Thanks a lot in advance for the help
i had to delete all the files and start from scratch because i still had issues with images and i have come up to the source of the problems
During the install
I get to the paths part of install
It can not find the path
Can not find the files in question in the ftp folders
i pasted the errors below
Path to php binary : /usr/local/bin/php ( not found )
Description: You should specify full path to your PHP interpreter here.
Path to php mogrify: /usr/local/bin/mogrify ( not found )
If convert mogrify doesn't exist please install ImageMagick
Path to php convert: /usr/local/bin/convert ( not found )
If convert binary doesn't exist please install ImageMagick
Path to php composite: /usr/local/bin/composite ( not found )
If convert binary doesn't exist please install ImageMagick