I downloaded a fresh copy of dolphin Dolphin-v.6.1.4-Free, unzipped it, FTP'd and ran install. During the permission check, only the Folders were listed (did not include the files). Clicking NEXT displayed all the files that were not modified. Went back and did them. Put in the SQL and other parameters. After the SUCCESSFUL INSTALL page, I received a message saying it can't open the data stream for /ray/inc/header.inc.php. Come to find out, there is no INC folder in the RAY folder. I downloaded the Ray-v.3.5.3-Suite-Free to see if there's an INC folder but not there either.
Even the DETAILED Instructions says the following:
chmod -v 666 ./periodic/cmd.php ./periodic/notifies.php ./inc/params.inc.php ./ray/inc/header.inc.php ./ray/inc/cron.inc.php
but ./ray/inc does not exist.
This is fresh from download, no mods, any ideas? Is this a flaw in the download?