Membership Headache - Clarification Needed

Could someone help clarify some queries I have regaurding Membership please?  My site is now 5 months old and following a very traumatic time with PayPal config (even the Boonex guys haven't been able to get that fully working) I'm still struggling to get membership to work as it should.


For expample:

The MEMBER I have been testing with has today thrown up a really odd issue: 

Front end the MEMBER shows as expiring today in 3 hours. This is what I'm expecting.  

However, looking in sys_acl_members_levels we see two entries for this MEMBER: 

INSERT INTO `sys_acl_levels_members` (`IDMember`, `IDLevel`, `DateStarts`, `DateExpires`, `TransactionID`, `Expiring`) VALUES
(2, 6, '2016-08-22 17:24:06', '2017-01-19 01:24:07', '8LG471528J461623', 0),
(2, 6, '2016-08-22 17:44:06', '2017-01-19 01:14:12', '41659065PJ244882', 0);

So where is the 3 hours coming from?


Am I correct in saying that for every paid membership there should be two records in sys_acl_members_levels, each with the same start and end dates - just slightly different times and seperate transaction numbers?


If so I have found my issue there arequite a lot of single entries.  Am I missing an other tables that are updated when membership is purchased?


As my membership is now well over 1000 I can no longer mange the membership manually so I was thinking that the quickest solution would be to zap sys_acl_members_levels and upload a clean table with current member data which I can generate easily from my tracking spreadsheets I have had to maintain due to this and PayPal issues.

Any assistance or pointers most gratefully received.


Steve E
Quote · 23 Dec 2016

did membership for that profile change. IE - created new member with standard membership, then upgraded to another membership shortly thereafter?
Quote · 23 Dec 2016

No all memberships were set before live and have not changed.

Directly updating sys_acl_members_levels does not affect the member level the user sees in Account on the front end. 

It's such a mess I'm thinking recreating the table is the best option but I'm a little unsure on the relationships between tables now. 

Steve E
Quote · 24 Dec 2016

Been running a few more tests here and it would seem that when a member upgrades, the payment is processed (PayPal) but that is all. The Membership level is not updated either on the front end or directly in sys_acl_levels_members


I have seen posts on here regarding this same issue, but these all occurred prior to my even laying eyes on Dolphin and have been fixed in previous versions.


No choice now but to escalate to Boonex I guess and continue losing revenue as members leave citing lack of confidence and continued bug!!

Steve E
Quote · 24 Dec 2016

Usually there is one record for one member in sys_acl_levels_members table, it maybe several entries there if user buy several levels, then it should be queued and when one level ends another one will start.

The situation you have in sys_acl_levels_members isn't normal, what is the Dolphin version you have ? Do you have custom modifications related to membership levels ?

Rules →
Quote · 31 Dec 2016

Hi Alex


Thanks for clarifying. I'm on 7.3.3. I suspect the issue comes from my hosting company. Seem to have 7 databases all of various incompleteness. I'll zap the the table and start again.

Steve E
Quote · 31 Dec 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.