
And now its working lol :D 
so much to do.... |
lol favicon should be in the root.
why is it not working anybody know something that can cause this?
My issue was that i had the favicon in a map - folder)
but i tried to upload it without a folder just the icon into root of dolphin..
And now its working lol :D 
If you read again maybe you will see i said root ?
what i meant was into root directory: public_html"
better ???
Oh! okay but it doesn't matter now because everything is working as it should...:) so much to do.... |
Oh! okay but it doesn't matter now because everything is working as it should...:)
Okay glad its working, good luck have a great day :)
Hi, I actually do have favicon in the right place (root folder) and see it working in Chrome, in Firefox there is an outline ??? but not the favicon, and there is nothing in IE.
Any news to the favicon issue I have followed all directions and have the same problem
When I had some problems with favicon, was because I rename the picture.ico and it MuST have call favicon.ico.
Hope to help you with this.
I placed "favicon.ico" in root folder, and added "<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"/>" in /templates/base/header.html page in "head" tag. But it's not showing in any of the browser... |
Try cleaning browser cache too. Safari works the fastest, I.E. and Firefox take a while. |
Try cleaning browser cache too. Safari works the fastest, I.E. and Firefox take a while.
Isn't it little late to reply but anyway good work 
so much to do.... |
ROFLMFAOP - I just went through this last week - Make your favicon name Favicon.ico - you must use a capital F. then, in your _header.html file, add the following code:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://your-domain.com/Favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
caredesign.net |
Thanks :) You're right, a little late to reply, but I just came across this because I had the same issues, and thought it would be nice to contribute something for once to a forum because I am not a tech guru and always take from them ;)
I have spent hours on this and thought FF and Chrome took forever because Safari and IE worked fine, but was wrong. I had to add the "http://www." for it to actually work on FF and Chrome. But it works now :)
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.mysite.com/favicon.ico" />
But what if there is nothing (Only 2 empty lines) in the _header.html? |
Best place to make your Favicons. http://realfavicongenerator.net/
After You Favicon is made they will give you a code to place in your header file before the closing tag. Also give you an option to place your pictures for all the pictures in a folder. Very easy and best for all devices.
Figured out why there is nothing in there; I did not open the file in UTF-8! |
Best place to make your Favicons. http://realfavicongenerator.net/
After You Favicon is made they will give you a code to place in your header file before the closing tag. Also give you an option to place your pictures for all the pictures in a folder. Very easy and best for all devices.
I also am using a animated favicon. The website does not support them. (I already have a favicon.ico file in my root directory)