Hi - couldn't find a discussion of this - maybe it is too new, but is the D7 they just announced any different from the RC5 they came out with yesterday? Since that release came only two days after RC4 was released, I assume most people didn't have time to do it. Can we upgrade directly from RC4 to D7 ?
Thank you
I just asked the same question in his blog. I didnt see any new download links.. so Im assuming D7 Final is the same as RC5. Would like validation on that though.
Nothing to see here |
You will need to upgrade from RC5, and there's upgrade pack for it as well. We had to release frequent last RCs to make sure the package is well-prepared and there's not major issues. Now we made a big nice "underline" adn can proceed to fixing things in "live" mode. Heart Head Hands |
Andrew, Now that D7 has been downloaded, how can we apply the updates? Can we just run the update like we do from RC to RC by removing the install folder and .htaccess from the upgrade folder. Then navigate to www.mysite.com/upgrade?
EDIT: Nevermind, you said there was an upgrade pack. I suppose that link has not been fixed yet. I will wait for it.
Chris de Burg
Nothing to see here |
So if we have RC4, the procedure is to upload the RC5 files, follow the complete upgrade procedure, then upload the all the D7 files and follow the complete upgrade procedures for that as well. Is that correct?
Upgrade instructions are available at this page in Trac
You can see there 7.0 RC5 -> 7.0 in the list.
Generally, the instructions are pretty much the same as previous RC upgrades, but please follow them to be confident.
time to get it installed thank you boonex :) and merry christmas |
Again, at the risk of having my "unity" account deleted, I still don't understand - you have given the upgrade instructions for RC5 to D7, and there is still ambiguous language even in that. Most of us who have been trying to keep up with the upgrades have RC4 I understand, and RC5 was just released yesterday. So are you saying we have to go through the complete RC4 upgrade, and then go through the complete RC5 upgrade - as follows:
1. Download the RC5 files, upload overwriting everything and then apply the update instructions.
2. Download the D7 files, upload overwriting everything and then apply the update instructions.
Is that what we are supposed to do? - or can we skip the first step since everything is being over written anyway. The ambiguous language in the instructions is as follows: "This upgrade will work with RC Versions only" - that at lease implies that it will work with any RC version, and some people here have said that will work, while others have said it won't.
make a server backup of your site like it is now. Then trye the methode you wish. If this give trubbles, set your backup back and do it like we have all.. 4 to 5 to final.
Happy christmas Kids first |
here's what i did RC3-->RC4--->RC5 and all went fine
now im upgrading to the final (still in process) will let you know how it goes
i think the reason they rolled out rc4-rc5 is to make sure the upgrade to final works
I started with a bare cabinet (removed all files from my directories), created a new database and installed the final. Everything seems fine. Just waiting for Arvixe to put up my media server so I can see if that works ok.
The new video is a nice touch and I LOVE the upgrades to the site here.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Final has 11 changes files... all with minor changes. There are NO database changes, other than an sql query that updates the version number from RC5 to final
So... instead of uploading 5,000 file, you can upload just 11 files and run one sql query to update your site. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Unzip and upload, overwriting existing files.
Run this sql query:
INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES ('sys_tmp_version', '7.0.0', 0, 'Temporary Dolphin version ', 'digit', '', '', 0, '') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `VALUE` = '7.0.0';
Recompile language file
Option 2
Upload 15MB zip file
Needlessly overwrite 5,000 files.
Go through entire Boonex upgrade procedure, just to change the version number in the DB
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
LOL. You are probably right.
But there is something to be said about taking out all the old files (and screwed up permissions, and booboos in code adjustments) and installing all new files. It might not accomplish squat but then again, it just might fix that one stupid little glitch that you have spent weeks looking for and finally gave up on.
I ALWAYS feel a little better after I replace all the air in my tires.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Yeah well..... I just replaced every single file at RC4, expecting to play around with it for a while. I'll be damned if I was going to do it all over again for RC5 just for 13 changed files, and again for final with 11 minor file changes, and no db changes.
Indeed there is something to be said for needlessly overwriting 5,000 files...... It's completely asinine. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Did you know that's one of those rare words that can be spelled with one s as well as 2?
Merry Christmas!
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
There's only one correct way. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
houstonlively, I did your option.
Overwriting 11 files and run your sql query.
Worked for me!
Thanks! No I'm using the final!
After a second look, recompiling the language file is an unnessary step. So, the RC5 to Final upgrade is just overwriting the 11 files and runninng the sql query.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
After a second look, recompiling the language file is an unnessary step. So, the RC5 to Final upgrade is just overwriting the 11 files and runninng the sql query.
Thanks HL for these upgrade quick fixes.