Loading... loading...

So, usually with Microsoft Edge, this doesn't happen.  With other browsers (like, all of them), the spinning loading icon just keeps going and going and never loads.  This includes the graphs in Admin, the Forums, and so on... any particular reason for this?

Quote · 9 Aug 2015

Hard to say without more information. Can you look at your audit section and maybe post a screenshot?

I this an old site or 7.2 Beta2?

I use Edge and Chrome and haven't experienced any problems.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 9 Aug 2015

It is 7.1.6.  Here you go.

audit1.png · 357.2K · 160 views
audit2.png · 244.9K · 151 views
Quote · 9 Aug 2015

I can confirm that your forum box will not load.

I tested one of my sites on Edge, I didn't have the Forum block on there but moved it to test, and it loads that block fine.

I see in your audit that "symlink" is disabled.

Edit your php.ini and remove those disabled functions,

"disable_functions=" is the line to find.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 9 Aug 2015

It's working now in Edge...

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 9 Aug 2015

I haven't changed anything other than the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize.

I do not see within the control panel provided by my host where I can change the disable_functions options.

Should I be able to find the php.ini file within my root folder somewhere so I can edit manually?


Quote · 9 Aug 2015

What I am going to recommend is that you also turn off JS caching; I would turn off all Dolphin caching and clear the caches.  Some hosts has issues with the Dolphin caching.  Remember to leave the .htaccess files in place, clear the file caches as well as clear all in the caching in the admin.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 Aug 2015


I haven't changed anything other than the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize.

 If that's the case. I suggest you move to another host. That of course is just my opinion.

What is your "control panel."

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 9 Aug 2015


Should I be able to find the php.ini

 Not always and sometimes there are workarounds. 

Since your new here; have you tried the search feature up top right here on Boonex?

There are many discussions about it here.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 9 Aug 2015

I'm just using the cpanel my host provides, it's your pretty basic cpanel most hosts provide.  My host did just inform me I'm not able to edit the disable_functions.

I may have to switch to a new host.  I went with them because they offered a 30 day free trial with no credit card.  Sounded good to me, I didn't want to pay anybody anything until I knew I'd be able to get all of the functionality I needed beforehand.

Quote · 9 Aug 2015


I've disabled all caches, and moved the Forums off the homepage, as this is where it seemed to keep loading and loading.  If I click the Forums nav link, it seems to work fine.  Thank you.

Is disabling all the caches going to slow me down significantly or cause any other issues?  I imagine things are being cached for a reason...

Quote · 9 Aug 2015

OK, the forum block just loading loading probably means that allow_url_fopen is off.  Check your host tools for information on php settings.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Aug 2015

allow_url_fopen is set to on.

Here are all PHP settings and what they're at now.  In retrospect I should have just shown you this stuff a long time ago.

Also... new problem (sorry, just throwing them at you as they come, you guys have been a huge help so far!)

I was just trying to do the whole video comment thing... it shows me on the webcam, but as soon as I hit record I get a "Connection Error" and the video doesn't record.

MOST other things seem to be working at the moment... just these little annoyances.

phpsettings.png · 18.9K · 132 views
phpsettings2.png · 33.3K · 144 views
Quote · 10 Aug 2015

video comments uses the RMS media server, you have to have that installed or you have to be connected to a hosted RMS.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Aug 2015

I'll skip that for now then, no need to have all the bells and whistles just yet.

Also, here's a big one;  the Fields Builder for the Join Form is always just loading and never loads.

Quote · 10 Aug 2015

Was this one of those quick installs through cPanel or did you do a manual install?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Aug 2015

This last (third) time was a manual install, but same problems throughout.  So far your advice to disable all caching has fixed some things (the theme not screwing up is nice).  But yeah... still getting a bunch of loading screens at random for forums, adding avatar, profile fields, etc.

Quote · 10 Aug 2015

Are you on GoDaddy hosting?  There have been reported issues with hosting Dolphin on GoDaddy.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Aug 2015

This is merely a server problem, I recommend you to use Zarconia. Supports dolphin 100%.

"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net
Quote · 10 Aug 2015

@geek_girl, I'm using Lithiumhosting.com, and they seemed pretty decent until now.  The reason I chose them was because they had 30 day trial, no credit card required.  I was hoping to get things working within my 30 days before committing to a host so I knew everything was working properly.  For the heck of it I did their one-click on some other social networking softwares, and most of them seem to be suffering from the same issues.

@Expertzkris, read above for my reason for choosing whom I did.  I'll take a look at your suggestion though.  I just don't like paying for things before I know what I'm getting for my money.

Quote · 10 Aug 2015

I've just signed up with Zarconia!  After a little research on the forums here, I've figured out I can do a 30 day trial with them using the FREEMONTH code, and without initially giving credit card information.

That is fantastic.

Thank you all for all your help, hopefully I'll get the email from them soon and can start working on the site!

Quote · 10 Aug 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.