Membership Vouchers from AntonLV

Hello everybody.
This is a support forum for our Membership Vouchers module.
If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.

Related modules:
1. Points Vouchers - This module allows you to create a "voucher codes" which can be used to get points for free in our Global Points System module.
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 2 Feb 2012

Hello everybody.
The module was updated. It's available for Dolphin 7.1 now.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Nov 2012

The way my membership is laid out, your buttons are not so easy to view, can they be positioned to the right of my membership box?

anton mod issue1 copy.jpg · 226.5K · 652 views
Quote · 3 Dec 2012


The way my membership is laid out, your buttons are not so easy to view, can they be positioned to the right of my membership box?

 I suppose you've upgraded your Dolphin to 7.1. In that case you need to update the module too (replacing the files should be enough). It's design was adapted for D7.1. Here is how it should look in 7.1:

mv_d71.png · 145.5K · 692 views
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 3 Dec 2012

 Actually I am on 7.0.9 and have not upgraded yet. I just installed your mod today.


The way my membership is laid out, your buttons are not so easy to view, can they be positioned to the right of my membership box?

 I suppose you've upgraded your Dolphin to 7.1. In that case you need to update the module too (replacing the files should be enough). It's design was adapted for D7.1. Here is how it should look in 7.1:


Quote · 3 Dec 2012


 Actually I am on 7.0.9 and have not upgraded yet. I just installed your mod today.


The way my membership is laid out, your buttons are not so easy to view, can they be positioned to the right of my membership box?

 I suppose you've upgraded your Dolphin to 7.1. In that case you need to update the module too (replacing the files should be enough). It's design was adapted for D7.1. Here is how it should look in 7.1:


 Ah yes, it was a bug. Fixed. We've updated the package, so you can download the fixed version and upload it's contents over the existing version. After doing that don't forget to clean site's templates cache within admin's dashboard.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 3 Dec 2012

 Yep, much better, thanks. Just a suggestion, the version showing in the Admin section is still showing 1.0.0 and not 1.1.0.


 Actually I am on 7.0.9 and have not upgraded yet. I just installed your mod today.


The way my membership is laid out, your buttons are not so easy to view, can they be positioned to the right of my membership box?

 I suppose you've upgraded your Dolphin to 7.1. In that case you need to update the module too (replacing the files should be enough). It's design was adapted for D7.1. Here is how it should look in 7.1:


 Ah yes, it was a bug. Fixed. We've updated the package, so you can download the fixed version and upload it's contents over the existing version. After doing that don't forget to clean site's templates cache within admin's dashboard.


Quote · 3 Dec 2012


 Yep, much better, thanks. Just a suggestion, the version showing in the Admin section is still showing 1.0.0 and not 1.1.0.

 Yeah, that is because version 1.1.0 is for Dolphin 7.1

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 3 Dec 2012

Hello AntonV, when I apply the code and click Get a Discount, the price changes, but then when I click Add to Cart, nothing happens. I'm not sure what I need to do to fix it. I am using Boonex's membership system, not a 3rd party.




Quote · 11 Jun 2014


Hello AntonV, when I apply the code and click Get a Discount, the price changes, but then when I click Add to Cart, nothing happens. I'm not sure what I need to do to fix it. I am using Boonex's membership system, not a 3rd party.




 Hello Andrew

And without Membership Vouchers module installed does it work? Actually the code for adding to the cart is Dolphin cart module's code which is not being altered by the Vouchers module. So it is a bit strange.

Can you provide us with your site's address and a test account via PM?

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 12 Jun 2014

 PM sent. Thank you.


Hello AntonV, when I apply the code and click Get a Discount, the price changes, but then when I click Add to Cart, nothing happens. I'm not sure what I need to do to fix it. I am using Boonex's membership system, not a 3rd party.




 Hello Andrew

And without Membership Vouchers module installed does it work? Actually the code for adding to the cart is Dolphin cart module's code which is not being altered by the Vouchers module. So it is a bit strange.

Can you provide us with your site's address and a test account via PM?


Quote · 20 Jun 2014


Has anyone tested this on 7.1.5? I just want to make sure that it 'does' work, because I am getting this error where nothing (at all!) shows under the plugin options.



Thank you.

error.png · 532.2K · 534 views
Quote · 6 Mar 2015


This is not an error. Most likely you just don't have any purchasable membership levels. Proceed to [admin panel -> settings -> membership levels] and create at least one and then provide at least one pricing option for it. After that it should appear at the Vouchers module available for setting up a voucher code for it.


Has anyone tested this on 7.1.5? I just want to make sure that it 'does' work, because I am getting this error where nothing (at all!) shows under the plugin options.



Thank you.


Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 6 Mar 2015

How do I show select 'I'm taking it'  and delete 'add to cart'?

Quote · 12 Jun 2016

How do I show select 'I'm taking it'  and delete 'add to cart'?

 Create/use a voucher code with a 100% discount (Free). 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 13 Jun 2016

Hi Anton,

Just following up here from a message sent through to you regarding this Module... I am using Dolphin 7.3 however there doesn't seem to be a voucher code appearing when users are selecting the paid levels when joining - it seems to only provide the options to go straight to paypal to pay for membership. I have set up a voucher code for 100% discount on a paid level, but no opportunity to put a code in at all in the membership selection...

I have attached a screen shot of how the membership selection screen looks... Any ideas on possible configuration settings I need to update or how it should be set would be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,


Quote · 21 Jun 2016


Hi Anton,

Just following up here from a message sent through to you regarding this Module... I am using Dolphin 7.3 however there doesn't seem to be a voucher code appearing when users are selecting the paid levels when joining - it seems to only provide the options to go straight to paypal to pay for membership. I have set up a voucher code for 100% discount on a paid level, but no opportunity to put a code in at all in the membership selection...

I have attached a screen shot of how the membership selection screen looks... Any ideas on possible configuration settings I need to update or how it should be set would be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,


 Hi Matt,

The module can't work on a join form. It works only for an already registered members. So to make it work you need to allow members to join for free (uncheck the "Disable free Join" checkbox). And then once joined any member can go to the membership upgrade page (Account Home -> My Membership) where he is capable of using the voucher codes. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 21 Jun 2016

Hi Anton,
i installed only dolphin system membership on vers. 7.3.1, after i installed the right version of Membership Vouchers in the admin panel vouchers area on the right top there aren't any link to setup or add a new voucher.

Version of Vouchers module on zip file is 1.1.0 but you indicates that are 1.1.1, am i doing something wrong or there is something to check on zip file? is this the problem or whatever else?

Thanks for your fast answer

Quote · 5 Jul 2016


See the post by the link.

The latest version is 1.1.1 but the config file says 1.1.0 because we forgot to update the version number in that file. So it is ok. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 5 Jul 2016


Does this module already integrated to your "matrix" module?

Walter -
Quote · 18 Feb 2017



Does this module already integrated to your "matrix" module?


Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 20 Feb 2017

This is a very useful module!

Walter -
Quote · 20 Feb 2017

Hi, great mod!

One question:  Where to change the size of the CODE INPUT FORMFIELD?


image enclosed

have a nice sunday, peter

memb-voucher-codeinput.jpg · 91.3K · 339 views
Quote · 13 May 2018

And is it possible to put the word *CODE* as Prefill into the BOX to be overwrtitten by the Member with the CODE?

Quote · 13 May 2018

Hi, Peter.

The file modules/aqb/membership_vouchers/templates/base/available.html, the line

<input type="text" value="" id="discount_code___price_id__" class="form_input_text" style="width: 100%;">

you may wish to replace it to:

<input type="text" value="" id="discount_code___price_id__" class="form_input_text bx-def-font-inputs" style="width: 100%;" placeholder="CODE">
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 14 May 2018

Thx Anton for the immediate support :)


I also commented out the description *code* for the input field , changed  width, background color, margin-top, and the font style


<div style="width: 85px; margin-left: 5px; float: left;">                        <!-- <bx_text:_aqb_membership_vouchers_discount_code_txt /> -->                        <div class="bx-def-round-corners-with-border">                            <input type="text" value="" id="discount_code___price_id__" class="form_input_text bx-def-font-inputs" style="width: 140px; margin-top: 5px; background-color: #F5A9A9; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;" placeholder="CODE eingeben">                        </div>                    </div>

Quote · 14 May 2018

Hello AntonLV,

I have recentely purchased your module "Membership Vouchers". I have followed all the install instructions but I am having this error:

Installation of: Membership Vouchers Failed

-- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script

What is going on here? I have read somewhere in this forum that you updated all your modules to Dolphin 7.4.2. Even on the module page, it says that Membership Vauchers is compatible with Dolphin 7.4.2.

In the module package zip, there are these two folders only:

Membership Vouchers for Dolphin 7.0.x

Membership Vouchers for Dolphin 7.1 - 7.3

There is no 7.4.2 version. So I uploaded the Membership Vouchers for Dolphin 7.1 - 7.3 folder as it was the closest to 7.4, then it failed to install.

Please would you mind providing an update version of your module or a fix to this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Quote · 1 Apr 2020



We are updating our modules on demand. The Membership Vouchers module has been updated now and is compatible with D7.4.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 1 Apr 2020

Thanks I will re-upload the updated files and run the install again.

Quote · 1 Apr 2020

Dear AntonLV,


I have been trying to use your module 'Membership Vouchers' which I love, you have done a great work, but unfortunately it doesn't allow someone to create/use the same code for different membership Vauchers. I am stuck and I need your help.

I would like to run a Special Offer with a sales/marketing phrase like: 'Get a 50% OFF on ANY of our membership levels using the code xxxxxx', but once again, unfortunately this doesn't seem to be possible with your module.

Here is a example to illustrate what I am trying to say.

Exemple: If a site has the following memberships:


Bronze (1 Month)

Bronze (3 Months)

Bronze (6 Months)

Bronze (12 Months)


Silver (1 Month)

Silver (3 Months)

Silver (6 Months)

Silver (12 Months)


Gold (1 Month)

Gold (3 Months)

Gold (6 Months)

Gold (12 Months)


and if someone wants to run a special offer and give let's say 50% OFF for the entire site (All the membership levels) or maybe some of the levels using the code SAVE50OFF, there is absolutely no way to use the same code for all the membership Vauchers.

If you create the first Vaucher for the Bronze (1 Month) membership level with the code SAVE50OFF, then when you will need to create the second Vaucher with the same code, it gives you this error message: 'Such code already exists'.

So, you have to create a very unique code for each membership vaucher. In the exemple above, you will end up having 12 Vaucher Codes for the same Special Offer Campaign. It looks unprofessional, messy, confusing and difficult to advertise. For the same Special Offer, you will have to advertise 12 different codes.

It would have been good to make life easier and to also allow the ability to advertise ONLY 1 Discount code for all the membership Vauchers like this: 

'Get a 50% OFF on ANY of our membership levels using the code SAVE50OFF'


'Get a 50% OFF on our Silver (12 Months) and Gold (12 Months) membership levels using the code SAVE50OFF' (Note: This special offer applies to the Yearly Silver and Yearly Gold memberships ONLY)

My Question: How to make the same Code to be used with different memberships vauchers or how to create different Vauchers with the same code without having this error message: 'Such code already exists' and also without removing the ability already existing to create different Vaucher codes for each membership level?

Thanks in advance.


Quote · 28 Sep 2020

The codes must be unique because otherwise an undefined behavior can happen. For example what if someone will create a code "HAPPYCODE" twice for a same memlevel but with a different discount values - this will create an undefined behavior since there is no way to guess the discount value that must be applied (because the code matches 2 discounts in fact). 


You can try the following patch at your own risk (you have to ensure yourself that duplicate codes makes sense and doesn't create an ambiguity)

1. Run the following DB query on your DB (using phpMyAdmin for example):

ALTER TABLE `aqb_membership_vouchers_codes` CHANGE COLUMN `Code` `Code` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `aqb_membership_vouchers_codes` DROP INDEX `Code`;

2. Edit the file modules/aqb/membership_vouchers/classes/AqbMembershipVouchersTemplate.php, delete the block of code

if ($this->_oDb->isCodeExists($sCode)) {
    $this->aInputs['code']['error'] = _t('_aqb_membership_code_err2');
    $bRet = false;

This should allow you to have duplicate codes. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 28 Sep 2020

The codes must be unique because otherwise an undefined behavior can happen. For example what if someone will create a code "HAPPYCODE" twice for a same memlevel but with a different discount values - this will create an undefined behavior since there is no way to guess the discount value that must be applied (because the code matches 2 discounts in fact). 

Thank you so much for your reply. You are a very smart person. What you said actually makes sense. I didn't think about the ambiguity and the undefined behavior part.

Using the patch you provided, how to prevent that undefined behavior? All I need is to create One Single Vaucher Code that can be applied to all membership level or multiple membership levels instead of having to create 12 different Vaucher codes for the same discount campaign. It's difficult to advertise and it's even confusing for users (members). Please help!

You can try the following patch at your own risk (you have to ensure yourself that duplicate codes makes sense and doesn't create an ambiguity) 

 Well, you have scared me. Isn't the patch safe? Will it hurt the site? What about if in the future you release a new version, will the upgrade of module easily be done with this patch?

The codes must be unique because otherwise an undefined behavior can happen. For example what if someone will create a code "HAPPYCODE" twice for a same memlevel but with a different discount values - this will create an undefined behavior since there is no way to guess the discount value that must be applied (because the code matches 2 discounts in fact). 

 Yes, I completly agree. This issue I am having would have been avoid if a different approach were used in the module developpement.

I am sharing with you a screenshot (please see the screenshot attached to this post) of a Listing Directory Script i used to run many years ago. I took it from their public demo site.

They also have product (package) levels that are similar to the Dolphin Membership levels. They also have a Discount (Vaucher) module that works almost similar to your Membership Vouchers.

Although they do not let you create the same code twice too as you said to avoid ambiguity and the undefined behavior (i completly agree with you and with them too Smile), they have managed to overcome  this issue (limitation) that i am reporting in this post by adding the ability to select to which membership/product level, the discount Vaucher should be applied. (please see the field: 'Applicable Product/Pricing' on the screeshoot attached to this post).

In my humble opinion, this approach is the best pratice than creating many different vaucher codes, each code for each membership level/product as it actually works in the Membership Vouchers you created. It's just a thought. I do respect the great work you have done and specially the quality of all your products. Thank you so much for your great contribution to the Dolphin community.

Any other idea on how to go around this issue (limitation) while keeping the check to maintain the vaucher code unique but be able to apply to same code to all or many membership level?


Quote · 28 Sep 2020


Well, you have scared me. Isn't the patch safe? Will it hurt the site? What about if in the future you release a new version, will the upgrade of module easily be done with this patch?

 It is safe in case you're not going to create duplicates codes within the same membership level payment option. I would suggest you to try it. In case of any errors just revert changes back. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 29 Sep 2020


  It is safe in case you're not going to create duplicates codes within the same membership level payment option. I would suggest you to try it. In case of any errors just revert changes back. 

Ok Thanks but have you seen the screenshot i've shared with you in my previous post? What do you think about this ability of creating only one code and select multiple membership levels to apply the code to, instead of creating the same code 12 times, one for each membership level?


Quote · 29 Sep 2020



  It is safe in case you're not going to create duplicates codes within the same membership level payment option. I would suggest you to try it. In case of any errors just revert changes back. 

Ok Thanks but have you seen the screenshot i've shared with you in my previous post? What do you think about this ability of creating only one code and select multiple membership levels to apply the code to, instead of creating the same code 12 times, one for each membership level?


 This will require us to completely rework the whole module. Unfortunately we don't have any spare time for that at the moment. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 29 Sep 2020

Ok. Thanks. 

I am having an issue implementing the patch you provided.

The DB query you suggested to run using phpMyAdmin doesn't work. It gives me the following error:

#1067: Invalid default value for 'start'.

Please help. Thanks.

Quote · 29 Sep 2020


Ok. Thanks. 

I am having an issue implementing the patch you provided.

The DB query you suggested to run using phpMyAdmin doesn't work. It gives me the following error:

#1067: Invalid default value for 'start'.

Please help. Thanks.

 Ensure that you're trying the proper DB query. That query doesn't have the "start" column at all. Or provide me with an access to phpMyAdmin so I could check what is the problem. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Sep 2020

Well I've doubled checked again. i am just copying and pasting into the SQL tab the DB query you provided without changing anything. Only that, nothing else.


it's this particular query that is giving the error:

ALTER TABLE `aqb_membership_vouchers_codes` CHANGE COLUMN `Code` `Code` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL;

Are you sure that this query is correct? Have you checked/tried it from your own side?

I have been searching the internet for this error and many sites say that it occurs when an old style query is executed in the new version of MySQL. 

That's why i have asked whether the DB query you suggested is correct.

Quote · 30 Sep 2020

Yes, the DB query is syntactically correct and it doesn't relate to the "Start" column as you can see from the query's text itself. 

You can try to edit the Start/End columns and change their default value to none or NULL - this should solve your issue. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Sep 2020

Thanks for the reply, AntonLV,

Please have a look to this article I've found that talks about the similar error with WordPress:

Title: How to fix Invalid default value mysql error on WordPress database

'MySQL doesn’t accept anymore 0000-00-00 00:00:00 for dates, and the wp_comments, wp_links, wp_posts, and wp_users table use this value by default.' readmore

I have checked the 'Start' and the 'End' columns of the 'aqb_membership_vouchers_codes' table. They both have a predefined value of '0000-00-00'.

By saying: 'change their default value to none or NULL' you mean to delete/remove the default value of '0000-00-00', leave the field empty, then save the column. Then execute the DB query you provided above? Correct? Is that what you mean? Please I would like to confirm bcz I don't wanna mess the DB.


Quote · 30 Sep 2020

Oh sorry, I have figured out how to null a table column :)

Now the problem is when checking the aqb_membership_vouchers_codes table, both 'Start' and 'End' columns are already Nulled by default since the mod installation as you can see in the screenshot attached to this post. You packed then nulled already. Maybe it's the raison why we are having this error message while trying to execute the DB query. We are trying to Null something which is already nulled. What should I do in this case?


Quote · 30 Sep 2020

Another update:

No mather how i try to change the 'Start' column to 'None' or 'Null', it gives me the following Query error:

#1067: Invalid default value for 'End'.

Same apply if I try to do the same for the 'End' column. It says:

#1067: Invalid default value for 'Start'.

Quote · 30 Sep 2020

I would consider this as a bug or strange behavior in phpMyAdmin/MySQL. 

The only option I see now is to completely delete the database table aqb_membership_vouchers_codes (don't forget to backup data/codes if necessary) and create it again using the following query


CREATE TABLE `aqb_membership_vouchers_codes` (
`Discount` INT NOT NULL,
`Start` DATE,
`End` DATE,
`Threshold` INT DEFAULT 0,
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Sep 2020

Thank you so much AntonLV for your attention and for the support. Thanks for standing behind your products.

I have done what you said: create and delete the table, apply the change into the AqbMembershipVouchersTemplate.php file. Everything works great. I am able to create multiple vaucher with the same code, one for each membership level. Once again, thank you!

Now, there is an undefined behavior that came to my mind just now. Since the same code will be used for all the membership vauchers (meaning, all the vauchers will be created with the same code), what about if a sneaky member orders, let's say, the Bronze (3 Months) membership using the Vaucher Code for that membership level, then few minutes later, he came back and orders another membership using the same code, let's say, the Silver (6 Months) membership. How will the 'Membership Vauchers'  module act? Will it allow this action?

How to prevent a member from ordering two different membership level with the same code?


Quote · 30 Sep 2020

There is no way to prevent that behavior, because technically codes for different membership levels are not the same, they have different IDs despite the fact that the code text is the same. So these codes are different codes with different settings, usage stats, etc. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Sep 2020


There is no way to prevent that behavior, because technically codes for different membership levels are not the same, they have different IDs despite the fact that the code text is the same. So these codes are different codes with different settings, usage stats, etc. 

Thanks, I understand.

Any plan soon to rework the module and improve it based on the suggestion I made (the ability a create a single vaucher code and apply it to whatever membership level instead of creating multiple codes, one for each membership level)?


Quote · 30 Sep 2020

Unfortunately no, in the nearest future we don't have any plans to work on a complete reworking of the module. Because of a lack of a spare time. Currently we are focused on developing new modules for UNA and working on a few custom projects. 

Another reason is that for the entire life of the module you're the only one who asked for this feature. So from a  business standpoint it is not a good idea for us to rework the module exclusively for your needs. :)

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Sep 2020

Thank you.

Quote · 30 Sep 2020
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.