Navigation Builder Menu is not working

Guys, and gals


Hello, I have just joined the world of Boonex. It's pretty coool so far BUT:


My Navigation Menu Builder ain't play ball. The little egg timer thingy is just going round and round.

The same this is happening on the front page with Boonex news, Forum Posts and Shoutbox.


Something isn;t working but what is it?


I would love, and I mean love some help here.  I have tried altering the permissions of certain directories.


I aint that techy but no the very basics so please don't blind my with too much techy jargon.


Thanks peeps!!!!

Quote · 28 Oct 2009

1.  Do you have an .htaccess file and is it 7,830 bytes (size for a new install)


2.  Do you have compressed files?  Check inc/js/classes/BxDolMenu.js (check it's file size against your install zip package and make sure they are the same)


3.  Did you do your upload w/SSH WGET or an FTP in Binary mode?  If you didn't use one of those then you will have issues with several files.


If you have compressed files or missing files (which is what it sounds like) then set your FTP to Binary and re-upload the affected files.  DO NOT re-upload all the files, just the effected ones.


Also check the (just put your domain in there) and look to make sure you have the allow_url_include off & allow_url_fopen on and of course register_globals off (but your script should catch those little ones right off the bat if it's unmodified)

Quote · 28 Oct 2009

Hey buddy, your the man!!! It works!  There was a directory missing inc/js/classes


My next thing which is not working (hope you don't mind me asking) is on the main page on the forum posts there is just an egg timer - any ideas??


Thanks again, much appreciated Cool

Quote · 29 Oct 2009
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.