Hi I have searched for this problem but have found no answer.
Basically I have a working installation of Dolphin, with licenses added and folder permissions correct, but when I navigate to certain parts of the site the links appear to be broken.
This is true for photos, videos, groups and classifieds.
Additionally the forum appears to echo the template file to the browser rather than parse it.
This is obviously an installation / configuration error, can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
This is true for photos, videos, groups and classifieds.
Are you sure that it's for all of the above?
Videos, Groups, Forums and some other items only work if you have Ray and/or Orca installed as well. But the photos and classifieds should work fine if you only installed dophin all by itself.
Greetings from Germany
Hi, and thanks for the reply.
It effects the directories shown - basically the links on the sites main page give the following 404 messages.
The requested URL /myserver/photo/all/10/1 was not found on this server.
The requested URL /myserver/video/all/10/1 was not found on this server.
The requested URL /myserver/groups/all was not found on this server.
The sub-directories photo and video do not exist, and whilst the directory groups exists, it does not have a sub-directory 'all' within it.
The forum simply displays as below.
I'm pretty confident that the installation was carried out ok, but perhaps I missed something?
With thanks in advance.
Partial dump of forum page:-
<div id="FloatDesc" style="position:absolute;display:none;z-index:100;"></div> <div id="login_div" class="login_ajax" onclick="var t = ( event.target || event.srcElement ); if ( t == this ) $('#login_div').hide();"></div> <div style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;width:1px;height:1px;"></div> <div class="main" style="width: 960px"> <!-- top --> <!--<div class="topestMenuWrapper">--> <div class="topestMenu"> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/links.php" class="menu_item_link" >Links</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/news.php" class="menu_item_link" >News</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/contact.php" class="menu_item_link" >Contact Us</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/about_us.php" class="menu_item_link" >About us</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/privacy.php" class="menu_item_link" >Privacy</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/terms_of_use.php" class="menu_item_link" >Terms</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/faq.php" class="menu_item_link" >FAQ</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/story.php" class="menu_item_link" >Add feedback</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/tellfriend.php" class="menu_item_link" onclick="return launchTellFriend();">Invite a friend</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/#" class="menu_item_link" onclick="addBookmark(); return false;">Bookmark</a> </div> <!--</div>--> <div class="topBlock"> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/"><img src="http://localhost/veedubber/media/images/logo.gif" class="mainLogo" alt="logo" /></a> <div class="topMemberBlock"> <div class="thumbnail_block" style="float:right;position:relative;"> <img style="width: 45px; height: 45px; background-image: url(http://localhost/veedubber/templates/tmpl_uni/images/icons/man_small.gif);" src="http://localhost/veedubber/templates/base/images/icons/spacer.gif" alt="" /> </div> <div class="hello_member">Hello, <b>admin</b>!</div> <div class="hello_actions"> <span><a href="http://localhost/veedubber/admin/index.php">Admin Panel</a></span> <span><a href="http://localhost/veedubber/logout.php?action=admin_logout">Log Out</a></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="topMenuWrapper"> <table class="topMenu" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/index.php" showsub="#subMenu_5">Home</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/browse.php" showsub="#subMenu_6">Members</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/blogs" showsub="#subMenu_44">Blogs</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/photo/all/10/1" showsub="#subMenu_41">Photos</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/video/all/10/1" showsub="#subMenu_28">Videos</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/groups/all" showsub="#subMenu_22">Groups</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/ads" showsub="#subMenu_31">Classifieds</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/events" showsub="#subMenu_51">Events</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/polls.php" showsub="#subMenu_56">Polls</a> </td> <td> <b showsub="#subMenu_48">Forums</b> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/articles" showsub="#subMenu_59">Articles</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/board.php" showsub="#subMenu_33">Boards</a> </td> <td> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/chat.php" showsub="#subMenu_32">chat</a> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="subMenusContainer"> <div class="subMenu" id="subMenu_9" style="display: none"> <div class="subMenuOvr"> <h2></h2> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/" >view profile</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/photo/gallery/all/" >Photos Gallery</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/video/gallery/all/" >Video Gallery</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/music/gallery/all/" >Music Gallery</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/blogs/posts/" >Blog</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/guestbook.php?owner=0" >Guestbook</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/viewFriends.php?iUser=0" >Member Friends</a> </div></div> <div class="subMenu" id="subMenu_5" style="display: none"> <div class="subMenuOvr"> <h2>Home</h2> </div></div> <div class="subMenu" id="subMenu_6" style="display: none"> <div class="subMenuOvr"> <h2>Members</h2> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/browse.php" >All Members</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/search.php" >Search</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/search.php?online_only=1" >Online</a> <a href="http://localhost/veedubber/rate.php" >Hot or Not</a> </div></div> <div
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Sorry, the forum seems to ignore my formatting.
The text I posted above has dumped the whitespace I added.
This has made it hard to read.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
It looks to me like a faulty installation.
If you just installed the free version of dolphin I'd delete the whole darn thing and start over. That's what I initially did ... set it up as a test domain, to see if this is really what I was looking for and to test the application before committing myself to running this project publically. Also doublecheck all of the requirements, folder permissions, file permissions, etc. If the installation went alright you should have gotten a "success, now log yourself in" message.
How about some help here guys and gals? I'm thinking that it's the installation and/or perhaps not all of the requirements being met ... ???
Greetings from Germany
Once again, thanks for the reply
You are exactly right - I'm running this on my development server to review it before using it in anger. deleting it isn;t a problem. In fact, It is the second installation today :) the first time I messed up a few file permissions and the result wasn't pretty, so the second time around I made sure I followed the instructions to the letter. Unfortunately I hit the problems noted so I decided to get some pointers.
I will give the install another go as it doesn't take to long to do, but I'm puzzled as to how the missing directories will magically appear :)
I have downloaded another copy of the package but this too is also missing the required folders.
I Will try again and see how I go, but any help welcomed.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Created new database + user
Copied Dolphin-v.6.1.4-Free.zip to my server
Unpacked it
Renamed folder to 'dolphin'
Navigated to install script
Modified all file permissions as per http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DetailedInstall#Permissions
Checked permissions - all ok
Checked scripts / paths - all found
Added database name / password
Added site details
Ignored CRON job setup
Skipped permissions change
Deleted install directory
Same problem still persists.
Same directories still missing.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Just as a test I decided to try and upload some images in case the script needed an image uploaded to trigger it. The process seemed to fail as the URL /dolphin/photo/gallery/test was not found. However the test images I uploaded are now displayed in the photo gallery block on the main page.
It appears that the images are thumbnailed and stored elsewhere.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Just tried again - this time I ensured that the root directory was set to 777
Still the same.
I presume the photo directory etc are created programmatically - which script is responsible for this?
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Maby a tip, uploading everything into binairy mode... check the persmissions as give by the installation. Check if your servers php is compiled with all needed elements. included mbstring and xslt. (orca need xslt)
Sometimes there are missing maps, who are not uploaded.. Thats why I advise upload map for map to server. Kids first |
Thanks Killerhaai - I recompiled my server to include the php-xsl module - this has fixed the issue with the forum.
The other issue however is still not solved.
I have direct access to the server and so do not use FTP to transfer the files - plus the compressed archive was transferred and then unpacked on the server so ascii / binary transfer issues is not the problem.
Can anyone confirm how these directories are / should be created??
If someone want's to point me in the right direction I can probably solve the issue myself - but I dont really want to trudge through 1000's of lines of code to find out how it works / should work
My initial thoughts are that they should be included within the downloaded archive but are not. can smeone confirm if this is the case?
Cheers. .
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
You shouldn't have to manually create any directories ... Dolphin should set up everything that you need during the install. Also, did you remember to delete the install folder after the installation? It's part of the instructions.
It has to be a server issue, either something missing/not set right for dolphin to work properly, or missing some of the folder/file permissions during setup. There's just no other explanation that would make sense. FTP, unpacking, etc. are not to blame and the step by step instructions are pretty much dummy proof. But if you miss some folder/file permissions I could see where you might get errors like yours (and I'm by no means a certified server admin). In the past I've experience problems with duplicate usage of the same DB. During each of my 3 dolphin installations on the same server I always deleted the old DB and then created a new one with a different name.
Also, I do believe, and perhaps someone can correct me on this, that the cron jobs need to be set up properly too right away, for everything to work correctly. Perhaps your problem can be found in the crons ... ??? Hey sammie, any thoughts or ideas on this ???
Greetings from Germany
Go to admin panel>Settings>>Permanent Links and uncheck all then refresh your site and see if you still receive 404 error.If you dont receive 404 error after performing the above step this mean that your host did not enable mod_rewrite.If you still receive 404 error try replacing all the .htacess file in all folders with the original .htacess files from dolphin package. |
i am having the same problem where most of the pages, i.e. photos, videos, etc, do not load and i get the following error.
Not Found
The requested URL /home/com/mysite.com/html/browsePhoto.php was not found on this server.
if any one has a solution to this, please pass it along. thanks.
The cron jobs appeared to be simply mailing out stats, there's nothing in them that creates directories, they are also recommended to be set at intervals of 10 minutes / 1 hour and 1 day. IMO It would be VERY bad practice to put part of the installation in a cron job.
To put it simply, I don't really want / need to add them as this is only a test installation to evaluate the software.
Esteem's Mod-Rewrite comment made me actually look in the root htaccess file, all URL's are redirected - The folders are not meant to exist, this type of URL re-direction is a way of 'prettyfying' links - IMO not really needed and an uneccesary complication and overhead.But at least I am now on the right track.
There appears to be an issue with either the mod-rewrite on my server, or potentially the syntax in the htaccess file as the redirect is not working. I will check it later.
Thanks for all of your help.
I will let you know what I find.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Just to let everyone know for future reference, this is what I found.
The mod_rewrite function on my server is not working correctly - phpinfo shows it as enabled but it simply doesn't work. It is more than likely a configuration error - but one that I don;t have time to fix.
My solution was to disable this finctionaility in Dolphin instead.
To do this follow the instructions above by esteem - this will disable 'permalinks' but it will not change the actual links so that they revert to the normal style.
To do this the links will need to be 'recompiled'
You will need to go to Admin > builders > navigation menu builder and 'move' the blocks to recompile them.
Yup, you read right. - literally move them.
Obviously the permalinks function is half baked and this additional step is required (probably to update the database is my guess)
It's about the same as the half baked compile language function in the forums.
I hope that these issues are addressed in version 7.
I now have a working copy on my local server - it doesn't need cron jobs and it doesn't need mod_rewrite.
I like the functionality offered by Dolphin and it fits the current project I am working on, but to be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that I had some spare time to address these issues I would have binned it. It has been frustrating that the support has been zero (no offense to the other users that helpfully contributed) and that the software adapts several features that cause compatibility problems - ie mod_rewrite, php_short_tags, inline coding, not to mention poor coding with the recompile issues for the forum and permalinks. At the very least it should display a message alerting to the user that they need to be recompiled - but there is actually no reason not to do this automatically.
mod_rewrite can simply be disabled by default - this would improve compatibility and increase the user-base as a result - then if people wanted the functionality they could enable it.
short_tags is simply bad coding practice - usually as a result of lazyness (which also applies to inline coding) again, both lead to compatibility problems and reduce the user-base as the number of machines that the product can run on is limited.
I have read that with Dolphins advanced features an advanced server is required - don't be fooled, much of this can be fixed by addressing issues such as those above.
Just my 02c
PS - this issue with TINY MCE not processing blank lines correctly is VERY annoying and pretty much fundamental to it's operation - the whole idead of a WYSIWYG editor is that 'what you see is what you get' not 'what you see is what you get less some formatting that the coder could not cater for'.
Currently this is one major reason that will prevent me from deploying dolphin.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
I just had this same issue. Struggled with fixing it for days now. However, I noticed that if you go to the Top Menu Builder and edit each pages location by adding '/' in front of it, the issue is fixed.
Example of Old Link: browseVideo.php|viewVideo.php
Example of New Link: /browseVideo.php|viewVideo.php
That fixed all of the issues I was having! Other than that it all works perfectly! Hope this helps you! 
Hi guys!
I only wanted to say thank you for the solutions you brought. I had the same issue and you guys helped me solve it!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Once again, thanks for the reply
You are exactly right - I'm running this on my development server to review it before using it in anger. deleting it isn;t a problem. In fact, It is the second installation today :) the first time I messed up a few file permissions and the result wasn't pretty, so the second time around I made sure I followed the instructions to the letter. Unfortunately I hit the problems noted so I decided to get some pointers.
I will give the install another go as it doesn't take to long to do, but I'm puzzled as to how the missing directories will magically appear :)
I have downloaded another copy of the package but this too is also missing the required folders.
I Will try again and see how I go, but any help welcomed.
After reading all these posts i am thinking to myself, i don't get it. You should not be having this many problems installing dolphin.
So you mentioned this is your development server. I would like to ask what are you running for a OS.
I ask so i can setup a test server of my own using the same thing. Just something i do to try and reproduce problems people have.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I just had this same issue. Struggled with fixing it for days now. However, I noticed that if you go to the Top Menu Builder and edit each pages location by adding '/' in front of it, the issue is fixed.
Example of Old Link: browseVideo.php|viewVideo.php
Example of New Link: /browseVideo.php|viewVideo.php
That fixed all of the issues I was having! Other than that it all works perfectly! Hope this helps you! 
This is the REAL FIX!!
Thanks pal!
I just had this same issue. Struggled with fixing it for days now. However, I noticed that if you go to the Top Menu Builder and edit each pages location by adding '/' in front of it, the issue is fixed.
Example of Old Link: browseVideo.php|viewVideo.php
Example of New Link: /browseVideo.php|viewVideo.php
That fixed all of the issues I was having! Other than that it all works perfectly! Hope this helps you! 
This is the REAL FIX!!
Thanks pal!
Se code below, maybe you have not completed with /
$site['url'] = "http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/";
You can check it here: inc/header.inc.php