1. What for news and articles if them can write only the manager? There is a correspondent, and I should give it access to the administrator - panel? It is meaningful to add an opportunity to publish news and articles to other users. There is a sense to add in groups the News.
2. For what in a profile button Get E-mail? There comes the letter, there the reference to a profile of the user where the button has been pressed. For what?
3. Anywhere there is no information, in what groups I shall consist. I can long be absent, and I shall overlook, in what groups I shall consist. It is necessary to make in a profile of the user statistics on participation in groups.
4. I cannot stop participation in any group. Enter group I can, and stop participation is not present... It is necessary to allow for users to leave group.
5. The author (owner) of group has no opportunity to stop participation in this group of any other user. For example, the behaviour of the user is not pleasant to the author of group and he wants it to exclude from structure. How it to make?
Your opinion?
P.S. I am sorry for bad English.