Is it possible to show within the tags block the number of same tags used ?
f.e. summer (3) winter (6) spring (15) autumn (21) ...
Or is there a mod in the market for this ?
Is it possible to show within the tags block the number of same tags used ? f.e. summer (3) winter (6) spring (15) autumn (21) ... Or is there a mod in the market for this ? |
Guess this isn't an easy one :-) |
It is possible but it need custom coding i think! |
Change templates/base/view_tags.html file from: <span class="one_tag" style="font-size:__tagSize__px;"><a href="__tagHref__" title="__countCapt__: __countNum__">__tag__</a></span> to: <span class="one_tag" style="font-size:__tagSize__px;"><a href="__tagHref__" title="__countCapt__: __countNum__">__tag__(__countNum__)</a></span> Finally - clean cache Rules → |
Great AlexT !!
Just one problem, now they don't fit in the column anymore, it seems to be spread over the whole width of the page. |
It should fit, usually words are wrapping to the next line. Please try default template, also you can try to check in browser inspector what is wrong. Just one problem, now they don't fit in the column anymore, it seems to be spread over the whole width of the page.
Rules → |
I'm using the responsive template of Bsetec, but I set it back to default template and still the tags don't fit in the block. While using the responsive template I get 2 errors in Firefox: "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -" Which is strange, because this font is not even in the original zip file. There is 1 error in Google: Failed to load resource: : Failed the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) Which is also strange, because this .png is not in the original zip file. But I think these errors have nothing to do with the wrapping of the tags block.