Member thumbnail on profile banner help

Hey there, so i have a question that deals with the banner on the members profile.

I'm trying to figure out how to make it so the users thumbnail thats on the banner pulls from the "Avatars" module instead of pulling and changing from the "Photos" module. Every time I upload a picture to the default photos album it automatically changes the user's thumbnail on the profile banner to the photo that was just uploaded. Is there a setting I'm missing, or do I have to edit some code.


I have already changed the settings "Member Thumb" and "Member Thumb Icon"  To "Avatar" that are under "advanced settings->Profiles"

Quote · 7 Apr 2017

Changing "Member Thumb" And "Member Thumb Icon"  To "Avatar" in "Advanced Settings->Profiles" should be enough. 

Just for sure try to clear DB Cache and make sure that Avatars module is installed.

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Quote · 10 Apr 2017

ive tried that already, and once agin i checked the setting for photos, reinstalled photos and avatar's but its still doing it


this is the code i have for profile_cover.html (not sure where else to look)



<div class="sys-profile-cover bx-def-margin-top bx-def-border bx-def-round-corners">

<div class="sys-profile-cover-bg-l1__background_class__"<bx_if:show_background> style="background-image: url(__background__)"</bx_if:show_background>></div>

<div class="sys-profile-cover-bg-l2"></div>


<div class="sys-profile-cover-actions bx-def-padding">

<a class="bx-btn bx-btn-small sys-pca-change-background" href="__href_upload__" title="<bx_text_attribute:_sys_btn_cover_change />"><i class="sys-icon picture-o sys-pca-icon"></i><span class="sys-pca-text"><bx_text:_sys_btn_cover_change /></span></a>



<div class="sys-profile-cover-cnt">

<div class="sys-profile-cover-thumbnail">


<a class="sys-pct-link" href="__thumbnail_href__">

<img class="sys-pct-image" src="__thumbnail__" src-2x="__thumbnail2x__" />



<bx_if:show_thumbnail_letter_text><p class="sys-pct-letter">__letter__</p></bx_if:show_thumbnail_letter_text>


<a class="sys-pct-link" href="__thumbnail_href__">

<p class="sys-pct-letter">__letter__</p>




<div class="sys-profile-cover-text">

<div class="sys-profile-cover-text-cnt">

<h1 class="sys-pct-nickname bx-def-font-h1">__nickname__</h1>

<p class="sys-pct-status bx-def-padding-sec-top">__status__</p>



<div class="sys-profile-cover-menu">

<div class="sys-profile-cover-menu-cnt">


<a class="sys-pcm-item bx-def-margin-left-auto" href="__href__"<bx_if:show_onclick> onclick="__onclick__"</bx_if:show_onclick><bx_if:show_target> target="__target__"</bx_if:show_target>>__caption__</a>






Quote · 8 Jun 2017

its been resolved

Quote · 9 Jun 2017
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