Here are the factors that I think will kill Dolphin software:
1- Price too high.
2- Lacking the look and feel of a website (sites based on Dolphin script).
3-Lack of supports. People come here ask a question and rarely got a reply back to resolve their problem.
4- Lacking the good coders, programmers who can make robust modules to make the site looks great with superb, innovative functions.
No it's not dying. But you're pointing out some key issues.
1. That's all relative but could be a barrier for new entrants.
2. There are a lot of templates out there but my advice is that you get hold of a coder to create the layout you want. Possibly basing it on a template that nearly gets it right. As long as Dolphin is flexible enough to be able to be changed. Fine.
3. There are a few heroes out there to support. None mentioned none forgotten. To search for a solution you may finally find something to then discover that it was valid for a version back in 2010. The intention to make the Help great was clearly stated by the team but they may need to build it on something better than Trac.
4. The mod market almost seems cornered today. For a healthy long term supply of good 3rd party mods they need to open up and incentive talent. Without the 3rd party talents it is a clear risk of slow death.
7.1 My favorite number |
I think it is dying...
It is sufforcating because boonex will not implement basic changes such as decent chat functionality (and support) and because users out there in the world dont want to use dolphin sites or any other kind of CMS social network when they already use FB and the others.....
To do any good on Dolphin you need a MASSIVE promotional budget.... I already know the names of those that are going to come back at me with "I have xxx thousands of members" "blah blah blah".... I will be impressed when anyone breaks the genuine 1m members barrier. The I will eat my words....
Just my unpopular 2 cents again lol....
It seems that the same old questions keep getting asked over and over again, which is not the fault of newbies but due to a distinct lack of documentation. Many modules are half-baked and require fixes/hacks to get them working intuitively, although each new update is a step closer to rendering these hacks useless, hence the duplicated posts asking the same old questions. Most of the hacks I find are for outdated versions - I'm using 7.1.0 and I'm finding that most of the hacks are for 7.0.9 and earlier.
These forums seem abandoned by the experienced developers ..
This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine... |
If the world is fixated on FaceSucks, which is horrible about security and privacy and datamining, then we should all close up shop and go home now. Geeks, making the world a better place |
The Dolphin script is better than it ever was. Still plenty of room for improvements, but to say it's dying... no!
The price of the script is not too high, most likely your budget too low, or you lack the skills needed to build/run a website. That would explain your design issues.
There is a paid option to get the site installed for you. This should leave you with a working site that you can start using and further support should not be needed, if you had the knowledge to run such a site. Most issues come from people messing around with the software, without knowing what they're doing. Nothing wrong with that, that is how I started to know Dolphin. I just didn't play around on a live site.
I invested many hours trying to understand the script, by breaking, fixing and changing the code. When I have some time, or sometimes in between other work I check the forums and help people where I can. But why should "the whole world" work for free, except for you? You want to run a profitable website, making you lots of money, but why should I invest my time in that?
I agree that there are people out here that are taking the piss but not everyone. There are also many good people that are trying to help. It would be nice if these people get regonised as well. In most cases even a thank you or confirmation that the issue is resolved is too much to ask. I hardly see anyone leaving a review about services or modules bought. Not even when you randomly give a way $10 vouchers as an insentive.
I also have several modules in the market, most of them came from a need for my own site, but I decided to share these with other sites, through the market.
The Advanced Password Forgot module is a very handy module that improves the way Dolphin handles lost passwords in a much better way than the default password forgot. For example it does not reset the password until confirmation of the password reset and therefore doesn't log the member out when someone resets the password for you. And that for only $12.
The GEO Locator. Also very nice and helps getting your registration numbers up! What it does is track someone's location and displays a map with all the profiles in the area. Seeing local information is what signs people on. Especially chat, dating and socialnetwork sites. It does not only show local information on the map but also fills registration and search forms with country and city information, for only $35.
Ultimate Watermarks module is the only module that adds a transparent watermark to your images. Officially this is not possible using the GD Library, however I manged to get it working for watermark images and text. Selling this for only $45, including a free installation.
I believe all my modules are fair priced and add useful functionality, but I'm not the only one, there are more developers out here that do the same!
Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See for more information |
I wouldn't expect any developer with modules in the market to say that Dolphin is dying ;) This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine... |
I wouldn't expect any developer with modules in the market to say that Dolphin is dying ;)
I don't think it's dying either, it is the fact that it is very stable ATM and the forums slow down.
New members ask the same questions that have been answered over and over, most fail to realize the search feature is really all that is usually needed to get an answer.
I quit answering the same ones, just got tired of the same thing; over and over.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I wouldn't expect any developer with modules in the market to say that Dolphin is dying ;)
I think you missed the point, but as Newton already stated "most fail to realize the search feature" or just don't read what is written.
Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See for more information |
Sorry, which point did I miss? That you spent half of your post shamelessly promoting your modules in the market?
It's a very serious question to which I would like some answers if I'm going to continue using Boonex, spending/ wasting even more money just for Mr B to pull the plug once the experienced developers decide to opt for software that does have good documentation and isn't so frustrating to develop.
Seeing that all of our sites are tethered to Boonex, I believe it's a valid question.
Bye bye Boonex = bye bye website
I wouldn't expect any developer with modules in the market to say that Dolphin is dying ;)
I think you missed the point, but as Newton already stated "most fail to realize the search feature" or just don't read what is written.
This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine... |
If it's half the posts, than the other half are usefull answers 
The points you missed:
1) That I'm just like you a site owner
2) That the script has improved a lot over the past months (that is why I bought a Prime license (to support further development))
3) That in order to make money you have to invest money and time (the ratio depends on your knowledge)
4) That there are several people out there who want to help without ripping you off
5) If you look around there a plenty of useful modules for any site, that are updated
6) Appreciate what someone else is willing to do for you
7) That people should start searching and reading before screaming
Only seven main points you missed out. That just proves my point about the reading 
Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See for more information |
If Boonex was to die tomorrow I could still run, grow and develop my network... Maybe it would be a different case for newbies / non-seasoned users IDK ...
I know newbies ask same things over and over in forums which can be frustrating at times BUT I remember a time when almost all of us was like this. I am not super great at helping others but I try to most times ... it reminds me of where I once was when first starting out.
The biggest issue for me with Dolphin / Boonex is developers releasing modules after modules (I'm not going to throw names into this mix) without them being fully tested and played with by the developer ..then after paying good money (not cheap by any means for some modules) discovering that the most basic functions of some modules don't work at all YET within 5 mins the developer has release more modules on top of this that also don't work fully/
I don't at all think the world is fixated on Facebook ... it has just become the place where people can spy into their friends and family lifes and bitch at everything else!
Rapidly FB is becoming BIG ONLINE TROUBLE and for every good report of things that happens with FB there are even more reports of where they are also failing. The other day I was browsing FB and stumbled across some pictures which really makes me sick inside .... The picture was on a profile of daughters friend >>> a young child about 8 - 9 years old (who my daughter goes school with) was posing in pics nude holding his little manhood like he was a stripper or something for all the world and pedos etc to see! Yes the greatest site in the world allows things like this cause even after reports from myself and other adults I know the pictures are stil there for everyone to see... SICK! In the end I see this going only one way for FB ... there are no excuses they could give good enough for crap like that and not taking immediate actions!
Bye bye Boonex = bye bye website -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Don't get me wrong.... For what it does for the money Dolphin is possibly one of (if not) the best, but it falls short because Boonex allows it to. The script itself is good and solid.... It just has gaping holes that need to be filled...
If these holes were filled and the support and market were controlled and you had enough cash to fill a large van and spent it on promotion and SEO and advertising....... and if FB had a scandal big enoigh to bring it down - then yes, maybe someone on Dolphin would stand a good chance.
I don't think it's 'dying', although has got a little quieter round here since 7.1 and not really picked up.
I think part of the prob was there was a 'gap' in between 7.1 being released, and all the mods being updated meaning anyone who had put hours/weeks/months/years into a site with enough customisation to get close to working as they wanted it to, had a limbo moment in between updating to 7.1 or not...
I bet module sales slowed right down running up to 7.1 as buyers were not sure how long an update might take for module, then after 7.1 there was the 'testing' time where sales prob also stayed low due to many taking a long time to update...
I think one problem Dolphin has, and has always had which really should be the thing they focus on right now is the core interaction modules/facilities on the script such as comments, forum, chat.
These are the places where site users have their own input. Many of the other modules, groups, articles, news, events, are admin centric in content. Ok, so you can allow users to start groups, but i've not really seen a dolphin site where this happens on a big scale...
Where people would interact though is in the 'chat' functions on a site. but...
comments - is sooo limited. its like just sending a plain text message sms on a phone compared to using something like instagram or some snazzy video vine app... it also does not update unless you refresh the page, so there is no flow. its really just for leaving a comment then walking away...
Forum, again, so limited compared to other forums! you have to jump over wall, cross a bridge then do a handstand just to post a photo in a forum post... really its just structured comments!
Chat - well, it's flash. What more do I need to say. We all know how many people use a mobile for 'browsing', and how many will have an iphone... does boonex have something against apple???
Until these things are sorted, no matter how many bells n whistles you fill a market place with, the core script will not 'work' as in the useable, enjoyable sense of the word. It might function, but it won't work...
Until then, I do believe Dolphin is losing users and users are losing interest. How long have we been waiting for this basic things to work...
I believe Dolphin is not dying but moving very slow and I also believe Dolphin does not charge enough.
I won't might paying an extra $1000 or more. But not for that old-fashioned Mobile app, chat and more. Yes! the chat is so bored and Mobile app is so quaint.
Another thing that just came off my mind was the the modules version vs. Dolphin version. In my case, I bought a recipes mod for my 7.09 version, now if I want to upgrade to the latest version I have to abandon that mod. and if you notice, they keep upgrading and upgrading endlessly. As I said before, they should develop an almost perfect version and release like once a year or something. It's a pain in the neck to upgrade a site with 10+ customized mods (if the new version works with the existing mods).
P.s I'm still looking for a book/story mod like those:
Dolphin is hardly dying. 7.1.0 was release near year's end in 2012 and here it is August 2013 and Dolphin is now at 7.1.4. Boonex has been very active on fixing bugs and improving Dolphin 7.1. In fact, we had to ask Boonex to slow down on the releases so we could catch up; so the developers could catch up.
As for the "issues" that we have that Boonex seems to be ignoring, I suggest that we start a round table on this. We all bring in what we think are the issues that need to be addressed and then we pull from that a top ten list; or a top five is that is all we come up with. We each then vote on the ones that should be in the list; yes, I know we all will vote for the ones we enter but the top ten or five will bubble up to the top. We then formally present these issues to Andrew Boon who can then take it to the developers where they will address them on their criteria.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
I bought a recipes mod for my 7.09 version, now if I want to upgrade to the latest version I have to abandon that mod.
not sure the last time you checked that mod but it is 7.1.4 compatible. - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
I bought a recipes mod for my 7.09 version, now if I want to upgrade to the latest version I have to abandon that mod.
not sure the last time you checked that mod but it is 7.1.4 compatible.
He may be talking about mods4dolphin who has recently had his products removed from the Market.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
As for the "issues" that we have that Boonex seems to be ignoring, I suggest that we start a round table on this.
Hello, I been bitchin all this time... I agree
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Here is my take. For what it is worth. I am fairly new to Dolphin, 5 months, so it is a inexperienced look and a new set of eyes.
Dolphin is not priced too high. I would like the ability to reap the value of a increase in price for my investment. Meaning, members should have the ability to sell their permanent licenses. Yes, I worked my site, I developed something successful and now it become time for me to sell my site. Any increase in price should add value to my site, not take away value, because new buyers need to put out money for their own permanent license. If Boonex decides to charge $2000 for their software, my site value should go up accordingly. Right now, it does not. It goes down. In essence, I pay Boonex the new higher license price with a reduction in my selling price of my site. That is wrong. Thank you Boonex for a excellent base platform, but I am the one that is creating value by developing a online community.
On a separate note, many retailers of late have tried the increase in price to maximize profitability while being able to service less, saving on operational costs, but sacrificing market share. My opinion, it is the wrong decision in the long term view. While I know you cannot compete with free software and rely solely on renewals or subscriptions. They will see a customer base shrink as the 3rd party module programmers decrease due to the lack of sales to a ever decreasing customer base. I propose a 50% reduction in the price of the software will attract more customers. Maybe not as much to replace the lost profit, but the long term will be extended. They should also expand their services to make up the loss in revenue. That would be everything else that their website owners would need to make their site successful. Yes, I would like to think that Boonex wants their customers to succeed. Then why have they not provided their knowledge to new website owners. I would have liked a coaching program. Telephone calls from a designated person as soon as I purchased my software asking what my plans are and whether they feel it would be successful. Advice and confidentiality.
When I search, I get every post back sometimes over 1500 days and maybe 15 pages worth of posts. Most of the time, I find what I need. I, also, have spent too many hours searching. Sometimes a day worth of searching and reading, just to accomplish one goal. My eyes and head hurt. Why do I search? Because, I do not want to be a bother to the few that are here day in day out answering and giving freely their expert advice to others. For that, many Thanks. Sadly, there is very little support from Boonex employees, I am not even sure that there is a Boonex paid support person helping field the numerous questions. In any case, this needs to change. My head should not hurt. Support forums should be updated, keyword search should not bring up ancient posts that are no longer are viable solutions.
Lastly, How many websites are WP sites. If you said the majority of websites that are created are WP sites, you would not be wrong. How much does it cost to make a WP site? Well the platform is free. Modules are available and modestly price or free. If you say that Dolphin makes it easy to modify pages on the go. Then you have not used Microsoft Expressions, which can modify blocks and rows on the fly. The software is free, but no longer supported. The newer versions are priced for unlimited websites for the cost of a Dolphin license. Matter of fact it is easier to change files then Dolphin. Drag and Drop. No programming needed. Dolphin to remain viable has a lot of competition. They MUST CHANGE, it is inevitable. They cannot plan on surviving on renewal or successful site turnover to gather revenue to support a staff and the platform. Even if there are 5,000 sites out there using Dolphin, with 5% successful or 250 sites. That cannot support the need for them to require new buyers to purchase permanent licenses at the expense of losing new entrants. So, I think it would be likely that Dolphin will becoming obsolete without change in business model. I have a vested interest in Dolphin being successful and rewarding long term members instead of punishing them in the long run.
As far as lacking knowledgeable programmers available with the current modules. I disagree. I believe that each one brings a unique knowledge to the platform. I also believe that the base of knowledgeable programmers has decreased. Reason being is that they have no knowledge of where the Dolphin application is heading. They cannot become excited about being part of a ground breaking unique opportunity. They do not get the opportunity to view future releases early to prepare their modules. That can be frustrating. Along with the fact that they dealing solely with many different personalities, and their customers have different knowledge levels. Nowhere do I see a training program/tutorials/videos/classes for new Dolphin programmers/customers that want to become experts in the platform. The help pages are outdated and make my head hurt. Therefore, there is a tremendous opportunity to make the experience better.
Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from |
As for the "issues" that we have that Boonex seems to be ignoring, I suggest that we start a round table on this.
Hello, I been bitchin all this time... I agree
We can not really do this here, we need a place where we can set up a specific board just for this. Then we set up a "petition" perhaps where we all can sign our Boonex profile name; which can be crossed checked back here and present it to Andrew.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
We can not really do this here, we need a place where we can set up a specific board just for this.
Hello... See how long my post stays active. I crawl all topics with a vengeance on my site.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Meaning, your input will not be moderated by BoonEx moderators. It's a an open board there. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
The base has decreased because of other reasons also :
1) Some developers have migrated to other CMS who do not compete directly with their third party developers.
2) Module development/sale/support is much harder than doing custom work on a individual client basis. eg. It is much easier to accept a $2,000 project and deal with a single client than dealing with 100 different clients that bought your mod for $20.
As far as lacking knowledgeable programmers available with the current modules. I disagree. I believe that each one brings a unique knowledge to the platform. I also believe that the base of knowledgeable programmers has decreased. Reason being is that they have no knowledge of where the Dolphin application is heading
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Dolphin / Boonex is developers releasing modules after modules (I'm not going to throw names into this mix) without them being fully tested and played with by the developer ..then after paying good money (not cheap by any means for some modules) discovering that the most basic functions of some modules don't work at all YET within 5 mins the developer has release more modules on top of this that also don't work fully
I come from the WordPress world and there are VERY high standards for testing before a mod ("plugin") is approved and released. So it's (seriously) shocking for me to see that so many mods here don't even freaking work. A few mods that I've bought (from top developers) had some VERY obvious flaws right off the bat and I'm thinking... whoa, am I the only one that has noticed that this mod doesn't even work as it should? And then when I point things out to the developer I don't even get an acknowledgement that they have seen my report. SO NOT USED TO THIS. To be fair, sometimes my reports are acknowledged right away.
I'm not trying to bash Dolphin and I'm not trying to promote WordPress (which doesn't even come close to matching Dolphin's capabilities for social media type sites) but at WordPress, it's all happy-happy, the marketplace, the forums etc. Here... tons of complaining, lots of unhappy (mostly ignored) customers and just an overall depressing atmosphere. That is my opinion and I don't care who likes it or not but it's the truth.
And now that I've said that, I really do love Dolphin and am thankful that there is 3rd party involvement to improve and customize it.
I'm only posting here because I'm tired of looking at the same 5 posts on the front page that are now 3 days old..... (hint hint) ... Hosted by! |
I come from the WordPress world and there are VERY high standards for testing before a mod ("plugin") is approved and released. So it's (seriously) shocking for me to see that so many mods here don't even freaking work. A few mods that I've bought (from top developers) had some VERY obvious flaws right off the bat and I'm thinking... whoa, am I the only one that has noticed that this mod doesn't even work as it should? And then when I point things out to the developer I don't even get an acknowledgement that they have seen my report. SO NOT USED TO THIS. To be fair, sometimes my reports are acknowledged right away.
I'm not trying to bash Dolphin and I'm not trying to promote WordPress (which doesn't even come close to matching Dolphin's capabilities for social media type sites) but at WordPress, it's all happy-happy, the marketplace, the forums etc. Here... tons of complaining, lots of unhappy (mostly ignored) customers and just an overall depressing atmosphere. That is my opinion and I don't care who likes it or not but it's the truth.
And now that I've said that, I really do love Dolphin and am thankful that there is 3rd party involvement to improve and customize it.
As far as standards in wordpress is concerned, its not really lovable, in fact wordpress is a pile of spaghetti code and and by any means not "a good written php" but it does the job of "extensibility" very well and without plugins/modifications its a piece of scrap for most uses; And many plugins you find outside aren't moderated at all and have some of the biggest security holes possible. Theres a reason for so many hacked wordpress sites. I am not saying wp is evil, my work life revolves around it and many others too. But its surely not the first choice.
Now back to dolphin, It doesn't has the best code or up to date php standards but its improving and code needs some updates for new php versions and it will be updated soon hopefully. As far as what a "mod should work like" is somewhat depended on the person thoughts and needs. If its not mentioned you're welcome to try the demos most active developers provide here. Just because a developer is messed up doesn't mean all are.
People here do rant a lot sometimes but at least its taking some good effect now. We got some market updates recently and hopefully more good things will come. Try to get some changes in wordpress community just by ranting :P.
Its not always depressing sometimes we have fun too. I am pretty sure dolphin and boonex environment will get better and better in future. Some amazing stuff will come and some boring things will go ;)
so much to do.... |
Was reading through this topic thinking I need to answer, then found that I already did last year!
Whats with all the old posts being dug up at the moment!
Anyway, it's funny but I seem to go in circles with Dolphin, depending on what project Im working on at the time.
Couple of years ago, I was building new D sites every other month, then clients needs moved to other scripts such as WP or Magento.
Just built an office back end system using Dolphin, did the job in 2 days and functions better than another script would do it.
I guess it all depends on what people are building, and if you're building for your own community, or for clients needs...
Certainly not dying though, maybe just many users are on 'migration' to other areas of the www.ocean ;-)
Still though, would love to see a couple of serious improvements that I know would bring me back to building sites for my own use with D...
how long has this been 'missing'...
A small addition like this would certainly cause some waves and inject some much needed enthusiasm from many in the community.
Mobile Chat is a big yes!!!! people on the site don't know when people on the apps are online. There are a lot of other issues or bugs on the apps that need to get fixed. such as; friend request so you don't send a request to someone that already your friend, be able to leave comment or like someone photo. and more!!!
how long has this been 'missing'...
A small addition like this would certainly cause some waves and inject some much needed enthusiasm from many in the community.
Well I don't think so... New version comming 7.2 soon.
I just found about Dolphin... switches from Wordpress to Dolphin. It is so much faster and things are better to be found.
Well I don't think so... New version comming 7.2 soon.
I just found about Dolphin... switches from Wordpress to Dolphin. It is so much faster and things are better to be found.
LOL that was quick :)
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I am using 7.3.3. seems like its not dieing. Those who think it is should read a little book called The Dip.
That said, I installed dolphin 6.something and upgraded in steps. I have a great looking site that functions on all 4's.
I have just upgraded many features through Modzzz and AntonLV, there mods brought my site to life in the direction I wanted. The site is great (better than great)...
The question is: Can I Do The Site Marketing Justice? Am I going to follow the advice given in The Dip until I succeed?
So the question shouldn't be Is Dolphin Dieing. The question should be; Can I handle Building and Growing a successful community in the face of overwhelming odds? (Faceshite and the like).
P.S. I have always gotten help when I needed it. Despite my impatience at times. When you cast it out there, someone who knows usually bites. If they don't... Ask a better question. If at that point you don't get a solution, go to Boonex Support, they always get it done but using the forums first shows that you respect their time and value the community of responders who know their shit...
Enhance Your Onlne Experience. |
No, Dolphin is not dying ! And the price is very reasonable.. Try to build a custom site that does only a third of what Dolphin does and then you will appreciate the Dolphin price..
Modzzz explained this issue really well - he said: "It is much easier to accept a $2,000 project and deal with a single client than dealing with 100 different clients that bought your mod for $20." to which I totally agree, and I believe that's what Boonex team is currently doing. Dealing with a bigger project from one client resulting in a good return seems more logical to me than dealing with lots of headaches at $20 a piece :-)
There are plenty of Dolphin Docs and QA out there including this Forum, but you need to do your homework, as someone said, we see too many redundant questions being asked, but if you spend a little time to do your own search, you will find related solutions..
To be fair, we shouldn't blame Boonex team about issues that are caused by third party Mods. That's between you and the developer you purchased the mod from..
And Yes, there will always be a learning curve for new folks who purchase Dolphin. I myself spent close to 4 month to get to learn lots of cool things about Dolphin as far as administrating the site is concerned. I got lots of help from folks on this Forum which I am thankful to that. I don't ask too many questions anymore, but I try to return the favor and help others when I can. The basic items which I find very critical are: DB & script backups, applying patches and upgrades. I've seen folks who run into upgrade issues, but if their site was backed up, they can easily restore from a backup and start allover.. That's just a simple Admin task to keep things going..
Lastly, why some folks are still on v7.0 and 7.1 which have some security issues and as we all know, they have been addressed on 7.3.3. To avoid potential issues, you have to stay current with D7 patches and upgrades..
@Dailho I agree with you about the mobile Chat which has been missing for a long time & it is very crucial Mod for any site to be successful. Since I couldn't get much help here, I went on my way to build it myself - take a look:
Some of you said that things have been quiet and slow.. Not sure what else we need if the site is up & running and I see no security issues on 7.3.3 that I am aware of. However, one crucial Mod is missing is Chat on mobile device which I believe Boonex team is still working on.. For this reason I had to invest on this project and got it done myself rather than keep whining about it to Boonex team :)
I've completed over 300 Dolphin installs and no, I don't believe it's dying or will ever "die".
The question was asked about 4 years ago and Dolphin has gotten better.
It is one of the CMS that I have in my toolbox and depending what needs to be done I will choose it based on the definitions of the project. For example, last month, I installed and worked on a WordPress site. Why, because using Dolphin would've been over-the-top. That being said, any site or web app that needs social media functions, Dolphin is my goto choice. Others would choose differently. I have tried other social media web apps out there and Dolphin is the one I prefer.
Updating my site. |
If I had to answer the question right now I would say YES! I closed two of my sites because other site are coming up with better modules and stealing members away. Also one of the biggest thing I've learned by visiting other site is that Dolphin is growing. Not in the sense of popularity but in the sense of girth. As more and more people use sites like Dolphin most of them are connecting by smart phone in which a regular Dolphin script takes much longer than others to load and lets be honest the mobile script is crap and who can get it to be stable anyway. Dolphin needs to slim down a bit and get its baring on where its trying to go because right now its all over the place and it you ever seen a big person running at full speed all you could think about is disaster ahead. |
@Vashan I treat Dolphin as a starting point for projects. Unfortunately, like anything else in life, if you don't want to put in the effort to learn how to code and modify, then you will need to hire someone. In much the same way I don't fix my own car thereby having to hire a mechanic, if you can't make Dolphin do what you want it to do then it may serve you well to find another script (like the ones you've alluded to) and maybe try those to see if you get a better result. No one is forcing you to use Dolphin or any of the BoonEx products. That being said, I understand the frustration that goes with building out web apps. Many of us here have gone through it and it isn't fun. So that I completely can relate to you!
Regarding the mobile versions, I've never had any issues with the mobile app because frankly I've only built starter apps with it. For anything more, I've coded custom apps based on Dolphin's modules. It takes a lot more work but my clients get a native app and it doesn't look like a Dolphin app. I tear everything out.
Updating my site. |
Very nice discussion,
I had to ask Mr Andrew Boon during the test of jot messenger on UNA if dolphin will live, it reassures me in these terms: << dolphin will live >>. I hope he will keep his promise.
Personally I have an experience in the web world, but I am a little new with this CMS. Dolphin is very flexible because it is truly open open open source, but it suits much to those who manages and who does not give up face difficulties.
However there are developers and also companies that can help you do something great with dolphin pro
On the forum, there are people who help, I think GEEK-GIRL is an example to imitate that I greet in passing, because if she can, she supports,
Boonex should not give up dolphin, because many have invested time and money and must make the translation of the categories possible without passing the mods to the market
The thing about Dolphin is that it's an unknown quantity. Nobody has a clue as to how popular it really is and this forum is like a sleepy hollow. If it wasn't for AlexT offering answers when he can, I think the script would eventually die, simply because there's not enough sound advice being offered from other quarters. There's a difference between giving sound advice or just pointing someone in a general direction. There's a vast difference in telling someone to turn right, then left than just saying "it's over there".
If you don't know what I mean, compare AlexT's replies with a few others.
I use two unrelated scripts that probably have less users than Dolphin, yet both have an amazing forum with dozens of posts a day. Both have comprehensive help files and one boasts a 400 page manual. Both have hundreds of examples including hacks, written by the authors themselves. Andrew Boone is seldom heard and his technical support on this forum is ziltch. The two scripts I refer to are supported by the authors themselves and questions are answered in full in 48 hours or less. On this forum, the only real source of help for Dolphin, you can wait weeks - or forever.
Finally, both of the above scripts have hundreds of extensions (mods) and all are free. Sure there are commercial mods as well, but not like Dolphin where almost everything costs.
In my opinion, the people at Boonex should write a book, a bloody good one at that - and soon! Whether they charge for it or not is their business, but 90% of the people using this and the other scripts I mention are generally novices. They need help and if they can't get it, they'll keep looking for that holy grail elsewhere.
Dolphin is not going to die. It will change, but it will not die.
In recent months we have focused a lot on UNA development, trying to bring it to production-level quality and test-run the new ideas. We expect a second RC release this week and a full release right after.
Now, as usual, UNA is a testing ground and the best bits get carried over to Dolphin. This time it's going to be about the Messenger first and foremost. The new feature update development cycle for Dolphin is about to begin.
Heart Head Hands |
Thanks for responding Andrew. Maybe as a public relations exercise and to acknowledge that Dolphin is still well and kicking, you or one of your team could produce a Tip of the Week. This is done by many similar sites and it's a great way to say "We're still here".
This small one-man-band regularly publishes tips and tutorials and get's them to his user-base and potential user-base via his forum and Twitter. I actually converted his tips into a very thick manual for him some time ago, but I no longer use the script.
I and many others struggle with Dolphin and continue to be users of the free version. My reason for doing so is lack of support. I have no confidence in getting the script running the way I want and support is basically limited to AlexT-s follow up posts. Thus I'm holding back and still looking for that holy grail.
Maybe it's all the plastic bags in the ocean. - The Online Guide to Travel |
While it's sad, yes, I true believe is it's slowly dying. |
This thread was started five years ago and yet people still post; so I guess Dolphin wasn't dying then, and isn't dead yet.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michel - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel | - The Online Guide to Travel |
I have been gone for a while. Not because of anything related to boonex or dolphin, but my personal life needed more attention. I am back now. While I do not know everything about dolphin, I try my best to dissect and learn as much as I can. That is an important factor I believe. Before actually creating a production site, I recommend making a test site and playing around with it and learning how dolphin is setup. Thats how I learned most of the things I know. There are several persons here who can answer just about any question you may have. If you find a question is not being answered, I have realized that this is because the answer is already posted somewhere and a quick search would yield your answer. With that being said, if you still cant find what you need, pm me and I will see if I can help or point you in the right direction. |