LKeys & Profile fields not synced...

Screenshots attached. :)

Dolphin 7.1.5

im in process of setting up a new site (yes. Im one of 'those'. ;) )

But i notice as I have created a new test user, that the extended profile fields are all without dropdown choices, which are predefined in the Predefined Values LKEY.

Ex: On the users ext. edit profile page, "Weight" is empty. Yet, the Predefined Values LKEY for "Body Type" has 6 values ranging from __Average to __Very Cuddly.

Why aren't these showing in the extended profile "weight" field?

I would be thankful for anyone trying to assist. :)

fields builder_weight.png · 109.5K · 165 views
LKEY.png · 120.3K · 202 views
edit profile page.png · 454.7K · 207 views
Quote · 9 Mar 2015

go into profile fields, then edit profile, click on the BodyType. New box open, then click on advanced tab. in the Possible values put in #!BodyType


Then those Predefined Values will show up..

Notice in the Height field you will have to make your own Lang keys for it to show up right....

Quote · 9 Mar 2015

Thank you, TruckingSpace. :)

When you state "in the Possible values put in #!BodyType", would you mean the "Default value" field?  There isnt a "Possible value" field. Please see screen shot.

Edit: Never mind the question. I placed "#!BodyType" (minus quotes) in every field and still nothing...

So.. I dont 'have' a "possible value" fields under the advanced or any other tab on this selected item... ?

weight.png · 190.3K · 222 views
Quote · 9 Mar 2015

In the general tab do you have Selector in the Type?

Then goto advanced tab and do the above post.. Sorry been years since I worked that part..

Quote · 9 Mar 2015

AHHH! We have a winner. :)  Thank you VERY much, Trucking Space!!

To recap for any others this is what needs to be done:


1. Profile Fields>Edit Profile

2. Click on the item in question. ie:BodyType. 

3. Under the General tab go to 'Type' field and choose 'Selecter'

4. Under the Advanced tab, enter into the 'Possible values' field: #!BodyType (or the appropriate Predefined Values found under Builders>Predefined Values

5. Click save. Done.

Quote · 9 Mar 2015

Here. Pictures always help.

Edit. I see you already figured it out while i was making up the pictures for this post.  Oh well. For the next one then.
Quote · 9 Mar 2015

Thank you, Deano!  That was awesome of you to do! I appreciate that you did so. 

It may have been a moment late for me, but will surely help any others in the future!! :)

Quote · 9 Mar 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.