Modzzz & Scriptologist: READ THIS


So I figured I would kill 2 birds with 1 stone here. I have complaints on both of you that have been outstanding for over a month. When I send you a PM here at Unity, I am not giving you an 'option' to respond.. If you receive an PM from me, it is because you are on the thinnest part of the ice and its about to break.


Starting with Modzzz:

You need to fix the voting bug that has been reported to you by your customer AND me. You have released several new mods since I have first contacted you about this. You sent me an email stating that you were fixing it on 6/26 and it still has not been done. Its time you fix that module now.

You also have some issue regarding a module that was released and disputed by another developer. I believe you are already addressing this.



Scriptologist... Its your turn:

I have heard several complaints regarding your Page Creator module. I have contacted you regarding and issue with member 'Scrapsofmylife'. Either fix the issue or refund the money like you said.Aslo, Create the forum for support related issues if you have not already.



So here is what I am expecting out of Modzzz and Scriptologist.. You have the ability to reply to this topic with 1 of 3 different options and THATS ALL I WANNA HEAR. ( I do not wanna hear anything like .. 'I was going to, but'..)


1. I will fix the issues reported

2. I will refund the monies as I do not know how or have the time to fix the issue

3. I am not doing either one..


I Zarcon, do promise that if you decide to choose #3, you can consider yourself out of here. We (Moderators) have been trying to resolve these issue in the forum/market for quite some time now. Play time is over!


If you want to be considered a respectable developer her at BoonEx/Unity, then do yourself a favor and provide your customers with quality products and superb support.


**** WARNING:  I expect ONLY Modzzz, Scriptologist, BoonEx Staff, or Moderators to reply to this forum topic. Anyone else will be considered a hostile hijacker and will be reprimanded ******


Modzzz/Scriptologist - You have until Monday July 23rd to resolve these issue. I will be in contact with the customers who have complained. If these issues have not been resolved by July 23rd, you will get an unwanted vacation from BoonEx Untiy!!!!  I Hope I have made myself clear. You have any questions? Send me a PM here at Untiy.

Nothing to see here
19 Jul 2012

A patch was already released for the mod in question prior to this post.

Paypal email is -
19 Jul 2012


A patch was already released for the mod in question prior to this post.

 Thank you Modzzz. Since the last response I got from you was that you were 'going to' update the module, I did not know whether it was completed or not. Thank you for the update. I can take this one off my list now.

Nothing to see here
19 Jul 2012

I think that was a little harsh there.  Maybe all of boonex unity members should treat boonex employees the same way and demand a refund for every little thing that don't work right in dolphin! - Skype: Dolphin Techs
19 Jul 2012

The Multi-Page Creator has been fixed a long time ago, as you can see from the list of updates on the module page.


I told Scrapsofmylife that I will apply it on her site but she doesn't want me to. There's a bug on her site that apparently not related to my module.

Unlock Your Future
20 Jul 2012

This is what happens when you fail to communicate with the moderators.  We wouldn't have this topic if you bothered to tell Zarcon about all this.  Indeed, the last developers to ignore a moderator were banished to the moon.


Edit: @dolphin_jay: See that bold text?  See how it says not to post?  The moon looks wonderful this time of year.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
20 Jul 2012

OK, so let me first address the issue regarding the post from dolphin_jay. First off, I do not that I was harsh at all. I would like to think of it as more of.. 'To the point'. Also, I believe I made it as ***visible as possible*** for everyone  to see that this topic was meant for specific people. Why? Here is why. I have been contacting these developers, the customers have, and probably other moderators as well regarding these disputes. This topic was not created to hear everyone's 2cents worth on the issue. It was designed to get a response and resolution to the disputes reported since Unity mail was NOT working.

I have heard no responses (until now) to whether these issues were resolved or not. I continuously get emails asking for updates, so I got tired of trying and put it out on the Forum (in case I was blocked) for them to see. I find it disturbing when people say they are having issues with a module they purchased, contact the developers and end with no response or resolution. This way, everyone comes out and a resolution can happen so that everyone is happy. It really is that simple.


As for your statement that "Maybe all of boonex unity members should treat boonex employees the same way and demand a refund for every little thing that don't work right in dolphin!" I'm sure this happens more than you think. For example, a member bought a premium license so he could post his business in the Market. Completely against the rules. When I removed it, he asked why and I explained. He then wanted a refund since the ONLY reason he bought a premium membership was to do that 1 thing.


Now, being a man of my word, I will give you some time to reflect on why you felt it was necessary to post your comment in this topic after I specifically stated not to.

Nothing to see here
20 Jul 2012


The Multi-Page Creator has been fixed a long time ago, as you can see from the list of updates on the module page.


I told Scrapsofmylife that I will apply it on her site but she doesn't want me to. There's a bug on her site that apparently not related to my module.

 When you say there is a bug on her site not related to your module, are you stating that it will be IMPOSSIBLE to fix the issue at hand due to this? Also, when you state a 'bug' are you referring to another module that in conflicting with yours?

Nothing to see here
20 Jul 2012



The Multi-Page Creator has been fixed a long time ago, as you can see from the list of updates on the module page.


I told Scrapsofmylife that I will apply it on her site but she doesn't want me to. There's a bug on her site that apparently not related to my module.

 When you say there is a bug on her site not related to your module, are you stating that it will be IMPOSSIBLE to fix the issue at hand due to this? Also, when you state a 'bug' are you referring to another module that in conflicting with yours?

Sorry for the ambiguous statement. What I was trying to imply is that, she thought that my module or I, was the caused of that bug on here site and therefore she decided not to install or fix my module anymore.


And also I'm willing to fix that bug for her even though it's not related to my module as I am willing to go extra mile to settle things and make everyone happy.

Unlock Your Future
20 Jul 2012

Also, heads up.  If we find out you have us on a block list, and we're dealing with an issue from you, consider that a green-light for immediate suspension for however long you had us blocked (or more).  Last developer to try and block his problems away was banished to the moon for the better half of a century.  And we can find out if you have us or anyone else blocked.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
20 Jul 2012

Oh and for anyone else who thinks this is a 'bit harsh'... Most all members of Unity asked for better moderation of the Market place that included lack of support, rip offs, and pure thieving.. This is just a way for us Moderators to let you know that 'We have heard you' and now its time to give you want you wanted.


I personally think its a great way to let anyone who wants to take advantage of our members know, there will be a price to pay.

Nothing to see here
20 Jul 2012

I got your point loud and clear Nathan, and that is why maybe Zarcon stated - "It was designed to get a response and resolution to the disputes reported since Unity mail was NOT working." I will clarify that I haven't block anyone ever, I didn't know such function exists here until now that you mentioned it. I sent you both response regarding the matter, I just re-checked it on my Sent box, and it's all there. Please be assured that just like before, I'm always open for any discussion or concerns.

Unlock Your Future
20 Jul 2012

Scriptologist, I have asked Scrapsofmylife to view this topic and respond via PM here at Unity.


As I stated before, although I had to post this topic, the end result it to come to a resolution where every party involved is satisfied.


I appreciate both you and Modzzz responding and willing to make mends to ensure a successful resolution.


EDIT: I have not received any emails from you Scriptologist to my inbox lately

Nothing to see here
20 Jul 2012


Scriptologist, I have asked Scrapsofmylife to view this topic and respond via PM here at Unity.


As I stated before, although I had to post this topic, the end result it to come to a resolution where every party involved is satisfied.


I appreciate both you and Modzzz responding and willing to make mends to ensure a successful resolution.


EDIT: I have not received any emails from you Scriptologist to my inbox lately

 Ok thanks.

Maybe there's a bug indeed with the boonex mail system since I sent you an email lately. Anyway, I have attached a screenshot of the email sent, so would you know my sincerity of the matter.

email.jpg · 32.4K · 377 views
Unlock Your Future
20 Jul 2012


This is what happens when you fail to communicate with the moderators.  We wouldn't have this topic if you bothered to tell Zarcon about all this.  Indeed, the last developers to ignore a moderator were banished to the moon.


Edit: @dolphin_jay: See that bold text?  See how it says not to post?  The moon looks wonderful this time of year.

 Don't realy care about the moon or the time of year. This stuff needs to be handled behind closed doors and not in  a PUBLIC FORUM PERIOD - Skype: Dolphin Techs
20 Jul 2012

 jay, you are most specifically correct that in a perfect world, this should and would be handled out of the public eye, but when efforts are made to communicate become one-sided, then that leaves you with very little room to navigate for a true resolution. 


i have had dealings with both of these developers, and i have never once had a problem with either. so to see their name front and center, i knew there was some obvious misunderstanding, such as in scriptologists case, the boonex mail is not working. this could have been remedied if there had been a support thread created for the product. 


modzzz quite frankly, would be the last name of any developer that i would expect to see being called out for resolution. i have personally been dealing with modzzz since before there was a boonex market, or boonex moderators, and k now without a doubt that he is one of the ones who stands behind his products and as scriptologists states, goes that extra mile, modzzz has on several occassions gone an extra ten or hundred miles in resolving issues that were created from the core elements of the dolphin release. 


i think that all of those loafs that have shitbucket modules on the market should be called out to get clean or get gone. I am referring to those who are releasing even those so-called free templates only to find out they are not version release compatible. I wont call any names, but you most likely all know who i am referring to. 


I also think the market should be cleaned up of deprecated modules that are essentially doing nothing more than cluttering the avenue. There are some who released templates oranage  | blue | grey | green, basically the template was the same, other than a background image, and header and footer image, i cant see where these are market worthy products and that should all be canned. 


if you have a template and you have it in 300 flavors, dont think that each color is a marketable item, its one template and if you are selling a template, dont list it as 7.x.x compatible when you know full well its only compatible with 7.0.2


i think all of these folks should be called out, the irony of the two developers that are worth their weight in sand and more, are the ones taking the shots for what other other muffs have caused. 


This is what happens when you fail to communicate with the moderators.  We wouldn't have this topic if you bothered to tell Zarcon about all this.  Indeed, the last developers to ignore a moderator were banished to the moon.


Edit: @dolphin_jay: See that bold text?  See how it says not to post?  The moon looks wonderful this time of year.

 Don't realy care about the moon or the time of year. This stuff needs to be handled behind closed doors and not in  a PUBLIC FORUM PERIOD

 and zarcon and nathan, please do not insinuate that i should not have responded on this thread, if you didnt want the public to respond, then you should not have made the thread public. 

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
20 Jul 2012

1. Thank you, Moderators, for your effort in helping other members.

2. It may seem like a dispute that should have been dealt with privately, but as it is often the case, public disputes or warnings only happen after a good deal of attempts to resolve issues privately. I believe this particular case is no exception.

3. It is great to see that both vendors in question have responded and co-operated promptly. Despite seemingly harsh tone of the original warning I believe this may actually work out as a rather positive "PR" for both vendors. Also, it would be good if other vendors were to take note and try to avoid any such situations. Timely refunds and/or fixes create better long-term reputation that translates in more successful business, anyway.

4. It has been noted that Dolphin itself isn't exactly bug-free we our team has been critiqued for poor communication. We work hard to make sure such incidents are minimised and we generally have a very straightforward refund policy. We're in it for a long-term and it is great that Unity Moderators are taking are being gutsy where it comes to protection of interests of end customers. Even when vendors don't realise that, customer satisfaction ultimately drives sales and helps the vendors, too. 

5. This being a rather heated subject for an argument, it is understandable that some members want to weight-in and share their opinion, however I believe that OP specifically asked to avoid posting in this thread and one reason for this is that it would have helped to keep the situation professional and free of unnecessary emotional posts, especially when we see that both vendors are co-operating. So, I hope that both (highly respected and accomplished members) DosDawg and dolphin_jay would accept a 24-hour suspension as a fair and necessary measure that I will now carry out to support further compliance with Moderator's requests, especially posted in an attempt to achieve commonly beneficial goals. 

Heart Head Hands
23 Jul 2012
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