Gee. What a deal!
I guess the deal has been withdrawn
Gee. What a deal! I guess the deal has been withdrawn My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
i'll take the job BUT only if the office has a view to the beach :) |
Are you being Sarcastic? lol ......We will finance anything you need to make the site better 1. Put your site on a dedicated server.... preferably one with a 1Gps connection My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
here we go it started LOL... |
Are you being Sarcastic? lol ......We will finance anything you need to make the site better 1. Put your site on a dedicated server.... preferably one with a 1Gps connection You know i am sorry that daddy raped you or whatever as a kid but keep your fucking opinions to yourself. Your a smartass whom has no life apparently and prob. has not had pussy since pussy had you. So here is a suggestions for you go shove it. That's hardly the way to talk to someone, and it just makes you look like an idiot. And I agree, The Social Station has little beyond default Dolphin installations. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I see all those weeks of finishing school really paid off. With your social skills, I have no doubt your site will be very successful. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
That's hardly the way to talk to someone..... I thought I gave some pretty good advice. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Socialcw... good luck with your site My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
The Social Station: Your Social Reality!
Does this mean that we'll all have to put up pics of ourselves sittin' around naked with our bellies covering our folds? Will us guys be required to wear bras or can we let our moobs out?
"Chris Williamson has gave "YOU" the user the freedom...." (From your About Us Blurb)
While I appreciate all that you gave me Chris, wouldn't it be better if you had "...given..." instead of "...gave..."
Also I noticed you started this in 2007, I find it truly amazing that you and "Boonex" both had the same exact idea for designing a site. I'm thinkin' that you might have a case of them stealin' your work. Or you stole there's. Hmmm... We gonna need a detective for this one. Is Stabler available over at Law & Order? Maybe we get Erik Estrada from Chips.
I'll take my royalty checks now, you can just drop them off at my beach front off. Could ya include a little drink umbrella with 'em.
The Social Station: Your Social Reality! Does this mean that we'll all have to put up pics of ourselves sittin' around naked with our bellies covering our folds? Will us guys be required to wear bras or can we let our moobs out? "Chris Williamson has gave "YOU" the user the freedom...." (From your About Us Blurb) While I appreciate all that you gave me Chris, wouldn't it be better if you had "...given..." instead of "...gave..." Also I noticed you started this in 2007, I find it truly amazing that you and "Boonex" both had the same exact idea for designing a site. I'm thinkin' that you might have a case of them stealin' your work. Or you stole there's. Hmmm... We gonna need a detective for this one. Is Stabler available over at Law & Order? Maybe we get Erik Estrada from Chips. I'll take my royalty checks now, you can just drop them off at my beach front off. Could ya include a little drink umbrella with 'em. I was his original partner, so allow me to clarify on some things: I worked on the site and added/changed things per his request, but he decided to launch far too early. Before I could even finish adjusting content, he was literally (no, really) already sending out mass messages on Facebook and contacting several talk shows. He also began several investments far too early in the game, such as literally (again, really) purchasing an office for the site's operations. My belief is that it takes several months to fine-tune and create an original community with Dolphin, at least a month at least to finalize the touching-up of everything such as server and software settings. The Social Station was, at first meant to be a social networking and dating web site, which has had some light member use now, but nowhere in the dating area (perhaps because there is no reason to have it) of the site. Chris has been investing quite a bit of time and money into it, but even though I told him that I was not a dedicated developer, he only recently began searching for one to fill in where I could not. I have agreed to remain with him and work on anything he needs until he finds a replacement. I left the partnership because, to be honest, it wasn't suppose to become any sort of position, only a Dolphin installation. The amount of time the site required and all the other work I had was too much for myself, and was fairly stressful having to go long hours into the night and missing other work. I simple cannot continue with it. I do not know how The Social Station began in 2007 through 2008, as I was only brought onto work with him after installing Dolphin 7.0 for him on his Arvixe server. I do know he was originally using Dolphin 6.1.4/6.1.6, but dropped it in favor of the latest release from BoonEx. Still, I have to say that I did find your jokes funny. And finally: shaken or stirred? I don't offer those unless in a drink. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Actually the white/gray basic them works out well for our latest venture. Some very fine tuning with the css and how text is displayed, along with the perfect accent color in the proper places and the thing looks decent. However it does take many months of development to get something social ready for anyone to use. We've worked on this since beta and only recently soft launched to expand testing beyond a handful of people. Luckily this is an experiment project so we can take our time. |
did I miss something? "Are you being Sarcastic? lol ......We will finance anything you need to make the site better" I see this but do not see any source. Are the forums broken :o) |
Also HL, that profile photo is screwing with my head/eyes. Please change it back. |
did I miss something? "Are you being Sarcastic? lol ......We will finance anything you need to make the site better" I see this but do not see any source. Are the forums broken :o) Naw..... you didn't miss much. I think somebody got all their posts deleted though. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Actually the white/gray basic them works out well for our latest venture. I don't mind the white/gray basic that much either. Unlike D6- which looked cartoonish, I think they picked a good neutral look for people to get started. |
I thought this site was intended to actually help other's no just to bash others...thats about it...but its whatever not all these people on here start shit with others just some and those people are the ones with absolutely no life whatsoever and are so insecure with themselves that they have to talk shit while sitting behind a computer screen. |
keep in mind your talking with people who've been a part of this community for a long time. So what, they say things with a lil flare and personality. It doesn't mean you have to get offended and start running your mouth. If you don't want people to talk about your site and work, then don't post it in a community based forum asking for people to comment. |
I thought this site was intended to actually help other's no just to bash others...thats about it...but its whatever not all these people on here start shit with others just some and those people are the ones with absolutely no life whatsoever and are so insecure with themselves that they have to talk shit while sitting behind a computer screen. Okay little socialcw, you need to comprehend a few things.
1. You have been given constructive criticism on the site. HL suggested you grab a new spokesperson (preferrably female) and do a few other things. 2. I pointed out some things you need to fix up front on the site. 3. It is a base Dolphin Install and at this time not a whole lot of customization that we can see. I actually joined the site to check it out, to look for something special, unfortunately there is nothing there except for your mentioning yourself as the owner and what your giving to people. You need to keep in mind that we consistently get people in here claiming they all have the next great thing. Your upping the ante stating you want to someone to come work for you, giving them an office and so on and so forth, but no salary. In return they get 50% of something that may or may not take off, claiming you don't have the funds to pay them a salary/hourly compensation. This makes one wonder how your going to handle advertising costs of a site your obviously so attached to.
Moving on to you as a person. You seem to have not been properly informed as to who I am so allow me to introduce myself. I'm the resident "ARSEHOLE", HoustonLively is the resident Sarcastic Clown and Prolaznik is the resident dunce. We are currently not accepting any applications for those positions or the following:
As you can see, we currently have all the positions properly filled that we need and a massive supply of applications have been submitted long before yours. Perhaps you should look into the positions we do have open:
And Newton, yes we do help. But we don't like spam in our forums and we really hote those who behaved as this individual did to our constructive criticism. |
I don't think the original offer was so horrible. Office space and 50 percent ownership - it seems like a deal that could work for somebody. This guy obviously overreacted to the initial response, but I hope people won't be dissuaded from posting offers like this in the future. I wouldn't want it to become like Craigslist here - they have a "gigs" section that could be a good community resource, but whenever anyone publishes anything other then a full paying position it is attacked and voted down until it is automatically removed from the system. |
RE: Moving on to you as a person. You seem to have not been properly informed as to who I am so allow me to introduce myself. I'm the resident "ARSEHOLE", HoustonLively is the resident Sarcastic..... To everyone i apologize for my overreacting tonight it was uncalled for and i do apologize. I know this was humorous to some and you meant no harm by it but i was not in a humorous mood at that very moment as i am dealing with the loss of a family member and alot of other things business wise. Yes our offer was to give anyone interested an office and yes we do have the money to financially support any of our employees. We took the free approach at first and if it would not of worked we would of took the paying route. Please accept my apologies. We have hired a new development team and we are taking a new approach to things without the Dolphin Software. But to "Houstonlively" I do apologize for my behavior earlier this evening and I do hope you can accept my sincerest apologies. Thanks Chris |
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I sure hope he has the permission of the RIAA, author, and right's holder to that song. Otherwise you will be in about $100,000 world of hurt when they find out. |
Socialcw... good luck with your site
LOL! Look who's talking about social skills! (sorry, couldn't resist..) I have a question Houstonlively. Are you trying to make some sort of statement with that Avatar? I do have to admit though, it does make you more attractive ... Hosted by! |
RE: LOL! Look who's talking about social skills! (sorry, couldn't resist..) I have a question Houstonlively. Are you trying to make some sort of statement with that Avatar? I do have to admit though, it does make you more attractive What's wrong with my f**king social skills? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
RE: LOL! Look who's talking about social skills! (sorry, couldn't resist..) I have a question Houstonlively. Are you trying to make some sort of statement with that Avatar? I do have to admit though, it does make you more attractive What's wrong with my f**king social skills? You're a sarcastic, flame-baiting kind of guy, to be honest. Personally, I quite enjoy it. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Jesus, I just found out I can't tether my laptop to the internet with my new IPhone....
oh wait, wrong forum ... ... ... Hosted by! |
Jesus, I just found out I can't tether my laptop to the internet with my new IPhone.... oh wait, wrong forum ... ... Care to link us? BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Jesus, I just found out I can't tether my laptop to the internet with my new IPhone....
oh wait, wrong forum ... ...
I just broke my tether ball, it went flat and doesn't swing like it used to. Can I tether your laptop to the pole and use that? We'll call it tether top! |
You won't have to worry about me anymore... I found the ticket system and that is where the real help has come from for me... your right search and search. I did resolve all my issues already via trac timeline searches. As far as asking here, that is what this is here for...if you don't like the question, Perhaps it would be best left unanswered unless it concerns the "answer" not about someones past, and how much you can dis' them...
Thanks for the laughs though
Your taking this thread completely out of context here Newton27, and it's actually not your fault. What your missing, and I'm pretty sure your aware of is the original post was more or less viewed by many of us as a type of spam post and did not actually concerning a problem with Dolphin/Boonex or even a question on those topics, rather it was a search for someone to work on his site and many to join it. From there, when the OP was offered constructive criticism, much in a sarcastic manner, he chose to instead scream, curse, yell and cuss at everyone who was trying to help him.
We've had discussions on this tangent your mentioning of help vs. sarcasm and overall it's been beaten to death. Please don't take this thread as any type of example of how help is provided here in the Unity Forums. It's an example of what happens when one becomes abusive in the forums towards those of us, who are NOT Boonex employees and are NOT paid in any manner, who try to help them. Yes, Trac is a wonderful source of information, but please do not consider it to be the only source. And while we preach for people to do a search, we recognize not all threads are easily findable due to poor thread titles and so on and we gladly accept new questions. Often the answer will come in a form of explaining how YOU can locate the answer, such as the process of changing language keys, in hopes that all can use it as a solid foundation in helping them learn dolphin and programming. Good luck with your project and we do hope your around to ask questions when you need a hand and also to contribue when you have a solution or idea. |