This is something that has been a thread on Expertzzz, and also here: (under a topic that is discussing other issues) but to my knowledge it has not been addressed, and I don't know how to do it. On the Expertzzz thread, I gathered that this was possible in 6.0 but was somehow left out in 6.1. When I first posted this Mrpowless said I could only to this by using phpmyadmin - but after repeated posts I couldn't find out where or what to change, and others there seemed to indicate that it was either not possible or very difficult. On the thread here, Mrpowless reversed himself and seemed to indicate there is a simple way to do this from the admin panel and all I had to do was watch his video and I would learn how. I went to his site and filled out the request form for this video, but haven't received it yet.
Could someone tell me if he is correct? Where on the members area of the admin panel can you upgrade a member to a different membership level. Maybe I'm looking right at it but I don't see it. On Expertzzz, however, someone said they had written Boonex and they were "aware of this problem" and a fix would be released shortly.
Can anyone tell me the straight story on this? Is it possible to upgrade a member from the control panel in 6.1 - if so how? Is it possible to upgrade a member from phpmyadmin? - if so how? If neither of these are possible, what is the best workaround? Any thoughts or insights would be appreciated.