MTools Page Editor and 7.1

Note: MTools is a free module for editing pages and can be found in the Market.

I don't know the rules on posting hacks to modules where the developer is no longer active in updating the module; therefore, if this post is inappropriate moderators please delete it.

First let me say there are several modules in the market for editing pages that are in active development and are preferable to getting an old module to work on 7.1.  I believe we should support the module developers when we can because they often create the missing pieces of Dolphin.  However, there are times when financial restrictions keeps us from purchasing modules.  The interface on MTools could use some improvements; the module was last updated 16.06.2010 and is only listed as compatible with 7.0.0 and 7.0.1.  The link to the 1.6.1 version leads to a 404.

I did install MTools on Dolphin 7.1 and it appears to work without any problems; although the interface could use a face lift and there is no link back to the main menu.  To install MTools on 7.1 you will need to edit the sql file and the config file.


    'compatible_with' => array( // module compatibility
        '7.0.0',  // it tells that the module can be installed on Dolphin 7.0.0 only.


-- admin menu
SET @iMax = (SELECT MAX(`order`) FROM `sys_menu_admin` WHERE `parent_id` = '2');
INSERT INTO `sys_menu_admin` (`parent_id`, `name`, `title`, `url`, `description`, `icon`, `order`) VALUES
(2, 'MTools_Page_Editor', '_mchristiaan_mtools', '{siteUrl}modules/?r=mtools/administration/', 'MTools Page Editor by M.Christiaan', 'modules/mchristiaan/mtools/|icon.png', @iMax+1);


Of course I take no responsibility in anyone using this hack; do so at your own risk.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 2 Feb 2013

yes... thank you!

Quote · 7 Feb 2013

Geek-girl your instructions did work.  Excellent!

Quote · 7 Feb 2013

Yes it did work as geek_girl said.

Here is the updated module I have updated the interface a bit and enlarge the tiny editor to.

I won't take the credits for it, the name of the creator of Mtools is still in place.

MTools Page Editor · 15.5K · 340 downloads
Quote · 14 Feb 2013

Thanks.  However, shouldn't the version be 1.5.2?  Supposedly there was a 1.6.1 release but I have never found it so I am guessing it was removed for some reason.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 14 Feb 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.