Hi All,
I've been using Dolphin since 2010 and I am very impressed with the platform and how it has grown. It's a shame that some of the mod providers don't keep up with the changes of the platform.
I bought Multi-Module Creator Plus and Multi-Fields Builder back in 2012 and up to the end of 7.1, the mod designer kept up with the changes of Dolphin. Sadly since changing to 7.2, I have been delaying upgrading to 7.2 because some of my mod which I have used for my site has not kept up with the changes. As you may know, 7.2 has been around for over 4 months but sadly the following mod providers have not updated their mods to keep up with the change.
Rayz - Chat and Messenger Banners ($5), Chat Users Blocker ($10), Chat Camera Access Confirmation ($5)
sneha - Import Users via CSV - from Admin panel ($5), Auto Complete Handy Search ($20)
scriptologist - Multi-Module Creator Plus ($75), Multi-Module Creator Plus ($75), Photo Tag ($35), Profile Edit Tabs ($8)
mods4dolphin - Facebook Ultimate Mod - Dolphin 2 FaceBook ($35), FAQ Zone ($20)
MasterThemecom - Soft Dolphin 7 Templates - 7 Colours ($75)
ESASE - WAP - mobile site version (Updated!x4) ($49), Super Banners - PROMO ($30)
martinboi - Dolphin Affiliate System ($89)
The above mods cost $536 which is down the drain. Have any other Dolphin users bought mods which are now useless.
I will admit that there are many mod providers like Modzzz and Deano92964 who have taken the time to look after their customers have intern ensured that new users of Dolphin can access their mod and still make money.
I would like to see an agreement that anyone selling mods should agree to keep their mods up to date ensuring that their customers can offer a continuation of features on any sites created with Dolphin.
I'm sorry for this rant but if I knew in the past what I knew now, I would have not paid them over $500 of my money which I worked hard for.
So if you have bought a mod and there's no update for it on 7.2, please can you add the details to this post.
One last thing to end on a good note, to the team of Dolphin, I'm very impressed how you guys (including any women on the team) have kept Dolphin growing and improving since I started using it on version 6 (2010) to now. I think what you have created is awesome as not only do you have to stick with just the features but you can access the code and customise the site to make it do anything imaginable. Thank you Boonex.
Well that's it, feel free to post any mods not updated or even if you like to thank the Boonex team to show that you like myself appreciate what they do.
All the best to everyone for 2016 onwards.
P.S. Just a quick note to Rayz, I see that you have updated some of your mods, please can you update the others I own - Thanks 
NO118 - Everyone here pretty much thinks the same way but...

There are quite a few developers here that do their best to keep modules updated to the latest version of the Software however, there is no 'forced' requirement for them to do so. They are only required to support the version that is listed in the Market.
Some will update, some will not, and some will just move on. For example, ESASE has been banned so you can forget those modules. For some, updating the module will require a complete overhaul in order to work with the latest version of the software and can take longer.
Unfortunately, that's the way it works. Most everyone here has spent money on mods that no longer work with the current versions.
Nothing to see here |
NO118 - Everyone here pretty much thinks the same way but...
There are quite a few developers here that do their best to keep modules updated to the latest version of the Software however, there is no 'forced' requirement for them to do so. They are only required to support the version that is listed in the Market.
This is sadly true, I would have thought it would be self preservation to keep mods up to date so when new users starts using Dolphin, they don't miss out on making money and or getting a bad rep.
Thanks for your comments...
Perhaps sometimes version changes of Dolphin requires a complete rewrite of the module and they don't see the time needed to rewrite the module returning in the form of module sales. In other words, the return on the investment of time might be too low.
I am not sure of the legalities but you may be able to find someone that can update the modules to work in 7.2.x.
I feel your pain, I have some of eSASe's modules that I like and use; I hope I can continue to use them if I decide to upgrade to 7.2.x.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Almost everyone in the software industry (and especially cloud industry) have perpetual licensing models ie. pay as you go, pay per month etc.
Speaking for myself, I'm not really a fan of that model, but at the end of the day, that model works. I also only buy from mod developers that I "trust" will update - historical performance is the only measure here.
The other thing with me, I won't buy mods that are too expensive - the upfront cost is just too inhibiting. I would rather pay a monthly incremental fee for something that costs $100+ and $200 outright, why? because I'll never pay the high outright fee, that's just the way it is. The most expensive mod I've purchased so far is $US45 (with our weak Australian dollar at the moment it's near double in our figures).
In turn, the developer loses a sale to me unless he/she changes the business model.
For a mod that costs $100 to buy outright, maybe that could be broken up in small increments and paid per month (like $5/month because it'll be on-going forever), with a central license store (similar to this Boonex website) allowing access to upgrades endlessly with an incentive to mod developers to continually upgrade to later versions. If payment is not made, the central store suspends the license.
I can't be sure, but from the last "new year" announcement from Boonex they mentioned something for developers, I wouldn't think it would be far from this idea.
https://www.boonex.com/m/Spy_Admin $20.00
https://www.boonex.com/m/SOUNDS_play_lists $30.00
https://www.boonex.com/m/actions-manager $30.00
From danielmarseille
https://www.boonex.com/m/splashpage-blackisblack $25.00
From modules2buy
https://www.boonex.com/m/dolphin-whoviewedme-block $5.00
https://www.boonex.com/m/dolphin-whomiviewed-block $5.00
From derartmedia
https://www.boonex.com/m/template-biggi-with-splashpage-newsfeed $59.00
Wasted $179 on these mods it SUCKS they don't work with 7.2
and it SUCKS even more boonex don't do anything about it.
At least they could fkin update the mods!
At least they could fkin update the mods!
M, do you remember the post where Alex showed you how to update most modules for 7.2?
In my experience from upgrading sites most modules just need those two lines removed and they will install. (Although it is best to get the updated modules and apply the patches.)
Yes, I wasted money in the market too; like Z states we all have at one point.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Wasted $179 on these mods
Why? Did they not work at the time you purchased the modules for the particular version of Dolphin you were running? There is no rule that developers have to give you free upgrades of modules for new versions of Dolphin. Many developers do; they are being generous to the community here. Does MicroCrap give free new versions of Office for life?
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Wasted $179 on these mods
They did but where is the support now?
And do they work now? NO!!!
I bet you one of those dev u want to create mods then just disappear!
Go ahead and defend them you might be just like them...
Boonex should have a mod or something that would update all mods
if not all, then for those they have banned from the site or for those that are not here!
At least they could fkin update the mods!
M, do you remember the post where Alex showed you how to update most modules for 7.2?
In my experience from upgrading sites most modules just need those two lines removed and they will install. (Although it is best to get the updated modules and apply the patches.)
Yes, I wasted money in the market too; like Z states we all have at one point.
Yes I remember M,
Thinking there should be an solution for this,
I understand the dev maybe can't always update or so on.
But Boonex should have an solution for this.
Is it so tricky for boonex to auto update all mods when they update?
Is it so tricky for boonex to auto update all mods when they update?
It's not tricky at all. It's impossible.
BoonEx has no affiliation with any of the modules and/or developers within the Market. It is solely the responsibility of the developers (BTW, they are not BoonEx employees, just members like us) to update their modules to work with the latest version of Dolphin.
Nothing to see here |
Wasted $179 on these mods
They did but where is the support now?
And do they work now? NO!!!
I bet you one of those dev u want to create mods then just disappear!
Go ahead and defend them you might be just like them...
Boonex should have a mod or something that would update all mods
if not all, then for those they have banned from the site or for those that are not here!
You decided to move to a new version of Dolphin. Just like their are programmes that use to work on an old version of an OS, if one upgrades they might stop working and one has to accept it. You have to accept the responsibility in moving to the newer version of Dolphin that some of your modules might stop working. The solution if the developer is no longer available or decides not to update the module for whatever reason is to find another solution that accomplishes the same thing, remove that feature and live with it, hire a developer to try and get the module to work on the newer version of Dolphin, or make the decision that you will stick with the version of Dolphin that the modules are compatible on
For your information, some modules just won't work on newer versions of Dolphin due to radical changes in the platform and would require a complete rewrite. Some developers may feel that the return on the investment will just be too low to justify the work.
From your comments, I take it you are not a coder.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
I can understand your frustrations. As was pointed out, some of the modules that are not working may only need some simple changes to make them work. Instead of ranting maybe we can work together to see if we can get the modules to work. Send me a PM and we can talk. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Is it so tricky for boonex to auto update all mods when they update?
As Zarcon pointed out. It's impossible.
Sure, the modules compatibility array could be updated so it installs on the latest version of dolphin, however, that is not a magic fix.
1) If dolphin changes how it works. Like this last one with template changes. Then modules that were developed for fixed width templates may not function on the new EVO template. That fix would require code and/or module template changes.
2) If boonex changes the page layout like they did with this version of dolphin, then modules that deal with page columns and expected the first column number be the far left vertical column, then those modules are now broken because dolphin now uses that as the top horizontal column. Modules designed to deal with page columns would require code changes to deal with the changes dolphin made.
Unfortunately your making the assumption that updating a module is a piece of cake. So easy in fact that it can be automated with a script. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not that simple. I really wish it was. If it was that easy, all of mine would be updated by now. But as it is, i am only about half way though the updates to mine.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
piece of cake
Your kidding right? If i thought it was easy i would do it my self.
And nothing is impossible that's my belief...
And nothing is impossible that's my belief...
Would you mind catching a comet for me then?
Geeks, making the world a better place |
And nothing is impossible that's my belief...
What does a comet have to do with coding?
Don't be ridiculous.
What does a comet have to do with coding
In this case it fits. Because your request as it was worded was "Is it so tricky for boonex to auto update all mods when they update?" Which is as impossible as catching a comet.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I should point this out as well.
There is a reason why modules have a compatibility array that states what versions of dolphin they are compatible with that the developer has to manually update. And that reason is so the developer can test it before stating it is compatible.
If for example boonex did just allow all the modules to run with newer versions of dolphin without the developer having to test them, and lets again assume boonex made a change in dolphin that if the module was allowed to run would result in your site being completely trashed. Well, i am guessing anyone running that module would not be a happy camper.
So, anyhoo. That's the reason updates are done manually and should remain that way. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Ok, I'm sorry if anyone got offended.
I understand some dev's can't and some won't update their mods, all respect to that.
But these mods that the dev left behind can't it be open for the public?
Maybe somone with more knowledge then me can update them :)
I can understand your frustrations. As was pointed out, some of the modules that are not working may only need some simple changes to make them work. Instead of ranting maybe we can work together to see if we can get the modules to work. Send me a PM and we can talk.
That's a great idea geek_girl, over the next couple of weeks I will start putting some of my mod that I have issue with on here and create a blog of fixes.
Another thing I have been thinking about which would help mod developers justify keeping their mods up to date is if there was information from the Boonex team to show each month how many live sites there are and how many new one came online.
If Dolphin talks back to Boonex, generating this sort of information would be quite simple.
Ok, I'm sorry if anyone got offended.
I understand some dev's can't and some won't update their mods, all respect to that.
But these mods that the dev left behind can't it be open for the public?
Maybe somone with more knowledge then me can update them :)
Hi themusicvibe,
This is what I plan to do, I'm researching the changes between 7.1 and 7.2 and I'll keep a rolling blog of my mods and fixes.
But these mods that the dev left behind can't it be open for the public?
The answer is no because it is copyrighted code. I think it is legal to help someone modify the code to work on their site since they have a license.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
And they are not left behind. If the developer is gone, then the modules will not be listed in the market but those that have a license can still download them in case they have an oops. If the developer is here, the module is clearly listed for compatibility. Some people are still using older versions of Dolphin including 6.0. Geeks, making the world a better place |
And nothing is impossible that's my belief...
What does a comet have to do with coding?
Don't be ridiculous.
You said nothing is impossible so I asked about catching a comet; which is impossible just as there are things that is impossible to do with coding.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
But these mods that the dev left behind can't it be open for the public?
The answer is no because it is copyrighted code. I think it is legal to help someone modify the code to work on their site since they have a license.
I guess it depends on the amount of code needing changing, Technically speaking if the mod needed a total rewrite, wouldn't this be a new mod at a code level at lease???
Also lot of the mods being created already uses code which is used in Dolphin's own mods,
And nothing is impossible that's my belief...
What does a comet have to do with coding?
Don't be ridiculous.
You said nothing is impossible so I asked about catching a comet; which is impossible just as there are things that is impossible to do with coding.
This is not impossible depending on the size and speed of the comet. Soz my humour coming out, lol
I guess it depends on the amount of code needing changing, Technically speaking if the mod needed a total rewrite, wouldn't this be a new mod at a code level at lease???
Yes, it would be a new module that did the same function as the old module. If you look in the market, you will see modules from different vendors (just don't like the term providers so won't use it) that perform the same function. However, even if there is one function that is the same, then that function is copyrighted code. You would need to write your own function to replace it so that the module does not contain code from the earlier vendor. Of course programmers will use functions that are in open source public domain so one should check to see if the function belongs to the vendor or was used under some GNU/MIT license. You can easily tell because code that is used under one of those licenses will be stated in the module.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
And nothing is impossible that's my belief...
What does a comet have to do with coding?
Don't be ridiculous.
You said nothing is impossible so I asked about catching a comet; which is impossible just as there are things that is impossible to do with coding.
This is not impossible depending on the size and speed of the comet. Soz my humour coming out, lol
Yes, if one has a large enough catcher's mitt and a long enough arm, I guess it would be possible although the comet would probably yank you off the planet.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Almost everyone in the software industry (and especially cloud industry) have perpetual licensing models ie. pay as you go, pay per month etc.
Speaking for myself, I'm not really a fan of that model, but at the end of the day, that model works. I also only buy from mod developers that I "trust" will update - historical performance is the only measure here.
The other thing with me, I won't buy mods that are too expensive - the upfront cost is just too inhibiting. I would rather pay a monthly incremental fee for something that costs $100+ and $200 outright, why? because I'll never pay the high outright fee, that's just the way it is. The most expensive mod I've purchased so far is $US45 (with our weak Australian dollar at the moment it's near double in our figures).
In turn, the developer loses a sale to me unless he/she changes the business model.
For a mod that costs $100 to buy outright, maybe that could be broken up in small increments and paid per month (like $5/month because it'll be on-going forever), with a central license store (similar to this Boonex website) allowing access to upgrades endlessly with an incentive to mod developers to continually upgrade to later versions. If payment is not made, the central store suspends the license.
I can't be sure, but from the last "new year" announcement from Boonex they mentioned something for developers, I wouldn't think it would be far from this idea.
Not far at all.
Heart Head Hands |
Hi All,
It's been 11 days since I have attempted to contact some of the mod providers, sadly no response.
Let the buyer beware.
I try to purchase mods only from vendors with a reputation for providing updates and good customer service.
Boonex provides a feedback mechanism so new buyers can evaluate vendors based on other people's past experience with a particular buyer.
IMHO vendors who offer updates to their mods will be more successful than one who doesn't.
At the present time, all my mods are provided by Modzzz.
I seen this post and did not want to bad mouth any of the developers but Boonex needs to become more mainstream so that developers have more people to compete with. I myself have been waiting on a template since 9/6/2015 for my site. Most of the people I try to contact about templates accounts are gone. I also believe when you are having a problem with a mod developers should try and help you since you already paid for the mod. Personally I understand updates and would gladly pay for a mod to be updated because I know it takes allot of time to keep up with how fast things are changing. With that being said you should not expect to pay the same price as when you first bought the mod. Also if a developer refuse to update a mod then make it a free source so others can help or make suggestions on how to update mods. I have had allot of help from other members in this forum about how to do things.(to those who have help me in the past and in the future, thank you!) What I learn I pass along to others. We are a community within ourselves as Dolphin purchasers and we need to help each other whenever we can for the greater good of Boonex and for our sites. |