MY fight...

Hiya professor,


I been struggleing setting up this chat + on my machine. I have a webserver on linux but its being hosted somewhere else by the company i hired.


question 1 : is it possible to run chat+ module like i describe above? chat+ server on my private machine. and the website on the hosted machine ?


question 2 : Can someone help me set this up with me on skype maby?


  1. install above software packages-- I installed everything into folder c:/opt
  2. ideally place all packages in your environment path -- wich path? system/properties/ for users? system? not really clear...
  3. install node dependencies : where do i do this c:/opt? c:/windows? i just do it at start of Powershel. 
    npm install nave -g 
  4. get acquainted with Mongodb
  5. change directory to mongo root install folder -- i go to c:opt/mongodb
  6. create an ini file at top level, mongo.ini  -- c:/opt/mongodb/

    logpath = C:\opt\MongoDB\data\log\mongod.log 
    dbpath = C:\opt\MongoDB\data\db\
  7. create those directories (not the log file itself though) -- i did 
  8. type cmd to enter command prompt itself, then Control+Shift+Enter to use cmd as Admin -- ok
  9. install mongod as a service with config options- np Mangodb service registerd
  10. type powershell to head back to PS
  11. net start mongodb -- Np s here
  12. cd '.\opt\MongoDB\bin' or place bin into y our path first-- ok 
  13. .\mongo.exe to enter mongo CLI -- works
  14. rs.initiate()- - ok..
  15. then exit to exit mongo Cl---Np
  16. Install IIS with url-rewrite/application request routing/redirect/SSL support---- I instaled II7 with ARR
  17. Open IIS and edit default website, add https binding and choose ssl cert -- i did so
  18. Add url-rewrite rule, Reverse Proxy, you’ll be prompted to install ARR - i guess this went ok too..
  19. Enable SSL offloading, forward requests to localhost:3000  - enabled. How to i forward requests? Where do i put localhost:3000 ??
  20. Under SSL settings: Require SSL, ignore client certs-- i did so
  21. cd in PS back to C:
  22. Set the environment variables: - system/advance propeties/ system enviroments vaiables? user enviroment? i guess..
    ROOT_URL="" My ip ?? this machine with chat+ server 
  23. Unarchive the downloaded tgz - Use 7zip or tar zxvf cd bundle/programs/server- ok i used alkinds of versions.
  24. npm install   - i do this and then i get the errors .....

    PS C:\bundle\programs\server> npm install

    npm WARN package.json meteor-dev-bundle@0.0.0 No description

    npm WARN package.json meteor-dev-bundle@0.0.0 No repository field.

    npm WARN package.json meteor-dev-bundle@0.0.0 No README data

    npm WARN package.json meteor-dev-bundle@0.0.0 No license field.


    > fibers@1.0.5 install C:\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers

    > node ./build.js

    (node) child_process: options.customFds option is deprecated. Use options.stdio instead.

    C:\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\lol\node_modules\npm\bin\node

    -gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild --release )  else (node "" rebuild --release )

    Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.

      Error: project file 'C:\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers\build\fibers.vcproj' was not found or not a valid

      project file.

      The project consists entirely of configurations that require support for platforms which are not installed on this ma

      chine. The project cannot be loaded.

  25.  cd ..//..

  26. node main.js

    server wont start fibers is not instaled good  

Quote · 20 Apr 2016

i removed all updates  on my machine en instal VB2010 before doing all this the 2nd time. same errors as my trys before.

Quote · 20 Apr 2016

If you have root access to your linux server, then install it there.  If not, contact your hosting company and see if they will install it for you.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 20 Apr 2016

is your webhosting a dedicated server or shared hosting
Quote · 20 Apr 2016

thanks ill do that and see if i can do it, 


Its a linux with Sun, i Got RMS instaled and now i go for chat+. This is a shared hosting i believe. 16 cpu`s. 1g mem 1g VR mem, 0/100 process ect.. multiple cpanel users on one machine.

Quote · 21 Apr 2016

Im not allowed to put it on a shared hosting i just heard, need to have a cloudsetup or just use my VMmachine?


Ohwel :)

Quote · 21 Apr 2016

I am not sure about Chat+ server allows outside connections like the Media Server; if so, then that would allow one to rent a Chat+ Server as one did with the Media Server.


If you are thinking of running in on a local server with a slow connection to the net, I would not try.  If you have a large pipe to the net, then by all means try it on a local linux server and see how it goes.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 21 Apr 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.