Mass database errors emails from PHOTOS module...

Is anybody can help me?

I get to my email mass emails about MySQ\php errors in my photos modules like this:


SELECT `bx_photos_main`.`ID` as `medID`, `bx_photos_main`.`Categories` as `Categories`, `bx_photos_main`.`Owner` as `medProfId`, `bx_photos_main`.`Title` as `medTitle`, `bx_photos_main`.`Uri` as `medUri`, `bx_photos_main`.`Desc` as `medDesc`, `bx_photos_main`.`Tags` as `medTags`, `bx_photos_main`.`Date` as `medDate`, `bx_photos_main`.`Views` as `medViews`, `bx_photos_main`.`Status` as `Approved`, `bx_photos_main`.`Featured` as `Featured`, `bx_photos_main`.`Rate` as `Rate`, `bx_photos_main`.`RateCount` as `RateCount`, `bx_photos_main`.`Ext` as `medExt`, `bx_photos_main`.`Size` as `medSize`, `bx_photos_main`.`Hash` as `Hash`,  COUNT(`share1`.`ID`) as `Count`,  `sys_albums`.`ID` as `albumId`, `sys_albums`.`Caption` as `albumCaption`, `sys_albums`.`Uri` as `albumUri`, `sys_albums`.`AllowAlbumView`, `sys_albums_objects`.`obj_order`
                     FROM `bx_photos_main`
                     LEFT JOIN `bx_photos_main` as `share1` USING (`Owner`)
                INNER JOIN `sys_albums_objects` ON `sys_albums_objects`.`id_object`=`bx_photos_main`.`ID`
                INNER JOIN `sys_albums` ON (`sys_albums`.`ID`=`sys_albums_objects`.`id_album` AND `sys_albums`.`Type`='bx_photos')
                     WHERE `bx_photos_main`.`Uri`='Новые-50-долларов-купюра' GROUP BY `share1`.`Owner` LIMIT 1

Mysql error: Got error 28 from storage engine

Found error in the file '/home/a9by/public_html/******/inc/classes/BxDolFilesDb.php' at line 290.
Called 'getRow' function with erroneous argument #0.

Help me, please.

Quote · 24 Aug 2015
Mysql error: Got error 28 from storage engine


This usually means the partition MySQL uses is out of free disk space. Is this shared or VPS/dedicated? For shared, you'll need to contact your host. Otherwise, if this is a cPanel server, login to WHM and check under Service Status to see if any partitions are full under Disk Information. For VPS/dedicated, you can also check with SSH via this command:


# df -h
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 24 Aug 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.