I am working on a new module if anyone would like to check out the results on my sites photos section. http://www.deanbassett.com/m/photos/home/
The module is designed to add all the OG meta tags facebook requires for proper sharing of photos to each photos view page.
Or view any image. Share it and it will share properly. You may also view the source of the page to see the meta tags that get inserted.
At the moment it only supports adding meta tags for sharing to the view pages of the boonex photos module. I will be doing the boonex video module next. Those are the only two i plan as they seem to be the ones that are complained about the most. If other modules need og tags as well, feal free to let me know which modules should have full og tags and i will see about adding support for it to my module.
In the mean time, i am testing the photo sharing, so go to the photos section of my site, and share a few. See the results. http://www.deanbassett.com/m/photos/home/
Best of all. The module does not require any source code changes to dolphin which makes installation simple. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Good luck with this. I coded Dolphin to add in the OG meta tags and for some reason FaceSucks kept changing the size of the image and cropping it on their end. Hope you don't have people yelling at you about such things when there is no way to control what FaceSucks does on their end. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Yea, i expect some of that.
I am only going for a proper share meeting all of facebooks requirements without any errors showing up with their debug tool. And that i have successfully done. So the rest is out of my hands. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Was going to test it but it appears one of us deleted my old account on your site ;-) http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
Are you going to make it work for Twitter, Google+ and Pinerest(least the images part) as well? |
All those social networks use the OG tags.
I will be adding tags for twitter card data, and google+ as needed for proper sharing of the limited data the dolphin photo page has.
Pinterest does not require anything else for proper pinning. I have already tested it. I will not be adding the support for rich pins which adds information directly to the pin itself. Those require an approval process to go though with pinterest to use them and the extra details are not needed as dolphin does not have all those extra details on a photo page anyway. The title, description and photo is all the page has, so the OG tags are all that is required for that. https://www.deanbassett.com |
I have added Google+ and twitter card data. However, turns out that your domain must be approved by twitter for photo cards to work.
I am trying to get mine approved now so i can make sure things work properly on twitter. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Very cool.. Will be waiting for it.. |
Oh boy oh boy, can't wait! http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
This is very good news.
It would be great if the module "sounds" is supported og tags!
This is very good news.
It would be great if the module "sounds" is supported og tags!
I could, but sounds do not have a photo to use as the share photo, so it really is not necessary as facebook can obtain what it needs from the page. The only reason for the OG tags in the first place is to make sure FB gets the proper photo. And sounds do not have one so in most cases FB will automatically grab the biggest one on the page which should be the sites logo.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I think this is great news deano since we all know, that (almost) everything and everyone want to share and see things on FB so this is going to be great improvement in Dolphin functionalities.
... I guess I'm just another one waiting for this module.
"When things get tough the tough get going..." |
This is very good news.
It would be great if the module "sounds" is supported og tags!
I could, but sounds do not have a photo to use as the share photo, so it really is not necessary as facebook can obtain what it needs from the page. The only reason for the OG tags in the first place is to make sure FB gets the proper photo. And sounds do not have one so in most cases FB will automatically grab the biggest one on the page which should be the sites logo.
Deano, in this case one might want to share a static image for the sound share instead of the logo; this could then be passed to the og bits in the header. One could upload an image to the /media directory for sound shares and this could then be what is included in the header bits Just a thought.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Deano states, and I agree as it will grab the sound image on the page. It works for me on my mod.
it really is not necessary as facebook can obtain what it needs from the page
One could upload an image to the /media directory for sound shares and this could then be what is included in the header bits
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Deano states, and I agree as it will grab the sound image on the page. It works for me on my mod.
On my site FB pulls my logo and not the sound image.
Anyhow, i plan on doing what GG suggested and provide a way to point to a URL for a default image to use.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Any plans on the release date yet? |
Bumped ............................................................  http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Hey Deano,
Any word on this yet.. I really think this would help out the smaller sites like mine.. Really looking forward to this new module..
Still undergoing testing, and i still have a couple of changes i need to make. Found additional problems with it yesterday. So i am not done with it yet. https://www.deanbassett.com |
good luck, it looks promising  Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. |
Tap ... tap ... tap ...
wearing a hole in the floor under my desk.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I see they are doing something different with the social sharing.
I see they are doing something different with the social sharing.
Yes. They appear to be adding it to the next version of dolphin. They also appear to be removing support for page keywords and description which will break my head injections module.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I use that as well.. Grrr.. |
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
They also appear to be removing support for page keywords and description which will break my head injections module.
What! Just saw this and that is not good, Hopefully I can keep it in my site by custom code so it won't break things.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Yes. Dead. Considering boonex is working on it, i am not going to.
Been there with my spam filters. No longer sells. Can't invest time into things that will not sell enough to pay the cost of upkeep.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
They also appear to be removing support for page keywords and description which will break my head injections module.
What! Just saw this and that is not good, Hopefully I can keep it in my site by custom code so it won't break things.
I will most likely provide custom keys for the new version to be added to the template. So i should be able to easily get around that issue.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Yes. Dead. Considering boonex is working on it, i am not going to.
Been there with my spam filters. No longer sells. Can't invest time into things that will not sell enough to pay the cost of upkeep.
Can't say I blame you.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
If I wanted to manually add a couple of these tags, where would I put them? http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Deano - would you be willing to do so for the Groups Module. I know a lot of newly created modules that I do are a Groups module duplicate, so it would be nice. Thats just me, I understand if it is not a pressing issue for you. caredesign.net |
I just used your head injections module to complete my task.... sort of.... http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I have just had one of the providers here 'Denre' add the Open Graph tags to my site.
I wanted to be able to use them for ALL my content types so it seemed that nothing from Boonex was going to fit the bill as the OG tagging to be offered is for photos and videos only.
The reason for doing this was to ensure that my content was shared correctly onto Facebook with the correct descriptions and images - the ones I want to be shared. ;)
In addition we will be using Pinterest Rich Pins which will enable Pinterest users to get much more info about our content than is possible from ordinary Pins and to enable us to control the information flow from www.knowhow-now.com to Pinterest.
We will probably set up OG to work with Twitter as well - it ain't just Facebook!
As a result of Denre's work we can now share the following:
Site name
Content type
Url of content
Description of content
Content tags
Related content
There's a couple of tags that we could have added but I did not think it important enough.
All generated automatically from the existing page content - no need for me to do anything.
The OG info is picked up and used by the receiving sites to the degree that they are able to do so.
We used the OG schema, but as I understand it, to use some other rich markup format is no problem.
This is NOT a module, it requires core code changes but if those changes are documented then this should not be a big problem.
Give Denre a call if you want to do something similar. I think it is well worth doing.
It would be great if you did it for the module "sounds".
Our site users can to add pictures to sounds.
This is very good news.
It would be great if the module "sounds" is supported og tags!
I could, but sounds do not have a photo to use as the share photo, so it really is not necessary as facebook can obtain what it needs from the page. The only reason for the OG tags in the first place is to make sure FB gets the proper photo. And sounds do not have one so in most cases FB will automatically grab the biggest one on the page which should be the sites logo.