Installation - ffmpeg.exe - Unexecutable


Iam having a problem installing the dolphin I did change the permissions to 755 but the problem is that my hosting does not allow .exe filles. Does any one could tell me how can I continue with installation and changing the ffmpeg.exe.

for something els in order to continue with my installation. Bellow is the sample of the reading in the permission section of the initial installation window.

ray/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe Unexecutable


Quote · 16 Jul 2009

The permissions for that are 777 not 755.

But if your host does not allow executables, then many of the ray modules for media will not work correctly. You should really find a host that is compatiable with dolphin.
Quote · 16 Jul 2009



I fell that maybe a replace for ffmpeg.exe as for the 777 it is correct. As for the hosting ist is a shere hosting and they do not allow exe files. any other sujections as for a software semilar to dolphin!

Quote · 16 Jul 2009

Software simliar to Dolphin that does not require .exe file executions and will still enable you to run a social networking site?


Where did I see that? 




Oh yeah... Now I remember...


you can find it at


Just build a profile there and maybe you might be able to throw up an ad on it and make a few pennies a year...



Quote · 16 Jul 2009

It seam that dolphic software is not stable and may hosting company does not allow it to used it with the .exe extention. Why you  do spend some time working on a possible extention to the mmfpeg.exe to be used in any hosting. 

Quote · 16 Jul 2009

Your host is listed as an Idiot.  Dolphin is extremely stable, until stuck on an unstable server.  The real issue here is the webmaster, your attemptin to run a script that demands triple 6 & 7 permissions in a shared environment where any other webmaster on the same server can pop into it.  Either go get a real server, VPS or Dedicated from this host or go get a new host.  Quit trying to create a paid site on a free hosting plan using a free script and refusing to pay for anything.  You get nothing for free in this world, and when you go cheap you get exactly what you would of gotten for free.

Quote · 16 Jul 2009

I installed dolphin and was wondering why the index.php would never work after I installed the thing.


Oh look...


 the tags on the pages ...




and not




Hmmmmmm oh well, woest me...

Quote · 17 Jul 2009

<? is a valid start tag for php. It is the short version.

To fix you need to enable short tag support for your version of PHP.

It is a option available in your PHP.ini file.
Quote · 17 Jul 2009


I installed dolphin and was wondering why the index.php would never work after I installed the thing.


Oh look...


 the tags on the pages ...




and not




Hmmmmmm oh well, woest me is a smart ass idiot....

 I corrected his post for him deano, seems the forums are filled lately with newbie experts who forgot their phd's are useless inside of Dolphin.  Oh well, he can keep swimming on his own with that attitude.

Quote · 17 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.