I've seen many people with this same problem and none with answers. When I send out a mass email, the Q is cleared with the cron cycle but the emails are never delivered.
The cron report gives an error;
No recipient addresses found in header
I have narrowed the issue down a bit. In /inc/classes/BxDoICronNotifies.php the line;
if(sendMail($aMail['email'], $aMail['subject'], $aMail['body']))
if I changed it to;
if(sendMail('myemail@domain.com', $aMail['subject'], $aMail['body']))
I get the email successfully. So for some reason, the variable $aMail['email'] is turning up null. I've tried different things but nothing has worked. Any ideas?
Had this issue the entire beta and RC versions and now have D7 final installed all with the same issue.