Installation problems -

Hi all,

I'm trying out Dolphin for the first time and having problems. I want to take a look, get this up and running on a domain to check viability before shelling out cash but after installation I'm getting nowhere.

Part of the problem is that I'm new to php - previous experience was working with .net but I'm looking to head to the other side :).

I've tried to install the free version of Dolphin on a server with a domain. All went well until after the Cron job page (which was empty) I received the following error:

Warning: require_once( [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/www/vhosts/ on line 39

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '' (include_path='.:.:.:') in /usr/local/www/vhosts/ on line 39

Having looked through this forum I can't find anything specifically like this but did learn enough to have a look through at some of the important files. For example:

  • There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the /inc/ file; but
  • the inc/ file is completely empty.

Could anyone point me in the right direction? I have already uninstalled and re-installed with the same result. I bet it's something small and easy, but I can't see it!

Any help gratefully received.

Quote · 11 Aug 2009

inc/ is the absolute brain of your script. the install has to write it and insert it for you. thats not happening

when its empty nothing will work.

cntact your host and ask them why this wont work:

fputs ( $fp, $aConf['headerTempl'] );
fclose ( $fp );
chmod( $aConf['dolFile'], 0666 );

Your host will not let you write or something. You can try a new host or insert this into inc/ with your details:


$site['ver']               = '6.1';
$site['build']             = '6';
$site['title']             = '';
$site['url']               = "";
$admin_dir                 = "admin";
$site['url_admin']         = "{$site['url']}$admin_dir/";
$site['url_aff']           = "{$site['url']}aff/";
$site['profileImage']      = "{$site['url']}media/images/profile/";
$site['profileBackground'] = "{$site['url']}media/images/profile_bg/";
$site['profileSound']      = "{$site['url']}media/sound/";
$site['profileVideo']      = "{$site['url']}media/video/";
$site['sharingImages']     = "{$site['url']}media/images/sharingImages/";

$site['mediaImages']       = "{$site['url']}media/images/";
$site['gallery']           = "{$site['url']}media/images/gallery/";
$site['flags']             = "{$site['url']}media/images/flags/";
$site['blogImage']         = "{$site['url']}media/images/blog/";
$site['sdatingImage']      = "{$site['url']}media/images/sdating/";
$site['smiles']            = "{$site['url']}media/images/smiles/";
$site['banners']           = "{$site['url']}media/images/banners/";
$site['imagesPromo']       = "{$site['url']}media/images/promo/";
$site['tmp']               = "{$site['url']}tmp/";
$site['preCheckout']       = "{$site['url']}checkout/pre_checkout.php";
$site['plugins']           = "{$site['url']}plugins/";
$site['base']              = "{$site['url']}templates/base/";

$site['email']             = "";
$site['email_notify']      = "";
$site['bugReportMail']     = "";

$dir['root']               = "/usr/local/www/vhosts/";
$dir['inc']                = "{$dir['root']}inc/";
$dir['profileImage']       = "{$dir['root']}media/images/profile/";
$dir['profileBackground']  = "{$dir['root']}media/images/profile_bg/";
$dir['profileSound']       = "{$dir['root']}media/sound/";
$dir['profileVideo']       = "{$dir['root']}media/video/";
$dir['sharingImages']      = "{$dir['root']}media/images/sharingImages/";

$dir['mediaImages']        = "{$dir['root']}media/images/";
$dir['gallery']            = "{$dir['root']}media/images/gallery/";
$dir['flags']              = "{$dir['root']}media/images/flags/";
$dir['blogImage']          = "{$dir['root']}media/images/blog/";
$dir['sdatingImage']       = "{$dir['root']}media/images/sdating/";
$dir['smiles']             = "{$dir['root']}media/images/smiles/";
$dir['banners']            = "{$dir['root']}media/images/banners/";
$dir['imagesPromo']        = "{$dir['root']}media/images/promo/";
$dir['tmp']                = "{$dir['root']}tmp/";
$dir['cache']              = "{$dir['root']}cache/";
$dir['plugins']            = "{$dir['root']}plugins/";
$dir['base']               = "{$dir['root']}templates/base/";
$dir['classes']            = "{$dir['inc']}classes/";

$video_ext                 = 'avi';
$MOGRIFY                   = "/usr/bin/mogrify";
$CONVERT                   = "/usr/bin/convert";
$COMPOSITE                 = "/usr/bin/composite";
$PHPBIN                    = "/usr/local/bin/php";

$db['host']                = 'localhost';
$db['sock']                = '';
$db['port']                = '';
$db['user']                = 'user';
$db['passwd']              = 'pass';
$db['db']                  = 'dbname';

define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC', $dir['inc']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT', $dir['root']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_BASE', $dir['base']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CACHE', $dir['cache']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES', $dir['classes']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS', $dir['plugins']);

define('DATABASE_HOST', $db['host']);
define('DATABASE_SOCK', $db['sock']);
define('DATABASE_PORT', $db['port']);
define('DATABASE_USER', $db['user']);
define('DATABASE_PASS', $db['passwd']);
define('DATABASE_NAME', $db['db']);

//check requirements
$aErrors = array();

$aErrors[] = (ini_get('register_globals') == 0) ? '' : '<font color="red">register_globals is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)</font>';
$aErrors[] = (ini_get('safe_mode') == 0) ? '' : '<font color="red">safe_mode is On, disable it</font>';
//$aErrors[] = (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 0) ? 'Off (warning, better keep this parameter in On to able register Dolphin' : '';
$aErrors[] = (((int)phpversion()) < 4) ? '<font color="red">PHP version too old, update server please</font>' : '';
$aErrors[] = (! extension_loaded( 'mbstring')) ? '<font color="red">mbstring extension not installed. <b>Warning!</b> Dolphin cannot work without <b>mbstring</b> extension.</font>' : '';

if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2", ">") == 1) {
$aErrors[] = (ini_get('allow_url_include') == 0) ? '' : '<font color="red">allow_url_include is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)</font>';

$aErrors[] = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? '' : '<font color="red">get_magic_quotes_gpc is Off, enable it</font>';

if (((int)phpversion()) >= 5) { //PHP v5
$aErrors[] = (class_exists('XsltProcessor')) ? '' : '<font color="red">XsltProcessor is Off, you should install XsltProcessor</font>';
} else { //PHP v4
$aErrors[] = (function_exists('domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file')) ? '' : '<font color="red">XsltProcessor is Off, you should install XsltProcessor</font>';
$aErrors[] = (function_exists('xslt_create')) ? '' : '<font color="red">XsltProcessor is Off, you should install XsltProcessor</font>';

$aErrors = array_diff($aErrors, array('')); //delete empty
if (count($aErrors)) {
$sErrors = implode(" <br /> ", $aErrors);
echo <<<EOF
{$sErrors} <br />
Please go to the <br />
<a href="">Dolphin Troubleshooter</a> <br />
and solve the problem.

//check correct hostname
$aUrl = parse_url( $site['url'] );
if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != $aUrl['host'] and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != $aUrl['host'] . ':80' )
header( "Location:http://{$aUrl['host']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" );

// check if install folder exists
if ( file_exists( $dir['root'] . 'install' ) )
$ret = <<<EOJ
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">
<title>Dolphin Smart Community Builder Installed</title>
<link href="install/general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<div id="main">
<div id="header">
<img src="install/images/boonex_logo.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div id="content">
<div class="installed_pic">
<img alt="Dolphin Installed" src="install/images/dolphin_installed.jpg" />

<div class="installed_text">
Please, remove INSTALL directory from your server and reload this page to activate your community site.
echo $ret;

// set error reporting level
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 0);

// set default encoding for multibyte functions

//--- Ray Integration ---//
require_once($dir['root'] . "ray/modules/global/inc/");
require_once($dir['root'] . "ray/modules/global/inc/");
//--- Ray Integration ---//

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 11 Aug 2009

Hi mrpowless,

Great, thanks. I've added these details with the DB info into the file. For whatever reason the host won't accept the file or let me write to it so I'll get on to the host and see why this is as the permissions should be fine.

Hopefully once these details are on there it'll work!



Quote · 12 Aug 2009

Yep, once I get that sorted out it all worked. Realised, when I got a proper error message, that one of the problems was the size allocated for my account - only 25 Mb and dolphin went to around 27Mb.

Thanks - not I have to play and find the admin screens. :)

Quote · 13 Aug 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.