I have a professional install with Hostforweb. New members will be by invite only. The join Now form does not perform on completion when the "Join Now" button is clicked. Try for youself at www.nyceepeople.co.uk
Any ideas as to why this is?
Your site is not even opening on the browser, make sure your domain is spelled right, or your server is up. |
Your site is not even opening on the browser, make sure your domain is spelled right, or your server is up.
The join button is working on my end, your site is not feeding the Boonex news box though.
You say "professional" install, elaborate on that.
If it was installed by Boonex, that is a professional install.
Most providers have a Softaculous installer and that usually fails.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
You have some "curl" issues as well, have you used the host tools in the admin section?
You need to check that page to see what your server is set at.
Warning: curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir is set in /home/nycepeop/public_html/inc/utils.inc.php on line 1160

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Thanks for your time and sorry for the typo http://nycepeople.co.uk
The install was done by the tech support at Hostforweb which is a BoonEx Hosting Partner.
I am dealing with each issue one by one so I am focusing in the Join Now form. Can you please create a profile to prove that it works. I don't understand how you can say it works fine as you can only join by invite only.
The host tool is reporting well. I will need to introduce a php accelerator at some point but here is the status:
Software requirements
PHP: 5.4.36 - OK
- allow_url_fopen = On - OK
- allow_url_include = Off - OK
- magic_quotes_gpc = Off - OK
- memory_limit = 268435456 - OK
- post_max_size = 104857600 - OK
- upload_max_filesize = 104857600 - OK
- register_globals = Off - OK
- safe_mode = Off - OK
- disable_functions = - OK
- php module: curl = curl - OK
- php module: gd = gd - OK
- php module: mbstring = mbstring - OK
- php module: xsl = xsl - OK
- php module: json = json - OK
- php module: openssl = openssl - OK
- php module: zip = zip - OK
- php module: ftp = ftp - OK
MySQL: 5.5.42-cll - OK
Web-server: LiteSpeed
OS: Linux charlotte.hostforweb.net 2.6.32-531.29.2.lve1.3.11.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 18 06:49:17 EST 2014 x86_64
You need to make HFW to clear the value for the "open_basedir" PHP variable. This is one of the technical requirements: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolTech We will contact HFW regarding this issue, too. |
The install was done by the tech support at Hostforweb which is a BoonEx Hosting Partner.
Just because they are on that list does not make them experts with dolphin.
As far as i know, Zarconia is the only one listed that actually uses dolphin for there own personal sites and are the only ones that actually know dolphin. They are also regular members here and are boonex moderators. They know dolphin better than any of the other hosts in my opinion.
I could be wrong, but hostforweb and arvixe are constantly mentioned in these forums for problems with there hosting.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Here's the reply from HostForWeb:
The 'openbase_dir' can be fixed for any account. Please have them put in a ticket so we can resolve the issue.
Regards, Jim
Thanks for your time Igor_l
I have sent HFW a ticket with the "clear the value for the "open_basedir" PHP variable. This is one of the technical requirements: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolTech
Kind regards
HFW have sent back this message:
We created a custom php.ini file for your account and checked open_basedir, the value is cleared. (open_basedir = )
Also, the memory limit is now set to 256M
I have returned to my site and tried to create a new user account but the jon now form does not respond.
Any thoughts?
I see that BoonEx News can't get fetched and that's a bad sign. Still something is not setup properly on your server. If you can PM me your FTP access, I will try to fix this problem and also report about what I did in this forum. |
Thank you Igor_L 
The issue has now been resolved so I can now procceed further with the evaluation of the Dolphin platform. Your support was invaluable.