I'm a longtime OSS user as well as FOSS user.
Linux is my forte' and Slackware is my distro of choice.
I happened upon Dolphin while trying to glean an idea via Ebay.
I saw the auction add, thought that's exactly what I'm looking for and won the bid.
After winning the auction I felt like the person doing the auction was more in the market for selling hosting space on the server.
As far as Dolphin itself goes,, it's a unique idea but to much leaves me unimpressed.
I have it installed of course and have tried a few things.
Let's see, skins that are supposedly compatible that hose the site forcing a reinstall.
Inability to remove items that direct viewers to Dolphin when site content should belong there such as F.A.Q. and about us, even though the licensce was procured and entered.
The only way I see to remove or change this content is to pay an ongoing fee.
Games that cost up to $50.00 and are downright stupid.
Seems like everything that's an add on is $40.00 -$50.00.
And it's alluded to that a person can make a living with this?
It ends up being cheaper for a person to pay the $300.00 - $500.00 for a custom built site that already has what is wanted.
No thx.
I'll be toddling on along and wish all the contributors as well as devs the very best of luck.