I'm not sure what Boonex is up to in the Websites section here - they seem to be using the sites for some kind of mashup. I didn't put my site there because I didn't like the way they put our member pictures directly on the Boonex site. Now I have just noticed they are doing the same thing with blog posts that appear on the sites. I also didn't realize that that people could write an unsolicited "opinion" of your websites. This seems like the kind of thing that could be rife for abuse - especially here. At least for the kind of sites I plan on building, I don't see much advantage to having my community listed there.
I'm curious what others here think about this - do you like this approach to presentation of your community?
I wouldn't post any of my sites here.. the only members it is going to get you are people from here who create BS accounts that say creative things like "test test test". I guess new people think the "sites" section is a list of Dolphin demo sites and they use them as such. Oh and it will also steer those lovely fake women to you who proclaim their love in the first email to EVERY male member of your site.
About the blog posts and news showing up here.. I guess Boonex isn't familiar with Googles "duplicate" content penalty..
I can't imagine why anyone would want to post their site on boonex.com. All it will get you is a bunch of spammers creating accounts on your site. You'll also have members of this site creating what I call nuisance accounts on your site, for no apparent reason. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
buck, I see your favorite person kmd has his content scraping site listed. Also.... don't you jut love those sites that have 11,000 members, and the only person online is the admin? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Personally, I would not post my site too...
One good reason for posting the site is that your site would get a good back-link as boonex.com is a PR6 site :)
PR6 - that's not that good is it? I've got a PR4 |
PR6 - that's not that good is it? I've got a PR4
I would say PR6 and over back-links are pretty good from SEO perspective :)
Don't you just love it how the first two tags there are "boy" and "boys" - I'm not saying those are ped sites - I didn't look too deeply, but I am not getting my sites or my members anywhere near the Boonex website directory. |
PR6 is awesome, Playboy.com is PR6 also. Cal you're PR4 is great too! Anything over PR3 is nice really. I have a site that has a link from EVERY page of the local newspapers website and it's only a PR3.
But about the backlink from here being worth anything, unless the page with the actuall link to your site is a PR6 I wouldn't get excited. I'm guessing those pages that link to your site are PR0 or PR1.
Houston, I haven't seen his scraper yet I'll check it out.. I haven't seen a bottom feeder at his level in my life?!
PR6 is awesome, Playboy.com is PR6 also. Cal you're PR4 is great too! Anything over PR3 is nice really. I have a site that has a link from EVERY page of the local newspapers website and it's only a PR3.
But about the backlink from here being worth anything, unless the page with the actuall link to your site is a PR6 I wouldn't get excited. I'm guessing those pages that link to your site are PR0 or PR1.
Houston, I haven't seen his scraper yet I'll check it out.. I haven't seen a bottom feeder at his level in my life?!
In the 2 last weeks I put a link in facebook and I get from PR3 to PR4, but I think the same Caltrade, by the moment I´m not interesting my users know a lot of boonex.