Can anybody tell me why?
Can anybody tell me why? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
What? Still no answer? Why someone from boonex not solve my problem? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
yes that seems to happen a lot around here. New guys complain so fast. but the program does invite a bit of trouble. it requires knowlege and set ups in different areas. I guess they are being quiet becasue there is nothing they can do to help but listen. And then apply a good package in version 7. So Ill try to not complain again... I plan to learn on this version on my current domain and even perhaps not run RMS or some of the Ray functions. Does that still make a workable dating or associations site? I am not sure. When version 7 is out I get a new but cheap hosted package with oneclick install from a Dolphin ready provider etc So does that mean I should be fine just to exract the database from the old url and site to place it in my newly hosted Dolphin7 ??? I am just looking for oneclick install workability of all functions. To even understand the function takes a lot of study. I enjoy it but long hours. |
be more specific will ya? |
I'm not technically minded but found it really easy to set up and get going - perhaps you should elaborate on what the problem is? |
you wanna know how many times i seen that post? more than i can remeber, 100+ i can tell you.
Yeah, I know. It's probably been a lot more than 100 times. Unfortunately it's what you get when you have a script that been downloaded by thousands of people that have no business administering a web site.
I have been diving into this script for at least 8 hours a day for the last several months, and I must say however, it is quite bizarre in some respects. The convoluted way in which a page is generated defies any logic that I am familiar with..... it's all about preserving dolphin headers and footers. The page creation method in Dolphin works ok for some stuff, but not for doing something as simple as adding the Dolphin menu system to a third party application ..... you have to do it ass backwards. You have to add the third party application to the Dolphin menu, rather than add the Dolphin menu to the third party application.... getting the third party application to share the Dolphin user authentication was the easy part. I hope that changes a bit in R7, because it's driving me nuts. I have Photopost, a commercial photo album script, working within Dolphin, and outwardly it looks just fine... and for the most part, it is. However, I had to insert the application content on the Dolphin page using a dynamic Iframe, and some of the applications javascript only works within the Ifame and not the entire page.
I'll show my example... maybe some expert coder will enlighten me.
Custome page is photopost.php in the sites root directory and below is the code:
<?php require_once( 'inc/' ); $_page['name_index'] = 400; // this is the number of the html page linked with this php file; change it as you wish $_ni = $_page['name_index']; PageCode(); function PageCompMainCode() ?>
Code for the content page, templates/tmpl_uni/page_400.html, is below
__include _header.html__
<html> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- //Input the IDs of the IFRAMES you wish to dynamically resize to match its content height: //Should script hide iframe from browsers that don't support this script (non IE5+/NS6+ browsers. Recommended): var getFFVersion=navigator.userAgent.substring(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")).split("/")[1] function resizeCaller() { function resizeIframe(frameid){ function readjustIframe(loadevt) { function loadintoIframe(iframeid, url){ if (window.addEventListener)
The page, photopost.php, when viewed with a browser, looks great. However some of the applications javascript only works within the iframe, and that's ok most of the time.... but not if that javascript is lightbox.js (Lightbox is a javascript app, that is used to enhance the display of photos. When viewing a larger verion of a photo, the photo pops up in a window that is automatically centered in the browser window, and the main page content is dimmed, so that all you see in the browser window is the photo. Example: In the case wher I have the photopost app displayed in an iframe, only the background content in the I frame is dimmed, and that looks a little wierd. I this particular case, I have the option of just displaying the larger photo in a regular popup window and turning off lightbox, but I like lightbox.
I even tried to display the pge by using php code withing page_400.html and that didnt work. The php code worked if I accessed page_400.html directly, but only the html was parsed when accessing photopost.php (Before anybody tells me that you can't use php in an html file, I will say, you most certainly can, with the appropriate apache comands in a .htaccess file) Anyways, if I viewd the source when viewing photopost.php in a browser, the lines of php code would be there, but they are not parsed... they are completely ignored.
Sooooo..... I am currently trying to figure out what happens between the time that Dolphin reads the file page_400.html, and the time that the actual page content is presented to the users browser. I need to figure out that PageCompMainCode function stuff. On this web site, it tells you to put php code in the function, but standard php code in that function breaks everything. Only internal dolphin functions work there as far as I can tell.
Sammie, is this in your Dolphin for dummies book??
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
be more specific will ya?
OK..... was the above post specific enough? :) My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |