Moderator or no Moderator?

Ok I know that it has been asked before... and the answer given was that you can create a moderator membership type and give it thing like delete photo etc... HOWEVER I will ask it again.. Is there a moderator setting? I ask this because say for example on line 32 of has


which is ironic because line 30 has

define('BX_DOL_ROLE_ADMIN',     2);

and the admin role is 3 really... So what is this? Just in the inc folder are 10 refs. to moderator. I think there should be a moderator setting, and have tried Roles 2, 4, 5, & 8 all giving nothing... So is there a moderating setting or not?

It seems as if the code is still there or is there for a moderator of some sort... The problem with creating membership types that have moderator access like delete post and so forth is that is a public membership type... So that shows up as something that can be bought... yes you can deactivate it and then it will not show up.. All fine and dandy, but ok... How does one edit a photo? the only option it gives you is really delete. It does not allow for you to edit the photos tags or anything like that. You can only do this in the admin panel. and if you give them the right to edit profiles shouldn't the edit button show on all profiles as if it was there profile? as of now you have to type in the url for the profile to edit it as a membership created moderator. Yes you can do it but its not exactly user friendly...

Don't get me wrong, love the new code way better... but there are still things I am a bit shocked are not done...

Also if you ban a member, I see it no longer gives you an option for a time for banning... But have noticed that after about 24 they are no longer banned... Am I missing something?

Also how do you edit the actions blocks? I know there are like 3 now... One in the profile, one in the mail box and the floating one... How do you remove/add items from these? it is not the same as Dol 6.X.X I had found it once and can't remember what file and can not find it in the forums anymore either... Honestly I think it should be written that if they can not use the feature the button simply shouldn't show up, or have an option to do that.. BUT that's a bit of coding and I know that lol... So I will be happy to just remove/add the buttons myself I someone can remind me how on Dol. 7.

Again thank you, I know it's your job... But I think I can understand how little thanks your get and its all ways nice to hear it... So really to everyone who helps run and build the Dolphin scripts... Thank you...

Quote · 27 Dec 2009

In alpha they had a moderator system in place, however at some point in alpha they removed the moderator system from dolphin.  What you see regarding moderator are relics of that system which were not fully removed.  This can mean they plan on reintroducing the moderator system later.  If you look at the membership level options, there used to be several options for moderators to do many different things, but those were removed as well.  Delete News is still in there which I suspect was forgotten as a moderator role that they never took out.

Quote · 27 Dec 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.