How do I show an Ad banner on my site? I see in the Admin area the banner control section, but when I fill it out, nothing appears. In the description "HTML only" box - do I place a link there? I assumed that would be the alt tag. ??
How do I show an Ad banner on my site? I see in the Admin area the banner control section, but when I fill it out, nothing appears. In the description "HTML only" box - do I place a link there? I assumed that would be the alt tag. ?? Thanks! |
I think you want to place it in the profile description field? If so edit the file templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileview.php and there will be codes for profile page. edit it. ---- |
Wit that question, how do yuo get the right and left aligned so it doesn't run across the main area of 'dolphin'? Mine is over lapping on either side if I try to enter sidebar text to it.. |
I think I can help with this. LINK is the webpage you want the user to go to when they click on the banner and where it says HTML is where you could use and IMG tag to display a banner. |