Log in after email confirm

Hey guys,

I know this has been covered before but i cant for the life of me find where.

How can i make it so that the user cant login and use their account until they have confirmed their email. I cant remember if it is a mod or some settings.

Currently the user can login without confirming their email but i need it so that they cant login with confirming their email.

Thanks in advance :)

Quote · 16 May 2009

Admin Dashboard > Settings > Moderation Settings


It is the last box, uncheck and save.

Quote · 16 May 2009

Hey yup i managed that, however when the email is sent, i tested the login and it still lets me log in even though the email confirmation has not been clicked yet.

What i need is where if they try to log in without the email confirmation it wont let them log in. Or perhaps a message saying please check your email.

Quote · 16 May 2009

Well the system is designed to only allow 'confirmable' emails or the profile won't even be created. Instead you'll recieve a Profile DB report.


I see your point but then again as long as it is valid, is not that the most important point. Captcha and Valid Email provides a pretty solid deterent.


But then again I am sure there is a MOD that makes this possible. Maybe check the forums for 'email mods/modification'

Quote · 16 May 2009
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