More than one Join Page



I was wondering if there was any easy way to do this. I need to create different join forms for different memberships types. The information I will be recording for each type of member type will be fundamentally different and so I do not want all the fields on one join form, when some of the fields will be redundant for the particular type of member joining up. Sooooooo.... do I dip into the php code and get my hands dirty by tweaking the code? I am not a php programmer but do program in different language so I reckon I should be able to do this. Or is there a more obvious solution staring me in the face? I had thought of just creating a new page with the page builder, however it does not seem to do what I need it to do. Any thoughts?




Quote · 28 Aug 2008



No worries, sorted it now. Just amended the join.php to output different fields on the join form based upon which link a user selects.




Quote · 29 Aug 2008

So did you get this completed?  I am curious to see if you did do this because I would like to have two separate join pages where some of the member profiles are not ever shown and others would be shown.  And if a "non shown profile" person joins, then they will be able to complete the actions pages/buttons.

Any info will help


Quote · 22 Nov 2008

cbassthefish,  how about sharing your findings.... this is what these forums are for.  Sharing, help, advice and discovery.

Quote · 23 Nov 2008


also sticking to this post.

I also want to realize a drop-down on start-page 'Join now' Box with 2 options:

Option 1 leads to normal join form, which is defined through Page Builder

Option 2 leads into a specific designed on my own join form and write this data

into its own table in database (+ default values into the profiles table, and then

joining a table, where additional values are input on this (lets say) join2 .

Are there yet implementations for this (or a part of this)?



Quote · 27 Nov 2008


Thanks, that is what i was looking for. It's hard to find a specific Modification on expertzzz without a search function.



Quote · 27 Nov 2008

Thanks a lot,

AntonLV already installed on my site :)

Quote · 1 Dec 2008



I just been busy with other things and so have not been keeping an eye on 'My Topics', in the forums, of recent. I changed a few files, although I seem to have mislaid the list of files I have changed. If I am unable to locate the list I will do a file difference and locate the changes. To be honest, it was more of series of hacks to the code and rather crude ones at that. So any mods that I provide are unsupported, should be used at your own peril and may conflict with future releases of Dolphin. Also, you 'may' have to merge the changes into new upgrades of Dolphin. Having said that, they seem to be working on my site. Give me a few days to come up with the goods as I am a bit busy at the moment.




Quote · 2 Dec 2008

Having said all of that. Anton's mod is way in advance of anything I could provide and probably have better support too. I am even tempted now. I can still provide my hacks, but think about it carefully.

Quote · 2 Dec 2008
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