So many times is mentioned this... So i dont know is this a bug or not... Fact is that Mass Mailer module on D7 dont work starting with that when you add mass mail to queue add only inactive members, dont take email of the users from site and finally dont send mass mail at all... |
a ticket has been submitted on this. I have posted to you that mass mail does in fact work, and you have something wrong with your smtp function on your server sir. The issue is that there is a problem with the source code in that we receive the bounced email saying that the recipient had no email address. that is the bug, not that fact that your smtp function is not working on your server.
So many times is mentioned this... So i dont know is this a bug or not... Fact is that Mass Mailer module on D7 dont work starting with that when you add mass mail to queue add only inactive members, dont take email of the users from site and finally dont send mass mail at all...
as an example kind sir, and i know you have been battling this for days, and i have taken ample time to try to resolve this in conjunction with you. please register on i will then generate a mail template and utilize the mass mail feature to send you an email so that you have the solidified proof that the mass mailer works from the standpoint of sending out mail.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Ok, i am on Arvixe, so i dont edit Smtp account. Mail that i send thru Arvix is regular send... And i have register at terabite as a Avantguardia username... |
yes, i have received the registration, and just created the mail to go out. you should be on the list for email notify on, i didnt look at that, but as far as i know all new registrants are by default email notify on in the database.
i do believe that arvixe uses port 26 smtp, and not looked at the code here, but i dont see where that should have any bearing. but the fact of the matter is that the code could be written to hit port 25, and if thats the case, then it could be what the issue is.
Ok, i am on Arvixe, so i dont edit Smtp account. Mail that i send thru Arvix is regular send... And i have register at terabite as a Avantguardia username...
at any rate, going to check my database and see if the mail went out.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
you should have now received the email. you may have to look in your spam folder, as gmail puts all of my mail in the spam can. i just received the infamous email from the server, just after i checked the mail queue on the server to verify that the mail was sent and that you were email notify on.
you should have received an email that looks like this, as this is what is in my inbox:
Dear dosdawg,
Administration of the Terabyte
Hosting Solutions is glad to inform you that
the question herein lies as to whether the mass mailer works, and there is a
problem on the smtp function server-side.
as far as i know and all of my tests say it works, but there is a glitch in
that it returns a bounce stating that a recipient did not have an address.
NOTE: You received this message because our
records show that you are a registered member of Terabyte Hosting Solutions or
subscribed to the delivery. If you wish to unregister, log in to your member
account and hit "Unregister".
Terabyte Hosting Solutions mail delivery system!!! Auto-generated
e-mail, please, do not reply!!!
then the email that should not be coming to me, and is what i am saying is the bug or the glitch, and i am pretty sure i know how to fix it, just havent yet.
A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses,
and therefore no delivery could be attempted.
------ This is a copy of your message, including all the
headers. ------
Subject: =?UTF-8?B?OiBQZXJpb2RpYyBSZXBvcnQ=?=
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?VGVyYWJ5dGUgSG9zdGluZyBTb2x1dGlvbnM=?=
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2010 11:20:06 -0500
- Start email send -
Total queued emails: 7
Ready for send: 7
Processed emails: 7
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
*NOTE* notice that the email that says there was no recipient, also declares that i have sent out 7 emails. and that is the number of emails that were in queue.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
My mass mailer does work but just like Dosdawg, I get the bounceback email message as well.
If you want to see if the email does actually send emails then make a new profile and say that you are from a country where you do not have members then send a mass email to members in that country only.
can you look at the source for the email that is bouncing, and provide a solution to this. i submitted a ticket on this last week.
My mass mailer does work but just like Dosdawg, I get the bounceback email message as well.
If you want to see if the email does actually send emails then make a new profile and say that you are from a country where you do not have members then send a mass email to members in that country only.
im pretty sure it has to do with the garble From: =?UTF-8?B?VGVyYWJ5dGUgSG9zdGluZyBTb2x1dGlvbnM=?From: =?UTF-8?B?VGVyYWJ5dGUgSG9zdGluZyBTb2x1dGlvbnM=?
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Any solution ? Bored of all of these =?UTF-8?B?OiBQ... Mail failure -No recipient addresses... Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
has this been looked at, as i dont see a post on here where there was anything done with the ticket. i cannot post a ticket in trac, have asked a few times to all if they could fix my access to trac.
please look into this mass email issue.
Regards, DosDawg
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Try to check sys_sbs_users table, if there is any records with empty email.
Also try to apply the following fix: (changest -
Rules → |
Try to check sys_sbs_users table, if there is any records with empty email.
Also try to apply the following fix: (changest -
i checked that the very first thing, there were of course no empty database fields for the email. i came back in here to report that i applied the fix from the ticket and it appeared to work, i didnt receive the error message that a recipient didnt have an email address. Good Job.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Any solution to this "Mail failure - no recipient addresses" thing yet?
I think this may have done the trick. Am now getting Periodic reports.
They are right DD, this mass mailer does not work. I installed the changes to solve the no recipient problem but the emails that do get sent are pure garbage. It puts 4 or 5 members in a single email, some of the emails never go anywhere. It's just sloppy. I tried using it and it was a disaster with 84 current members, all with good emails through my own email server on my VPS that works perfectly otherwise.
I noticed there was one other fix applied to the email system in track. Going to research that and see if it's the solution to this very real problem. ... Hosted by! |
We also do have the problems with Mass mailer in Dolphin 7.0
We tried to send a test newsletter to 7 subsribers in our system.
And the message is stuck in the Queue and doesn't go any further.
It says:
"Queue status:
7 mails in the queue"
What should we do? How can we fix the problem? Cause we need periodically update our
members about news in our network.
They are right DD, this mass mailer does not work. I installed the changes to solve the no recipient problem but the emails that do get sent are pure garbage. It puts 4 or 5 members in a single email, some of the emails never go anywhere. It's just sloppy. I tried using it and it was a disaster with 84 current members, all with good emails through my own email server on my VPS that works perfectly otherwise.
I noticed there was one other fix applied to the email system in track. Going to research that and see if it's the solution to this very real problem.
Also the problem with duplicate emails in a single email was fixed long time ago in first RC:
Please make sure that you are using latest final version, or all upgrades were applied correctly.
Rules → |
We also do have the problems with Mass mailer in Dolphin 7.0
We tried to send a test newsletter to 7 subsribers in our system.
And the message is stuck in the Queue and doesn't go any further.
It says:
"Queue status:
7 mails in the queue"
What should we do? How can we fix the problem? Cause we need periodically update our
members about news in our network.
My Mass Mailer was working but now it has stopped.
Very strange
my mass mailer also doesn't work.... any solutions to that problem? |
I just noticed that you guys had that problem early 2010..... it is now November.... have you guys given up on that problem or did you solve it????? |
All the problems was in old version, there is no known bugs related to mass mailer in latest 7.0.3 version.
my mass mailer also doesn't work.... any solutions to that problem?
Rules → |
All the problems was in old version, there is no known bugs related to mass mailer in latest 7.0.3 version.
my mass mailer also doesn't work.... any solutions to that problem?
there are still a few remaining bugs in the mass mailer.
1. emails are being filtered by msn hotmail when sent from the mass mail system.
2. does not adequately send emails when profiles are in excess of 5000 members will only queue up up to 5k
3. emails still have garbled strings in them, and there have been reports of the no recipient in the to string. which was a patch that was released for 7.0.0. some sites are not applying these updates because of the heavy customizations that were applied when the release was first available, not thinking there would be this number of inefficiencies, and moving forward with their project.
so yes, there are still issues.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
my D7.0.3 Mass Mailer doesn't work and never work since D7 beta till upgrade many version not never work again..
i was sent Mass Mail to members and status is " Queue status: 122 mails in the queue "
but NO one of my members get this mail letter from my website.. maybe D7 will never work for Mass Mailer.. or only sucking a money from users here with paid extension ...
My Mass Mailer is working fine...
Since 7.0, I changed:
In /inc/classes/BxDoICronNotifies.php
if(sendMail($aMail['email'], $aMail['subject'], $aMail['body']))
was changed to;
if(sendMail('', $aMail['subject'], $aMail['body']))
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
I have the same problem
But I get it to, if one user make a friend post a new pic ....
i get the right email and on the same time i get the wrong mail
both on the same email account
In the nex day i will make the upgrade to 7.0.4 and try again
I have the same problem
Mass Mailer was working but now it has stopped 
ok i to am having this problem "Queue status:38 mails in the queue" just sitting in my que everything seem to check out any ideas?
My Mass Mailer is working fine...
Since 7.0, I changed:
In /inc/classes/BxDoICronNotifies.php
if(sendMail($aMail['email'], $aMail['subject'], $aMail['body']))
was changed to;
if(sendMail('', $aMail['subject'], $aMail['body']))
I am having the same problem. I have my own server so don't have to worry about restrictions. I tried Michel Swiss' recommendation and when I did my email system stopped working. I created a test profile and when I activated a confirmation email was not sent out. When I put the code back to where it was it did send the activation email out.
I have never sent a newsletter out because my last host did not allow it so it's been 1 year and a half and now I have the site on my server and all the email newsletters remains in the queue and does not send but my regular site mail works fine. I am using 7.08. Any ideas?
000 |
Do you have the Dolphin cron job setup? That is what sends out the mass emails from admin.
I am having the same problem. I have my own server so don't have to worry about restrictions. I tried Michel Swiss' recommendation and when I did my email system stopped working. I created a test profile and when I activated a confirmation email was not sent out. When I put the code back to where it was it did send the activation email out.
I have never sent a newsletter out because my last host did not allow it so it's been 1 year and a half and now I have the site on my server and all the email newsletters remains in the queue and does not send but my regular site mail works fine. I am using 7.08. Any ideas?
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I have a couple of cron jobs in my cpanel. I just added on to see if I could fix it after reading something somewhere.
Here is what I have
14 minutes - cd /home/mysitename/public_html/periodic; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php
1 hour - /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/ mysitename /public_html/gz_periodic.php
I just added this after reading somewhere it may work but it does not work either
15 minutes - /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/
Mass mailer has not worked since the site was originally setup in 7.03, I am in 7.09 now.
Do you have the Dolphin cron job setup? That is what sends out the mass emails from admin.
I am having the same problem. I have my own server so don't have to worry about restrictions. I tried Michel Swiss' recommendation and when I did my email system stopped working. I created a test profile and when I activated a confirmation email was not sent out. When I put the code back to where it was it did send the activation email out.
I have never sent a newsletter out because my last host did not allow it so it's been 1 year and a half and now I have the site on my server and all the email newsletters remains in the queue and does not send but my regular site mail works fine. I am using 7.08. Any ideas?
In my database in sys_sbs_users when I logged into here I got message. MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). ( Query took 0.0001 sec )
there is nothing under browse, and unders tructure it has
1. id int(11)
2. name varchar(64) utf8_general_ci
3. email varchar(64) utf8_general_ci
4. date int(11)
000 |
For the mass mailer to work the first cron (cron.php) has to be set to once a minute. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Thanks MScott your suggestion worked perfectly. I am sending out mail as I write this!
For the mass mailer to work the first cron (cron.php) has to be set to once a minute.
000 |
No problem, glad I could help!
Thanks MScott your suggestion worked perfectly. I am sending out mail as I write this!
For the mass mailer to work the first cron (cron.php) has to be set to once a minute.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Dolphin Jay has a good mass mailer, if it helps anyone just saying Everyday is a new beginning. |
I appreciate the tip, but please check the last post date from here on out. Let old threads rest in peace. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |