Interesting conversation with Joombyte

For the last 2 days we've been trying to solve the issue concerning the "Error! File Not Found" error. This included a manual install of D7 and manual veriification of the CHMOD'ed folders.

Here's what Joombyte had to say :

The path for our linux server is actually - /usr/bin/php -q /home/radioroc/public_html/periodic/cron.php
Dolphin's default set-up cannot be used because it's windows based.

Joombyte also sent a video to their test site .. that works .. and sent the same exact same video on my site and it doesn't work. Odd thing is, I can see the 1st frame of the video in the "Video Album" preview.

Furthermore, if i send an mp4 video, and I actually get the video player AND the 1st frame of the movie but when I hit play on the players controls nothing works. Timeline of the video remains at 0:00 and video length says 0:00

Joombyte also had this to say after going in my admin panel :

Ok we tested out your site and we are pretty sure either your template or 3rd party mods have caused this path issue. We suggest that you reinstall Dolphin 7 and don't add any 3rd party mods, esp any video ones that links to youtube etc...

I've not installed ANY 3rd party mods. And ironically, the YOUTUBE EMBED function is the only one that works but WE ARE running a template we bought.

They went on and said :

The server logs showed that the file was processed. So it's not crons nor FFMPEG. YOur dolphin cannot find path to that file. Was this Dolphin set-up moved or migrated from a different directory? We suggest you start with a clean install. If not you need to check all your video paths in your PHP files.

The answer to this question is, it was a fresh install, we uploaded the D7 files, ran the install script, everything went ok. Except we had to skip the last step of chmod'ing a folder (name escapes me right now but it's, if i recall correctly, the last step of the install before removing the install directory)

Which php files should I be checking ? Do you D7 experts have any other insight on this ?

Thank you and sorry for the lenghty email.

PS : Joombyte have had GREAT support so far!


Quote · 10 Jan 2010


My RMS is with Joombyte too, and I'm experiencing the same issue. So far, I've confirmed that my cron is working (because it sends out email as soon as the video file is uploaded), and ffmpeg=777. One thing I just discovered is that if you follow step by step how the upload is processed by going to "/public_html/flash/modules/video/files" and refreshing it to see its content as soon as you upload a video, then you will find four files created from the upload (see below)


Now, the flv file are 0MB, that's why I see the first frame (jpg file) within the video player when trying to play it, but go to black when you press play. If I'm not wrong, I think the video processing doesn't produce the correct file, or doesnt completes. Below is the cron job result : Cron Result

Let me know what you think, or anyone with suggestion to fix this.



Quote · 12 Jan 2010

I have a question? What are those binary files that is being created for each video? and also you have a db type file in your video/files folder are those being created from embedded videos?

Example You should have





This is my files folder below, only have a couple of uploads, rest are embeded. Unless you put the files there for a purpose?? then something is writing binary files.

.htaccess 179 Bytes 0644
filetext/x-generic 1.flv 567.52 KB 0644
fileimage/x-generic 1.jpg 81.5 KB 0644
fileaudio/x-generic 1.mp4 1016.02 KB 0644
filevideo/mpeg 1.mpg 556 KB 0644
fileimage/x-generic 10_small.jpg 3.64 KB 0644
fileimage/x-generic 11_small.jpg 4.25 KB 0644
fileimage/x-generic 12_small.jpg 4.19 KB 0644
fileimage/x-generic 1_small.jpg 5.51 KB 0644
fileimage/x-generic 3_small.jpg 3.78 KB 0644
fileimage/x-generic 4_small.jpg 2.4 KB 0644
fileimage/x-generic 9_small.jpg 3.62 KB 0644
fileapplication/x-httpd-php get_download.php 726 Bytes 0644
fileapplication/x-httpd-php get_file.php 637 Bytes 0644
fileapplication/x-httpd-php get_mobile.php 586 Bytes 0644
fileapplication/x-httpd-php index.php 83 Bytes 0644
Quote · 13 Jan 2010

Dolphin can't run on their server because it's Window's based?  When exactly did this happen?  I've seen lots of D sites runnin' on Joombyte, I guess you got the only server that won't run it.  Of course I guess this means all the rest of us with Dolphin on Linux machines will not be running our's either according to what this rep told you.


Now of course, he did give you a hint as he went through it all.  Check out your cron jobs and inc/ file paths.

Dolphins default set up likes to look for and call things from:  /usr/local/bin/php and your host is set up to run as /usr/bin/php  I hope your noting the small but important difference in those file paths.

Quote · 13 Jan 2010

I run my D7 on Joombyte with no problems with video. My server is also a Linux server, although they may offer windows with other hosting packages, its not the one I use. The package I have is specifically for Dolphin sites.

For the cron setup, mine is set to use /usr/bin/local/php, but again I may have a different setup then yours.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 13 Jan 2010


My path for my cron "/usr/local/php5/bin/php -q /home/ethiomys/public_html/periodic/cron.php" is working as it sending out emails. The path for my PHP5 was given by my host "Hostforweb" as /usr/local/php5/bin/php. So, are you saying Dolphin is looking for a specific path for the php path (like /usr/local/bin/php)? If that is the case, then what file do I touch to correct than, that asking my host to change the folder for their PHP5 install?


I am on their RMS7 for Dolphin plan, so like you said it should work. Can you tell me the permissions that you've assigned on the 'Flash' folder and is subfolders? Is there any place that I need to check to fix the conversion to flv problem? I know ffmpeg.exe is 777. Also,do you get four files like me when you upload videos? I'm so stuck with this :(

Thank you for both,


Quote · 13 Jan 2010

When did php5 release, last I checked late last year it was still under development.

Also does anyone know if dolphin will work properly with php 5?

Quote · 13 Jan 2010

We need clarify a few things for you here Zak.

1.  RMS Handles things such as Audio/Video Messenger & Chat, Profile Videos (Videos recorded through the system for your profile specifically) and Boards.

2.  Videos Pre-Recorded that you upload to your site are NOT handled by the RMS.

3.  The file path I gave you for inc/ is for php on HFW servers.  I looked at the info given to BenGalf to ask him if it was in the correct place.  Dolphin looks for the path usr/local/bin/php when installing and will error if it's not there.  That is NOT what your talking about here.

4.  If you have Profile Videos that are not properly loading after recorded then that means the RMS has corrupt videos in it and it needs to be cleared before MORE profile videos can be recorded using it. 


**NOTE:  I have been a long supporter of the idea that if you have the means to run your own RMS then I strongly sugget that you obtain a non-shared server (VPS/Dedicated) along with bandwidth, memory & processor and install your own RMS and do NOT lease from someone else.  A perfect example of why you would prefer to run your own is when a bad profile video is recorded on a leased RMS your stuck waiting for the RMS host to clear it.


**NOTE:  Do not change your php path on your site because your attempting to use Profile Videos on a leased RMS it will not do you any good.

Quote · 13 Jan 2010

Sorry for the long delay between my posts.. with all the snow we're getting work is kinda hectic here..:/ so here goes.

My issue was resolved by Mauricecano(who I thank publicly here for helping me out)

As clear as it may seem for experienced users of D6 who migrated to D7 .. for newbies like me(or is it just me? LOL!). The "Approving Feature" of D7 was somewhat not clear. I had unchecked the feature from my modules/videos/settings menu option .. and I was under the impression that I needed to approve ANY video that was being sent to my D7 site. Now, logically, it makes sense that if you're approving a video BEFORE it gets processed correctly by the RMS .. it comes in conflict and the processing of the video stops. That was MY error.. (code 18 .. problem is/was at 18 inches from the screen) .. Now that i've stopped approving videos everything is working fine and i let the RMS do the work and it WILL publish the video once it is done processing and the "Error! File not found" has disappeared.

Once again thanks to Mauricecano for the heads up on this.

Quote · 13 Jan 2010


Dolphin can't run on their server because it's Window's based?  When exactly did this happen?  I've seen lots of D sites runnin' on Joombyte, I guess you got the only server that won't run it.  Of course I guess this means all the rest of us with Dolphin on Linux machines will not be running our's either according to what this rep told you.

Now of course, he did give you a hint as he went through it all.  Check out your cron jobs and inc/ file paths.

Dolphins default set up likes to look for and call things from:  /usr/local/bin/php and your host is set up to run as /usr/bin/php  I hope your noting the small but important difference in those file paths.

I think he mentionned completely the opposite. He mentionned that the default path for the cron job on D7 was for a Windows bas environment and they were using a Linux based environment.

I don't fiddle with the installation of Dolphin on my production site. I let Joombyte do the work for me as they know the in & outs of their servers so I'm assuming they know, more than me, the path to their php folder but I DID NOTE it .. just in case.

Thanks for the reply.

Quote · 13 Jan 2010


I run my D7 on Joombyte with no problems with video. My server is also a Linux server, although they may offer windows with other hosting packages, its not the one I use. The package I have is specifically for Dolphin sites.

For the cron setup, mine is set to use /usr/bin/local/php, but again I may have a different setup then yours.


The DEFAULT CRON JOB they've installed for me is : /usr/bin/php -q /home/my root/public_html/periodic/cron.php maybe that could be an issue as well to some other problems i'm having right now with database access.

Thanks! I'll send them a ticket for this.. and make sure.

Quote · 13 Jan 2010

Mauricecano :

When did php5 release, last I checked late last year it was still under development.

Also does anyone know if dolphin will work properly with php 5?

That's a VERY good question. If D7 is NOT optimized for PHP5, well that's maybe WHY alot of us are having issues but on the flipside, Zarcon uses the same provider as me, and seems to be running his site without any issues and/or hiccups. Since we've solved my "video problem", i've had "a few connectivity" issues with the DB which i'll probably post in another thread if it doesn't get corrected.


Quote · 13 Jan 2010

Maurise, I meant 5.2.3...that's what my host upgraded into....sorry for the confusion.


I'm not going to change the path that was given from HFW, but now you mentioned it, when I checked the path within /inc/, I don't think it is correct to HFW's. Don't you think the following should be changed if my path is "/usr/local/php5/bin/php":

$video_ext                 = 'avi';
$MOGRIFY               = "/usr/bin/mogrify";
$CONVERT              = "/usr/bin/convert";
$COMPOSITE           = "/usr/bin/composite";
$PHPBIN                   = "usr/local/bin/php";

I think that could be the reason why everything works for me, except the video conversion.


Quote · 13 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.