News - Latest & Featured

Hi Guys,


This may be a super simple question, but I can't figure out how to feature and create latest news.  The modules are there, and I can get the RSS feed to work but how do you get the featured news to feature news?


Any ideas??




Quote · 9 Apr 2016

to feature a News - go into the site admin section - modules - news - scroll down to list of news - check the news you want to feature - click featured.


to add a news is here as well.
Quote · 9 Apr 2016



I hate to use forum for easy answers.  But I was hoping to get back here and clear or adjust the post before anyone noticed -- thanks Professor.    It was actually just too easy... was making it more difficult than should have been.


Anyone else, it's just as simple as clicking on the news module and then scrolling all the way down to bottom.   (worked on this for a good while too)



Quote · 9 Apr 2016

Hey Guys,


Since I already embarrassed myself, might as well highlight a couple of design elements. 


I don't know if this is intentionally laid out this way, but I've noticed in news (I think it was also articles and maybe one or two more pages) that once you get to the actual articles the links taking you back home go away (say if a user wants to review some more articles).  [I think the way the article title sticks to the top of page when scrolling is pretty neat, though].   Probably could add another icon or link next to article title that would take them all the way back home. 


The thing is, most of the site is setup this way, so when users don't see the link to take them back to home they may get a little confused.  Of course, there are plenty of ways around this, but it would provide a more consistent and user-friendly experience for visitors if these pages remained consistent with the rest.


Just a heads up.




Quote · 9 Apr 2016

i guess - since you can always get to a modules home page by clicking the navigation link at the top.....maybe it was not a priority????
Quote · 10 Apr 2016

Not sure about the modules home page??


This was the first troubleshoot I've run into, aside from Members, where everything was as simple as running from the back-end... kinda caught me by surprise.  But I'm sure I'll have some bona fide  priority inquiries upcoming, so please keep the info coming -- and thanks a lot. 


The thing is I thought the solution would be much more difficult than what it was (guess that's a good thing, huh?Cool).  But here's the rub:  it's like every time I post to the forum I usually find or figure out the solution right after that.  So it's like I don't want to post [unless it's to help someone], because I think I'll figure out the solution right after that and will have ended up utilizing valuable expertise that could have gone to someone else.  But at the same time, I can go for hours (days even), then soon as I post.  Ding! There it is.  I'll either find it or figure it out... and what really makes it bad is when it's something simple, like this time.


Long story short, I try and save all my inquiries for the really hard stuff.  Plus, it's just embarrassing when you overlook something real simple.  It's like, duhh, now everybody knows you're an idiot.  The upside though, is sometimes you won't find a solution any other way; and that's when I feel good about a post.... Get an answer that you had know clue and would have never considered.


So thanks again Professor, and I'm sure I'll have some hard stuff for you real soon.


Quote · 15 Apr 2016

"Not sure about the modules home page??" Modules are installed in the Admin section - these are items such as Ads, Avatar, Groups, Forums, and such. So if there is a link in the navigation bar, it will always take you to thtat modules home page.


Example - you go to Groups - then you click to enter a specific group. Clicking the Group link in the navigation menu will bring you back to the Groups home page.
Quote · 16 Apr 2016

10/4, looks like it brings up admin options etc. for customizing.  Didn't know you could use them as actual user interface (posting etc.)  Thanks for the update.  Will check there first next time. Big time saver.

Quote · 17 Apr 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.