Installing Dolphin

I click next after all permissions are green and the next scree is blank. Can someone help me?

ScreenshotDolphin.png · 380.6K · 198 views
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

Whenever you see a solid white screen it is normally because you have display errors turned off in php and an error happened. Turn it on in your php.ini and try again.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

Pm me, i will help you install your dolphin..

"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

Ok errors are on and now im getting this.

I checked them all and the paths are correct and there is no popen settings in my php.ini

2nd screenshot.png · 90.7K · 211 views
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

Two issues.

1) You seem to be trying to run the site on a Windows server. Dolphin runs best on a Linux based hosting system. Under windows you will have additional problems with rewrite rules that will have to be addressed.

2) This is the current issue. The server your trying to install dolphin on does not meet dolphins requirements. Namely in this case the open_basedir restriction thats in place, and the fact that popen is disabled.

These are dolphins requirements.

As things are now, dolphin will not run on your host.

You may want to consider proper dolphin hosting such as zarconia
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

First off your delivery is not professional at least

Second I have had Dolphin installed on this machine since 2006 I upgraded some parts and reinstalled windows Dolphin was running before....... So next point please

Quote · 13 Apr 2015

My server meets all of these requirements

Server Requirements

  • Linux/Unix (Red Hat, Debian, FreeBSD, Mandrake, etc.) or Windows OS
  • Apache v.1.3 and higher or LiteSpeed web server. Other web servers can be used too, but custom rewrite rules are required, we have one for nginx web server.
  • PHP 5.2.0 or higher. PHP-CLI (command line version) should also be installed, and it should be configured the same way and have the same extensions required by Dolphin as the DSO/CGI version.
  • register_globals must be Off
    safe_mode must be Off
    exec() (executable files) must be allowed
    short_open_tag must be On
    allow_url_fopen should be On
    allow_url_include should be Off
    open_basedir should not have any value
    memory_limit should be 128M or higher
  • mbstringmysqlmysqlicurlgdxslt extensions must be installed.
  • The magic_quotes_gpc option must be disabled for Dolphin 7.x, but enabled for Dolphin 6.x.
  • If a security module is installed (such as mod_security for Apache), it should be able to be configured for specific folders (or disabled).
  • mod_rewrite for Apache
  • Direct connection to should be able to be established (i.e. connection without requiring proxy authorization). This is required for license verification.
  • Sendmail or Postfix programs for sending emails.
  • You should be able to run executable files (you would need it for ffmpeg.exe, which converts videos).

Server Requirements for Media Streaming

Some of Dolphin's features (such as Flash Chat, Flash IM, Boards, Video Recorder, Video Comments) require media streaming capabilities. To use those, you need to make sure that the following requirements are met:

  • VPS or Dedicated server is generally required in order to be able to install and run RMS (Ray Media Server). You would need access to the root or administrator account on the hosting server.
  • JRE (Java Runtime Environment) ver. 1.6 or higher should be installed.
  • Ports 19351936 and 5080 should be open on the server.
  • Allowance of at least 15 KB/sec for media streaming for each user.
Quote · 13 Apr 2015


Very well, if that's that way you want to be.
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

These are my servers software versions

Server OS:
Apache Version:
PHP Version:
MySQL Version:
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

No it does not.

The error says there is a open_basedir restriction in place. Which means the open_basedir value for php is not empty per dolphins requirements.

Also the error says popen is disabled which indicates you have some functions restricted in your php settings.

So sorry, if you believe my report of your errors and the facts to be unprofessional. I was only trying to help as if have for over 6 years. So considering you don't seem to want my help, i will no longer offer it to you. I will let someone else deal with it. I don't need this crap.
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

Sir please reread my above comments 

There are no popen settings in my php and I have attached a screenshot of my open_basedir setting

Untitled.png · 183.2K · 172 views
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

Do you know what php.ini file is?

so much to do....
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

Someone needs to monitor these forums, you have experts with attitudes and treat people as if they are stupid. Yes I know what php.ini is. But its ok without the help of the smartass people on this forum I figured out my own problem. But hey thanks for the support. BTW Dolphin is running on my WINDOWS Server have a wonderful day!!!

Quote · 13 Apr 2015

Good to know have a nice day also :)

God bless..

"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @
Quote · 13 Apr 2015

You're welcome :)

Good Day.

so much to do....
Quote · 13 Apr 2015


Someone needs to monitor these forums, you have experts with attitudes and treat people as if they are stupid. Yes I know what php.ini is. But its ok without the help of the smartass people on this forum I figured out my own problem. But hey thanks for the support. BTW Dolphin is running on my WINDOWS Server have a wonderful day!!!


ralphstrahorn - I read this forum post several times before I decided to comment on it. I do not see where anyone has called you 'stupid' or being a 'smartass' however, I can say that your responses have been quite rude.


You have some of the best PHP developers trying to help guide you to resolving your issues but instead, you choose to ignore or make smart remarks. Nobody knows what kind of experience you have or how knowledgeable you are. So sometimes it's best to start easy. Your screenshot in the second post shows that you have the errors Deano told you about. Nothing unprofessional about that. You can bet with that kind of attitude you have though, you will continue to end up figuring out your own problems. Not a good way to start a relationship with the community who you may need later down the road. Just a thought.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 14 Apr 2015


Two issues.

1) You seem to be trying to run the site on a Windows server. Dolphin runs best on a Linux based hosting system. Under windows you will have additional problems with rewrite rules that will have to be addressed.

2) This is the current issue. The server your trying to install dolphin on does not meet dolphins requirements. Namely in this case the open_basedir restriction thats in place, and the fact that popen is disabled.

These are dolphins requirements.

As things are now, dolphin will not run on your host.

You may want to consider proper dolphin hosting such as zarconia

 So automatically assuming that my system does not meet requirements? The problem was not incompatibility it was some coding issues in the file pathing. I posted here because I figured that I might not have been the only person to see them. I guess I was wrong my apologies.

Quote · 14 Apr 2015

I am not sure if you are hosting this on your own local server or not, but according to your screenshot I referred to, you had 2 errors that were being displayed as disabled:



Looking at the screenshot of your php.ini, you can see that open_basedir is commented out. Since these functions are needed for Dolphin to run properly, it was said that the server didn't meet the requirements. Didn't mean it was impossible to run it on that server, just meant it wasn't configured properly.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 14 Apr 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.