Match with Field

Here's my situation.  I added a field "Smoke" on join/edit form.  It is a single-selector/radio-button with possible values linked to the built-in predefined "Smoker" list. 


On the search form, I added a field "mSmoke" (short for "match Smoke") and made it a multiple-selector/checkbox.  I set the "Match with Field" for this field to "Smoke."


I was hoping that this would allow a user to select one option from the list, like "No," but when searching they could select multiple acceptable options, say "No" and "Rarely."



I'm now having doubts that this is the way "Match with Field" works after looking at the "Sex" field.  The "Sex" field matches to "Looking For."  If I applied the logic above, that would mean that if you selected "Sex" as "Male" for search then it would match all the profiles with "Looking For" set to "Male," which seems backwards.



In short: does the "Match with Field" only apply to things like Cupid Mail and has no bearing on searches?

Quote · 26 Oct 2009

Ok, I see that search function takes care of this automatically in a very smart way.


In case anyone else every has this question, here's how it works:

Indeed, the "Match with Field" apparently is only used for the Cupid Mail.  This makes sense in the example of the "Sex" field since if you're a straight male, you would want your sex field of "male" to match those profiles that say looking for "male."


As for the radio vs. checkboxes on the profile vs. search form:  If you make a field like here, "Smoke" a radio button on the "Edit Profile" form, it will automatically be converted to a checkbox entry on the search forms.


Perfect. :-)

Quote · 26 Oct 2009
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