Mod Rewrite is on, but Dolphin Does Not Recognize

  • Web-server: Apache
    • rewrite_module - FAIL (You will need to install rewrite_module for Apache)
  • OS: Linux 2.6.32-642.11.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Nov 18 19:25:05 UTC 2016 x86_64
  • User-side caching for static conten = click here to check it in Google Page Speed 
    If it is not enabled then please consider implement this optimization, since it improve perceived site speed and save the bandwidth, refer to this tutorial on how to do this. 
    To apply this optimization you need to have expires_module Apache module - FAIL (You will need to install expires_module for Apache)
  • Server-side content compression = can be checked manually or in "Page Speed" tool build-in into browser. 
    If it is not enabled then please consider implement this optimization, since it improve perceived site speed and save the bandwidth, refer to this tutorial on how to do this. 
    To apply this optimization you need to have deflate_module Apache module - FAIL (You will need to install deflate_module for Apache)

The Two things I have checked over and over and I can not get my head around it. We are on a dedicated server and the rewrite_module is there. I also put up my .HTACCESS in case something could be wrong there. I keep getting CGI errors with sound and video uploads as well and sound files you can do playback. Also profile covers can be cropped, but not profile photos. All perms are good. I am thinking this is all related. 

htaccess (3) · 15.1K · 267 downloads
Quote · 28 Jan 2017

If the permalinks work, it's not an issue. If PHP runs under FastCGI/FPM/SuPHP/etc. and not mod_php, it can't query Apache for loaded modules. So it instead shows it as failed. Don't switch to mod_php, and ignore them if all recommended modules are already confirmed to be loaded.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 28 Jan 2017

TY so if perma links work then everything should be fine. Which they do. Now I just got to figure out what is causing the issue with profile photo cropping and sound recording playback and the cgi errors when sound and video is being uploading which may be connected somehow. Only seen one post on this and the guy never got his answer. I'm guessing they gave up Tongue Out

Quote · 28 Jan 2017
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