Menu Mixup

When I click one menu, it opens the content but another menu is shown highlighted as if it were clicked. The one clicked isn't highlighted. Example: Clicking "Subscriptions" highlights "Dentistry Headline News"

Can someone please give me the solution to correct it? Both pages were created by me (obviously), hence the problem, I'm sure. *grin*

Thank you!!!



Quote · 23 Jul 2009

That is quite weird.

Have you tried this.

In Menu Builders move Dentistry Headline News so its in between polls and forums.

Move Subscriptions in between Members and blogs.

Then move them back and see what happens. With any kind of luck, dolphin will fix things when those items are moved.
Quote · 23 Jul 2009

Deano, thanks for trying. It's not working. Now, music is highlighted instead of "Dentistry Headline News" . LOL

I played around with several and that's the final result. Something's rotten in Denmark, eh? It has to be something I did when I created the Subscriptions page, I'm guessing but I followed instructions to the letter.

Quote · 23 Jul 2009

I don't know how good you are with manual editing of the database, but you can just look to verifiy for now.

In the database under the table TopMenu is where all the menu items are.

All top level items such as Music, Members, Subscriptions, ect are suppose to have a parent id of 0

All sub level items are suppose to have a parent id that matches the id of the top level item.

If any of them are wrong, it may be able to be corrected in the database. You may want to backup the database before you try any changes.
Quote · 23 Jul 2009

My Internet connection has been shaky the past few nights between 1:00AM - 5:00AM. Unable to get on again sooner.

The thought of editing the database terrifies me! I may give it a try. I will back it up, first. *shiver* :)

For now, I'll just look at it. Thanks, Deano!

Quote · 23 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.