Mark Admin-Profile like Antons Mod

i think... many people know Antons Mod:

i dont need the full code ... because i have just one admin! if i want the full code, than i will bought his mod.

i want mark my profile too, but not with the star, i want mark my profil with this image:
the position should the same be like on antons version! botton left.

can somebody share the code? i think its a good alternate solution for people who dont need many admins.
but if you want set more than just one admin.. than you should bought Anton`s Mod! Wink

best regards!

member_menu_admin.png · 571B · 340 views
--- call me asa! ;-)
Quote · 26 Feb 2011

that is what i want:

[quote] It's not so hard you may do it via templates/base/scripts/BxBaseFunctions.php file -> getMemberThumbnail function and templates/base/thumbnail_single.html HTML template. I'm too overloaded and cannot help you right now. [/quote]

... this is a pm from AntonLV. 

and here the code from his mod but its just for admin (thank you anton, that you have allowed me to share this code!!)

The code for Admin panel -> Members section-> Geeky view is

a. Edit administration/profiles.php file -> getMembersGeeky function. Find the following code

'id' => $aProfile['id'],
'username' => $aProfile['username'],

and replace it with this one

//--- AQB - Admin Manager ---//
'id' => $aProfile['id'],
'bx_if:is_admin' => array(
'condition' => isAdmin($aProfile['id']),
'content' => array(
'img_alt' => _t('_aqb_am_alt_admin')
'username' => $aProfile['username'],
//--- AQB - Admin Manager ---//

b. Edit administration/templates/base/mp_members_geeky.html file. Find the following row of code

<td width="*"><a href="__edit_link__" class="__edit_class__">__username__</a></td>

and replace it with the following code

<!-- AQB - Admin Manager -->
<td width="*">
<a href="__edit_link__" class="__edit_class__">__username__</a>
<img src="<bx_icon_url:aqb_am_star.png />" alt="__img_alt__" />
<!-- AQB - Admin Manager -->

You may adapt it for user end.

--- call me asa! ;-)
Quote · 4 Mar 2011

no programmer want to help me and share the code here ?? YellTongue out

--- call me asa! ;-)
Quote · 4 Mar 2011
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