Mass Mailer Sex Filter

I've had a few problems with my Mass Mailer which I've managed to solve but whilst testing I noticed the sex filter doesn't seem to work. Is this just my instance or is this a feature that doesn't work in Dolphin?

The mysql query that's meant to filter users by sex refers to this variable:


and here's the code that's meant to check whether the sex filter is being used or not:

// Sex filter
$apply_filter = false;

$vals = getFieldValues( 'Sex' );

foreach ( $vals as $v ) {
if ( !isset($_POST["sex_{$v}"]) || $_POST["sex_{$v}"] != 'on' ) {
//$apply_filter = true;

if ( $apply_filter ) {
$sex_string_buffer = "'-1'";
foreach ( $vals as $v => $lang_val ) {
if ( isset($_POST["sex_{$v}"]) && $_POST["sex_{$v}"] == 'on' )
$sex_string_buffer .= ",'{$v}'";
$sex_filter_sql = '';

but it appears the above if statement only gives the variable an empty value.

Quote · 20 Jul 2009

Does the Mass Mailer sex filter work in Dolphin 6?

Quote · 24 Jul 2009
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