Migrating Dzoic to D7

Hi All,

I've a community site currently installed with the Dzoic script which I'll be migrating to D7.

How can I migrate all the members to the new D7? Do I just "cut-n-paste" the mySQL db's say memberid, name, password (MD5) column over? Will it work?

Or all my members have to register again at the new D7?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards, William

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

there is a migration script in the d7 admin panel..   leave dolphin 6 installed where it is. install d7 in a sub folder with a new clean db.  do not add any content to it.   go to the admin panel of d7 and start the migration.   if you so wish move the d7 site to the root after migration.

https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

there is a migration script in the d7 admin panel..   leave dolphin 6 installed where it is. install d7 in a sub folder with a new clean db.  do not add any content to it.   go to the admin panel of d7 and start the migration.   if you so wish move the d7 site to the root after migration.

He's using a completely different script called Dzoic, which is a video sharing and social networking script. He wants to know how he'd go about transferring accounts via the database, which I unfortunately do not know how.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 2 Jan 2010



there is a migration script in the d7 admin panel..   leave dolphin 6 installed where it is. install d7 in a sub folder with a new clean db.  do not add any content to it.   go to the admin panel of d7 and start the migration.   if you so wish move the d7 site to the root after migration.

He's using a completely different script called Dzoic, which is a video sharing and social networking script. He wants to know how he'd go about transferring accounts via the database, which I unfortunately do not know how.

 completly missed that part... all depends on if dzoic uses md5 with salt user and passwords.  you can try one user by hand and if it works just creat a proper query to import the rest.


if you look in the d7 final db in the profile table you will see md5 password then the salt colum next to it.  not sure if you just add the md5 from zdioc if it will allow for log in with out salt..

https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

If you look in the d7 final db in the profile table you will see md5 password then the salt colum next to it.  not sure if you just add the md5 from zdioc if it will allow for log in with out salt..

Hi, yes, I peeked into Dzoic db, the password is in MD5. So if I try to match table by table ie. username, password etc. from Dzoic to D7, it should work? Or at least the members will be able to log into the new D7 (which maybe they have to upload their profile photo again)?

I'm not familiar with the "salt" column thingy, what is that?

Quote · 2 Jan 2010




If you look in the d7 final db in the profile table you will see md5 password then the salt colum next to it.  not sure if you just add the md5 from zdioc if it will allow for log in with out salt..

Hi, yes, I peeked into Dzoic db, the password is in MD5. So if I try to match table by table ie. username, password etc. from Dzoic to D7, it should work? Or at least the members will be able to log into the new D7 (which maybe they have to upload their profile photo again)?



I'm not familiar with the "salt" column thingy, what is that?



Will explain it for you.  But basically, it means that to fully secure a DB system today, programmers are beginning to "salt" the passwords with additional strings that become literally unhackable, even if the DB is stolen with the MD5 hashes.  Salting adds additional items and variables to the password that simply make it impossible to pull it off.

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Wow, learned something new abt the "salt" thing.

I'll be giving it a try to migrate the db.

Quote · 5 Jan 2010

If you look in the d7 final db in the profile table you will see md5 password then the salt colum next to it.  not sure if you just add the md5 from zdioc if it will allow for log in with out salt..

Hi, yes, I peeked into Dzoic db, the password is in MD5. So if I try to match table by table ie. username, password etc. from Dzoic to D7, it should work? Or at least the members will be able to log into the new D7 (which maybe they have to upload their profile photo again)?

I'm not familiar with the "salt" column thingy, what is that?


Will explain it for you.  But basically, it means that to fully secure a DB system today, programmers are beginning to "salt" the passwords with additional strings that become literally unhackable, even if the DB is stolen with the MD5 hashes.  Salting adds additional items and variables to the password that simply make it impossible to pull it off.

MD, this made me wiggle my head bro. salt is not necessarily for the DB, its for site security, because where it was at some juncture, decided that passwords are just too easy to crack, for one reason, the End-USER, does not know what they are doing.

so SALT, was implemented to place another layer of security between the site owner and site access or account-owner /account access. salt encryption is supposed to slow down dictionary attacks, where you are still using md5hash for the password, salt is derived from the username, and its a 64bit encryption, and the result is an 8-10 character random generation of your user-name or some other variable as a recognizer.

ok thats that.



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Quote · 7 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.