For the last 2 days we've been trying to solve the issue concerning the "Error! File Not Found" error. This included a manual install of D7 and manual veriification of the CHMOD'ed folders.
Here's what Joombyte had to say :
The path for our linux server is actually - /usr/bin/php -q /home/radioroc/public_html/periodic/cron.php
Dolphin's default set-up cannot be used because it's windows based.
Joombyte also sent a video to their test site .. that works .. and sent the same exact same video on my site and it doesn't work. Odd thing is, I can see the 1st frame of the video in the "Video Album" preview.
Furthermore, if i send an mp4 video, and I actually get the video player AND the 1st frame of the movie but when I hit play on the players controls nothing works. Timeline of the video remains at 0:00 and video length says 0:00
Joombyte also had this to say after going in my admin panel :
Ok we tested out your site and we are pretty sure either your template or 3rd party mods have caused this path issue. We suggest that you reinstall Dolphin 7 and don't add any 3rd party mods, esp any video ones that links to youtube etc...
I've not installed ANY 3rd party mods. And ironically, the YOUTUBE EMBED function is the only one that works but WE ARE running a template we bought.
They went on and said :
The server logs showed that the file was processed. So it's not crons nor FFMPEG. YOur dolphin cannot find path to that file. Was this Dolphin set-up moved or migrated from a different directory? We suggest you start with a clean install. If not you need to check all your video paths in your PHP files.
The answer to this question is, it was a fresh install, we uploaded the D7 files, ran the install script, everything went ok. Except we had to skip the last step of chmod'ing a folder (name escapes me right now but it's, if i recall correctly, the last step of the install before removing the install directory)
Which php files should I be checking ? Do you D7 experts have any other insight on this ?
Thank you and sorry for the lenghty email.
PS : Joombyte have had GREAT support so far!