Member Adding Items to Store?

Ok I logged in as a guest and found I was able to add an item to the store as a guest.  I then logged back in as myslef and tried to purchase that item as a test and when I clicked on the shopping cart it said something like Guest does not accept payments.....hmmmm  Is there an admin function for this as I assume people are meant to be able to add products to the online store.  It is a draw for people to be able to do this but how does it work?  Does the person use my paypal connection? Does he/she have his/her own and if he/she does where does he/she/me set it up?  Any push in the right direction would be appreciated......

Quote · 17 May 2010

Perhaps you need to change the membership level permissions for guests? I imagine they are not suppose to be able to add items, especially since they would lack control over them.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 17 May 2010

That is my question so they can't have an online store pointing to their PayPal? 

If no that only leaves one other option.

If they wanted to have an online store they would have to go through my store and/or my PayPal?  Of course that begs the question if they can add things to the store how do they link to my PayPal and if they can't PLZ explain why they would have the option at all?

Quote · 17 May 2010

That is my question so they can't have an online store pointing to their PayPal?

If no that only leaves one other option.

If they wanted to have an online store they would have to go through my store and/or my PayPal?  Of course that begs the question if they can add things to the store how do they link to my PayPal and if they can't PLZ explain why they would have the option at all?


Yup, that's an area that's been irritating me a lot too. Boonex makes a "store for products" mod that's included with D7 but nobody can actually sell any products since the Boonex definition of products is SOFTWARE ... ??? I guess Shoes, Computers, Bicycles, Coats, Hats, Legos, and so on are not products at all, just figments of our imagination? The store design is simply abominable, but to answer your question as best as I can ...

I'm not done with our store features yet but here's how it will work (unless Boonex fixes this mess). Our store is going to be for members only, but the general public will be able to VIEW store items without being able to purchase them. Hopefully this will eventually help to get people to join to the site. The members will be able to sell anything and everything as long as it's legal merchandise. For first time store/product creation I plan on adding a line of bold red text, letting members know that site owner must be contacted to receive instructions for their store.

The instructions will be very brief, basically a paragraph explaining how paypal provides the free opportunity to have items with tax, shipping, purchase buttons, etc. The instructions will encourage & suggest that in order to use the site store a paypal account with member merchandise options/buttons needs to be created. It won't work without paypal, not for us and not unless Boonex fixes this idiotic system.

Our instructions will also explain that once a papal account and the required purchase buttons have been created, these buttons can then be easily imported to the product description as part of the body text if the member utilizes the html portion of the text editor when describing their merchandise. Anyway, by using paypal the member can successfully have products with pictures, descriptions, and the ability to check out instantly simply by clicking on the "Buy it now" button in the description.

I don't want to run the store that way, but I think that this will work until some better soliution comes along since I can't afford to have someone else fix this mod in order to make all of the functions work properly from the get-go. Hope these ideas were a little helpful ...

Quote · 18 May 2010


That is my question so they can't have an online store pointing to their PayPal? 

If no that only leaves one other option.

If they wanted to have an online store they would have to go through my store and/or my PayPal?  Of course that begs the question if they can add things to the store how do they link to my PayPal and if they can't PLZ explain why they would have the option at all?

 Click on dashboard - payments - settings then you will see paypal and 2checkout  paypal only in 7.0.0   click on the down button on the right of each to add paypal/2checkout  information....  

you musted be signed in as a user and not admin to see this.

if you ask how are your site user supposed to know that...   my answer is thats what your faq and help buttons are for on your main nav bar. - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 18 May 2010

Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic..............Dolphin_Jay thank you so much and to show how to do it is like this......

Just needed to know how to do it.......Also does the admin keep track of and have the ability to see what goes through the store?  I saw a detailed tracking system and was wondering if that is there for the admin to track sales of everyone or just the admins traffic?  Which begs the question can a script be written for the "Site" to get a percentage of the online store being provided by the host?

That is my question so they can't have an online store pointing to their PayPal?

If no that only leaves one other option.

If they wanted to have an online store they would have to go through my store and/or my PayPal?  Of course that begs the question if they can add things to the store how do they link to my PayPal and if they can't PLZ explain why they would have the option at all?

Click on dashboard - payments - settings then you will see paypal and 2checkout  paypal only in 7.0.0   click on the down button on the right of each to add paypal/2checkout  information....

you musted be signed in as a user and not admin to see this.

if you ask how are your site user supposed to know that...   my answer is thats what your faq and help buttons are for on your main nav bar.

Quote · 18 May 2010

I have no idea about any of that... sorry  i find the store useless really.   i need to re-code/rework it so you can sell anything you like and just get the buyers address from paypal  for shiping after they buy something...  also remove that fact you have to upload a blank text document to sell anything not software or video or sound related to add a price.... - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 18 May 2010

I have no idea about any of that... sorry  i find the store useless really.   i need to re-code/rework it so you can sell anything you like and just get the buyers address from paypal  for shiping after they buy something...  also remove that fact you have to upload a blank text document to sell anything not software or video or sound related to add a price....

If that is the case for you why don't you use the buy now button script once someone presses the button for the online store and stage 3 allows you to get the information you are looking for in other words just redirect that button push to the same page that appears when the person pushes the buy now button from paypal that can be done no?

Quote · 18 May 2010

This would be wonderful and is URGENTLY NEEDED!  For the user it would increase the desirability of becoming a member of a Dolphin site, and for the admin it would increase the potential of actually earning money from subscription memberships.

BTW, thank you very much for answering csampson1's question and thanks to him for asking it.  This had been puzzling me too.


i need to re-code/rework it so you can sell anything you like and just get the buyers address from paypal  for shiping after they buy something...  also remove that fact you have to upload a blank text document to sell anything not software or video or sound related to add a price....


Someday, Someway.
Quote · 18 May 2010

Ok Dolphin_Jay when a purchase carries forward to paypal and you then pay for it it says "item 45" in my case how do you know what the item is they are buying?  I tracked a $1.00 purchase through the store and got as far as paying for it but again have no idea what Item 45 is and so i went to the database and found item 45 which was not the same thing........Hmm is that item 45 through PayPal?  I see and feel your frustration level but can't this be tweeked to work. 

Side Note: Item 45 is a paypal identifier as i bought another product and it said "item 46"

So in other words it only carries price forward no identifier for the actual product for the betterment of the buyer and seller........hmmm  OBTW the e-mail that comes from PayPal has no identification either........So again the only way to identify is the price itself yes?

Now if I am very creative I simply price everything to know what it is by price then act on the purchase......... Hmmm the return string I have no idea what do do with unless I use the buy now button which then dilutes the tracking ability of the online store which I see is setup in the back office.  I see someone spent a great deal of time to design this thing and it seems silly to try to start over from scratch.........But how do you get the item information carried forward to the actual purchase so I know what they bought and they know what they bought..........Obviously the success page also needs to be programmed into the final store as well.........If you do your own online store goodluck getting help from PayPal........Hmmm the store in theroy is fantastic but getting the two to work together not so much.......

Does anyone have a store that is working using this programming?  ANYONE? 

Quote · 18 May 2010


This would be wonderful and is URGENTLY NEEDED!  For the user it would increase the desirability of becoming a member of a Dolphin site, and for the admin it would increase the potential of actually earning money from subscription memberships.

BTW, thank you very much for answering csampson1's question and thanks to him for asking it.  This had been puzzling me too.


i need to re-code/rework it so you can sell anything you like and just get the buyers address from paypal  for shiping after they buy something...  also remove that fact you have to upload a blank text document to sell anything not software or video or sound related to add a price....

 Also it does not have to be a blank document as I uploaded PDF contracts for the end user to download sign and fax back as well as pay......    see premium listing download on that page......


Ok this begs the question how can I see the download buttons but signed in as guest I can't what setting needs to be changed as I could not find it in the membership permissions.....Hmmmmmmmm

Quote · 18 May 2010

there is no button becuase it would look like guest did everything on the system and there would really be no way to track who did what. - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 19 May 2010 see premium listing download on that page......

Ok this begs the question how can I see the download buttons but signed in as guest I can't what setting needs to be changed as I could not find it in the membership permissions.....Hmmmmmmmm


Well, that's similar to what we have in mind but those buttons are way too much "in your face" which is a definitive turn-off for many people. I would suggest using strictly merchandise appropriate images for each available article, if possible with an included brief "TITLE=blahblahblah" description. Best to keep that to 12 words or less, just something to awaken an interest. Clicking on an image would then take the visitor to the descriptive page for that particular item, the same page which would then contain your papal buy button ... that can actually also be a custom button of your own if you make one and upload it. Matter of fact, it's been awhile but last time that I checked you could combine shipping fees and articles via paypal and paypal would update the cart automatically when a person clicked on the update button. I checked your cart (the $35 item) and it looks like the update button is there ....

Seems to me that Dolphin is actually total overkill for what you're doing. All of that could have easily been done with a standard web application template and nay number of available free forums that are out there. Sure, I can see people, perhaps even lots of them, becoming interested in and purchasing products from your site, but I really can't imagine a growing community with hundreds or even thousands of members. Sorry, that's my take on that. Peace!

Quote · 19 May 2010

Well how about it works first b4 you seal it's fate so to speak.............LOL

Quote · 20 May 2010

Ok... this has been helpful. I've been trying to figure out how to allow non-members to purchase items, but since we can't track their info... this is not the best option.

In reference to accessing the user's information, paypal allows you to get their phone number as well as a survey... this can be used to ask the customer to contact them for shipping info. If you require shipping, then you should just add a separate item for shipping... this is my recommendation.

The biggest issue is not being able to identify which payment goes with which item (other than the dollar amount). Looks like the IPN is supposed to help this issue, but I was unsuccessful in activating it. Check out this process

Quote · 4 Jun 2010

Can someone help me out, i tested the product store module, i purchased a file, payment went through but was not redirected back to the file, nor when i went back the download button is not there. can someone help?

Everyday is a new beginning.
Quote · 20 Nov 2012

Did you use the call back string?

Quote · 21 Nov 2012

We installed dolphon 7.1 few days back, I am testing and noticed if I tried to add product on store, its overlapping txt and pic see attachement can someone advice what changes required, I am not tech guy explain me in layman terms.

storeissue.JPG · 105K · 397 views
Quote · 29 Aug 2014

Best to use Modzzz Gigs, which is meant for services but can be modified for products/ services, like I have.

Mine is modified for PayPal parallel payments which allows the admin to take commission on sales.

PM me if you are interested.



This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine...
Quote · 29 Aug 2014


Boonex makes a "store for products" mod

 Could you point out where you see what your quoting? As far as i can tell. The store in dolphin is just simply named "Store"

Boonex definition of products is SOFTWAREActually, that is a incorrect definition. The store is designed for "Digital Downloads" Could be anything that can be downloaded after purchase. So it's not just software.
Quote · 29 Aug 2014

Is there a module or an integration that will allow site operators and member to sell physical products?

The Store module in Dolphin is useless and will be removed from my site.  I don't sell memberships or digital downloads so no loss there.

What a piece of crap module it is.

Quote · 26 Jul 2017

For Shop module to sell physical products, see

Paypal email is -
Quote · 25 Jan 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.