Need your help

Hallo Guys,

I have just installed a new site with dolphin v6.1. But when ever I finish the installation, after a few days or a few hours, I found that the index and many other files have deleted themselves.This has now happened twice.

I took this issue to my host server company but they don't have a specific solution to this complication. They think I need another alternative software to dolphin to build my website.

Here is what they say: "I recommend finding an alternative to the dolphin software.  I see that piece being exploited constantly on our servers."

Does anyone knows how to deal with this problem? I will appreaciate for your help.


B. David,

Quote · 10 Dec 2008

Seems your host is blowing you off, so my first suggestion would be change hosts quickly.  Use one of the recommended hosts that boonex suggest as being tested to run dolphin. will give you the list you need.  I have my own personal recommendations but am not allowed to promote on these forums, pm me if you like.

Quote · 10 Dec 2008

Totally TOTALLY agree with clubbeyourself - get a new host! Your host is the foundation of your online business.. build it on sand and when the rains come, you'll have no business.


And dont listen to all the hype that you need some powerful dedicated server to host Dolphin - a simple $10/month account (with the right host) is all you'll need until you build a membership capable of supporting the costs of a dedicated server.



Quote · 10 Dec 2008

Thank you Clubbeyourself and Daniel.

I did change my host company right a way from you suggestions. Got one form the link you provided. Took some time discussing with them. They have assured me that it wanna be fine. I have just reinstalled my site now.

Thank you and I really appreciate your help.

B. David

Quote · 11 Dec 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.