Longtime OSS user

I'm a longtime OSS user as well as FOSS user.

Linux is my forte' and Slackware is my distro of choice.

I happened upon Dolphin while trying to glean an idea via Ebay.

I saw the auction add, thought that's exactly what I'm looking for and won the bid.

After winning the auction I felt like the person doing the auction was more in the market for selling hosting space on the server.

As far as Dolphin itself goes,, it's a unique idea but to much leaves me unimpressed.

I have it installed of course and have tried a few things.

Let's see, skins that are supposedly compatible that hose the site forcing a reinstall.

Inability to remove items that direct viewers to Dolphin when site content should belong there such as F.A.Q. and about us, even though the licensce was procured and entered.

The only way I see to remove or change this content is to pay an ongoing fee.

Games that cost up to $50.00 and are downright stupid.

Seems like everything that's an add on is $40.00 -$50.00.

And it's alluded to that a person can make a living with this?

It ends up being cheaper for a person to pay the $300.00 - $500.00 for a custom built site that already has what is wanted.

No thx.

I'll be toddling on along and wish all the contributors as well as devs the very best of luck.



Quote · 14 Sep 2009

A custom built site with all the options of Dolphin for 300-500... Hmmm... Not sure who your going to get to do that.


On a base install Dolphin has:


1.  Video Chat & Messenger System


2.  Blogs


3.  Events


4.  Polls


5.  Articles


6.  Boards (They're to doodle with.  I like to doodle even more than I like shiny things)


7.  Profiles


8.  Photo Galleries


9.  Music Upload and Players


10.  Profile Videos


And even a nifty neat Admin Panel.  Now, to get someone to code all of that from scratch, inset in 4 payment portals (which is something Dolphin has) then let us know.  We would love to see it all and I'll buy a lot of those sites. 


Oh yeah, it has to have a really cool and nifty administrative panel too.  I like admin panels, they make me feel like a big boy when I put on my big boy pants.




**I know this post by me was just as useful as the post by him.  But it occuppied me.

Quote · 14 Sep 2009

If I commented on this, I would be bashed for being mean to newbies, so I will refrain from saying how stupid I think this post is.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 14 Sep 2009


If I commented on this, I would be bashed for being mean to newbies, so I will refrain from saying how stupid I think this post is.

 I don't care if I get bashed... I kinda like the feeling of a club upside the head... Reminds of Shiny things... Shiny stars and tweety birds....

Quote · 14 Sep 2009

Nope.... can't do it.   I've been branded a bully... or big meanie.... or something like that.  I'm thinking about signing up for sensitivity classes.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 14 Sep 2009


Nope.... can't do it.   I've been branded a bully... or big meanie.... or something like that.  I'm thinking about signing up for sensitivity classes.

 Don't waste your money on 'em.  People say they didn't do me any good.  I've found a good bottle of Jose before answering questions helps with my sensitivity towards people.

Quote · 14 Sep 2009

Don't waste your money on 'em.  People say they didn't do me any good.  I've found a good bottle of Jose before answering questions helps with my sensitivity towards people.

I think I'll give it a try.  You just wait.... I'm gonna be the most luvable, huggable, cuddly, warmest fuzzy gentle person this site has ever seen.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 14 Sep 2009


A custom built site with all the options of Dolphin for 300-500... Hmmm... Not sure who your going to get to do that.


On a base install Dolphin has:


1.  Video Chat & Messenger System


2.  Blogs


3.  Events


4.  Polls


5.  Articles


6.  Boards (They're to doodle with.  I like to doodle even more than I like shiny things)


7.  Profiles


8.  Photo Galleries


9.  Music Upload and Players


10.  Profile Videos


And even a nifty neat Admin Panel.  Now, to get someone to code all of that from scratch, inset in 4 payment portals (which is something Dolphin has) then let us know.  We would love to see it all and I'll buy a lot of those sites. 


Oh yeah, it has to have a really cool and nifty administrative panel too.  I like admin panels, they make me feel like a big boy when I put on my big boy pants.




**I know this post by me was just as useful as the post by him.  But it occuppied me.

 you mean we have to pay 300 - 500 USD per month to use all dolphin options ? there will be no option like 100USD for 1 year license to use all option ?

Quote · 14 Sep 2009

No... That is not what I said.  The Opie of this thread is complaining that certain add on cost money and he'd have to spend 300 to 500 to build his site and get it as he wanted it to be (This is for modifications/upgrades and such).  I told him he's not going to find a coder to build that.


This has nothing to do  with the cost of the Dolphin licenses, all of that is as it was...


Sorry if I confused you there.  Did not mean to. 



Quote · 14 Sep 2009

I have to agree with mydatery on getting a custom built site for $300-$500. We had a partial custom site built once and it cost us over $5,000. And that site could have been developed even more. Doesn't matter what software you have anything can be done with it. Might cost some money and would require further development but, could be done. So, good luck with the custom site for $300-$500.

Quote · 15 Sep 2009

No its ok Mydatery. actually my english is lil bad. and yeah i agree with mydatery FRSAdmin. i also tried to make a social network n pay few developers 2000 USD. and they give me such a bad social network with alots of errors n bug. working with boonex is a team work. if you got any error they will fix it. the best option for social networking is Boonex. boonex is better then facebook n myspace but the only great option facebook n myspace got is Apps API. 80% people use facebook for only Apps. we got everything in Dolphin script but not apps.. but m sure in future version we will have this option in Dophin.. 

Quote · 15 Sep 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.