Hi every body, escuse my english...
I test a Dolphin-v.6.1.4-Free AND free ray 3.5 version
I use the rms.boonex.com server successfully (In the video chat the video work).
But in the presence widget if i click on IM image, the popup stop on "connecting".
I don't have error message.
Can you help me please
The video worked? Wow, are u sure? |
I can read/upload a video
I can chat with video
But i can't use the instant messenger.
In presence widget i have the icon but if i click on it, the popup block on "connecting" message
What are your Base Settings in Ray? |
user rms check
Well congrats! You're about in the 1% of the users that can get this to work with those settings. 
I still can't
Yes and neither can i ,I have launched an investigation of my IM not working and my associates and myself can find no reason why IM is non-functuional. |
I tried getting RMS hosting from Cyberxing, but they don't even bother answering the support questions or properly setup the server in any way. I'm looking for another host.
What advanatge do the licenses have over the free version?
I have ask to bonnex to add my website to their list rms user to use rms server.
But IM no work...
I tried getting RMS hosting from Cyberxing, but they don't even bother answering the support questions or properly setup the server in any way. I'm looking for another host.
What advanatge do the licenses have over the free version?
Dont bother with cyberxing. i am paying them to host my chat. it have been 2 months not working. but they dont answer my tickets. i am looking for another host.
There is a trustworthy alternative to Boonex RMS (chat etc) hosting. My clients use this service and I have never (I stress NEVER) had a complaint about the service.
RMS Hosting for Boonex Chat/IM and Video
Hope that helps.
Not all Dolphin webmasters can afford a dedicated server!
There are NO security risks, by using a hosted RMS solution. Period. So the 'kind' of people any other site (on a shared RMS solution) attracts will have absolutley no affect on your site.
Furthermore - running your own RMS server can be a real pain to set up and to keep running. (altho I have not personally installed or run the latest version) It is a modified Red5 server a free media server - so there are other resources out there to help set up and run. Although these are tasks better suited and left for a server admin, not an aspiring webmaster.
So... when you find that Boonex server is overloaded, down or simply not working for you site, find a hosted solution. There really is NO SECURITY RISK... and it frees up your time (and web server resources) for what your site is targetted to.
mydatery does have great points for the free vs ad-free and it is a great savings, as he said -- to go with a contributor license to get rid of those ads.
i want their rms server just for a test.
After i will create a rms server dedicated myself with full licence (adfree)...
But for this moment, i want a demo with all service in production... To see the script.
This is not my service, I am not connected to - nor do I receive any commissions or other perks by recommending them.
There are NO security risk using a shared RMS. Period. Nor will your site/chat/toys be accesible to the members of other sites/toys using that service - each is maintained in it's own environment.
Let me rephrase my previous comment...
"Not all Dolphin webmasters can afford a VPS or a dedicated host"
On standard hosting packages RMS install is not possible. Considering TNT offers monthly plan - it is a great place to start.. prove the concept of your site and when ready/feasible then upgrade to dedicated or VPS where an install of RMS is possible.
Furthermore -- TNT does NOT place ANY ads on ANY toys... not even sure any other RMS service does this... other than Boonex I mean. They run a service customers pay for it... they have no right to -- nor would I recommend any service that did - place ads on the site. Ad space should be 100% controlled and benefit the owner of the site, not the provider of its services.
However, to say the a shared RMS is not a security risk I would beg to differ. We run triple 6 & 7 permissions on many of these toys and have to in order for them to work. When you share an RMS your opening yourself up to all the other sites out there who may or may not scren their members. Whats worse, is you have no idea of what these are sites are or what type of member they're targeting.
What permissions you have on the files within your site have NO RELEVANCE to the RMS server used to stream. To think that members of site -A- have access in any way to the toys and site of site -B- is simply incorrect.
The server process that runs the RMS for each site has its own environment, one is NOT connected to the other. Period. The type of members on one site, or the type of people being targetted by the other sites on a shared RMS solution is irrelevant. One never sees or has access to the members/users/toys of the other sites on a shared RMS. Perhaps if the host connected all those sites to a single running process.. the users of other sites would end up in your chat room - but who would pay someone for that type of service... ? I wouldnt recommend it.
TNT and other outsourced RMS solutions do NOT connect your chat room / IM to other's.
mydatery... this was just a comment post -- I was not/am not promoting any service here... its certainly not MY service. I hope you learned a little more about how this type of service runs, and I am certainly not putting down your comments - you have many good points. I think you may have just been ill-informed about the functionality of shared RMS service, and this has tainted your opinion of it.
It is a GREAT way for a small site/webmaster to get started with Dolphin and offer reliable streaming toys to their site. On a VPS/dedicated - you are right... if they get a pro to install / monitor it, using their own RMS is an option.
This is not my service, I am not connected to - nor do I receive any commissions or other perks by recommending them.
There are NO security risk using a shared RMS. Period. Nor will your site/chat/toys be accesible to the members of other sites/toys using that service - each is maintained in it's own environment.
Let me rephrase my previous comment...
"Not all Dolphin webmasters can afford a VPS or a dedicated host"
On standard hosting packages RMS install is not possible. Considering TNT offers monthly plan - it is a great place to start.. prove the concept of your site and when ready/feasible then upgrade to dedicated or VPS where an install of RMS is possible.
Furthermore -- TNT does NOT place ANY ads on ANY toys... not even sure any other RMS service does this... other than Boonex I mean. They run a service customers pay for it... they have no right to -- nor would I recommend any service that did - place ads on the site. Ad space should be 100% controlled and benefit the owner of the site, not the provider of its services.
However, to say the a shared RMS is not a security risk I would beg to differ. We run triple 6 & 7 permissions on many of these toys and have to in order for them to work. When you share an RMS your opening yourself up to all the other sites out there who may or may not scren their members. Whats worse, is you have no idea of what these are sites are or what type of member they're targeting.
What permissions you have on the files within your site have NO RELEVANCE to the RMS server used to stream. To think that members of site -A- have access in any way to the toys and site of site -B- is simply incorrect.
The server process that runs the RMS for each site has its own environment, one is NOT connected to the other. Period. The type of members on one site, or the type of people being targetted by the other sites on a shared RMS solution is irrelevant. One never sees or has access to the members/users/toys of the other sites on a shared RMS. Perhaps if the host connected all those sites to a single running process.. the users of other sites would end up in your chat room - but who would pay someone for that type of service... ? I wouldnt recommend it.
TNT and other outsourced RMS solutions do NOT connect your chat room / IM to other's.
mydatery... this was just a comment post -- I was not/am not promoting any service here... its certainly not MY service. I hope you learned a little more about how this type of service runs, and I am certainly not putting down your comments - you have many good points. I think you may have just been ill-informed about the functionality of shared RMS service, and this has tainted your opinion of it.
It is a GREAT way for a small site/webmaster to get started with Dolphin and offer reliable streaming toys to their site. On a VPS/dedicated - you are right... if they get a pro to install / monitor it, using their own RMS is an option.
In my opinion, if Dadniel is reccomending it, I would listen. He has done nothing but help the rest of us out without asking for a dime. Its too bad he wasn't making any money from it, he deserves it for all his hard work on these forums. Just my opinion, for what its worth.
Awww. thanks my friend.. But your smile is all the thanks I need for the few little things I have helped you along with.
(there is no icon for embarrassed.. but use your imagination... and place one here.... X )
Talk soon,
Okay, one more time guys.
When you run your site on someone else's RMS your sharing system resources with only god knows how many other sites. In addition, you don't know the content or type of members those sites are drawing in, and opening your door to security issues from there. DON'T DO IT!!!
Just install your own RMS on your site and run it from there. This gives you the full advantage of Ray running the way it should be running, and you'll be amazed at how fast it works, quality of the Audio & Video and overall ease of use.
Now, for Free vs. Ad-Free. One, no annoying Dolphin/Boonex ads on your site that you don't get paid to run. That is the number one advantage of Ad-Free. Instead, you get to control the Ad Content and get paid for running them. That is the reason we all have sites isn't it? In the end it gives your site a cleaner, more professional look to not be running the Boonex Ads.
You an also save money on your licenses by contributing $100 to Boonex. This gives you all of the Ad-Free Licenses for a year for $100 per site that your run. All of them, I believe it's over $300 per year if your not a contributor. So, it only makes sense in my mind to save my money for advertising and site mods by going with Contributor status.
I realy want to run my rms server. but hostgator does not alow me to do it. right now i dont have that much traffic to rent a dedicated one.