I just purchased my first mod that has Base64 encryption in it. And was promptly quick fired 8 emails, got locked out of my FTP account, and had my site flagged and blocked SIMPLY by trying to install Datelys' GeoDistance, because he apparently encrypted files with base64_decode(rawurldecode). The malware scan reports them as malware even if they are not 'just' because malware is usually encoded this way, while the more professional way is with ioncube or zend. I understand Base64 is cheaper, but its just not a free range anymore. Hosts are cracking down on stuff like this!
And after a google search, I have found that MORE and more hosts are responding this exact way!
Unknown Bytes complete FAILED! :The file you uploaded, GeoDistance_1.0.0_7.1.x.zip, contains a virus so the upload was canceled: {HEX}gzbase64.inject.unclassed.15.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
"As a part of A2 Hosting Perpetual Security, we detected that someone logged into your FTP account at 03/15/15 02:11 and uploaded a file with potentially damaging content to /home/***/public_html/***/modules/Dately/geodistance/classes/DatelyGeoDModule.php.
The good news is, we have already taken action to stop further harm to your account! Unfortunately, this includes flagging your site as possibly hostile, changing the password for the account and disrupting traffic to your site. Also, we may investigate any files involved and remove them automatically if needed. Please let us know if you wish to review the files beforehand."