News, articles, groups...

1. What for news and articles if them can write only the manager? There is a correspondent, and I should give it access to the administrator - panel? It is meaningful to add an opportunity to publish news and articles to other users. There is a sense to add in groups the News.

2. For what in a profile button Get E-mail? There comes the letter, there the reference to a profile of the user where the button has been pressed. For what?

3. Anywhere there is no information, in what groups I shall consist. I can long be absent, and I shall overlook, in what groups I shall consist. It is necessary to make in a profile of the user statistics on participation in groups.

4. I cannot stop participation in any group. Enter group I can, and stop participation is not present... It is necessary to allow for users to leave group.

5. The author (owner) of group has no opportunity to stop participation in this group of any other user. For example, the behaviour of the user is not pleasant to the author of group and he wants it to exclude from structure. How it to make?

Your opinion?

P.S. I am sorry for bad English. Smile

Quote · 25 Sep 2009

Tech66 - don't worry - lots of bad English here, but those of us who are mono-lingual can hardly complain.  I want to ask though, did you use some kind of translation tool from your native language here?  This is a bit difficult to understand, and in any event you will always have better luck posting one issue at a time.

I'll take a shot at number 5.  I think you make a good point that a group owner cannot directly moderate his/her group.  It is possible to give that person moderation authority in the membership levels, but then they can moderate all groups - even ones they don't own- so maybe you identified a flaw in the system.

I'm afraid I wasn't much help - maybe someone else here can do better.


Quote · 27 Sep 2009

Yes, the owner of group should have possibility to remove any member of group, if it the owner of this group. On other groups, it not their owner, this power shouldn't extend. Even if to solve only this problem, then the participant can address to the owner of group with the request for exception, if it will be bothered with participation.

Thanks for the answer!

Quote · 27 Sep 2009

@caltrade- good shot at any rate. i found it hard to understand as well what was being asked. and i believe the answer to your question is yes he used some sort of translator program, should def trash that one and find a better one.


#2. this should be removed, i dont have a clue what boonex was thinking when they added this feature. this is a really bad ordeal. by clicking on this button, you are sent the profile owners EMAIL address, without them knowing and this basically just opens the door for spam.


oh well lost track of what i was going to say here, hope that little bit helps.




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Quote · 27 Sep 2009

To formulate the thoughts in other language... It not so is simple...

Well, give one after another.

1.Who has the right to publish news? (The block of News)
Only the manager. Why not to give such possibility to the usual user? But without access to group of the manager.
The same question under articles.

2.In a profile of the user I press Get Email. On my address the letter comes. In it the reference to profile viewing where I have pressed Get Email. And further that? I have not received Email address.

3.In my profile there is no information on in what groups I consist. There are only groups which I own.

4.I cannot leave group, another's group. Participation in this group has ceased to be pleasant to me and I wish to leave. How it to make, cease to be a member of any group?

5.I have created group. There are fans of group. One fan writes a spam and offends users. How to me, the owner of group to exclude this fan?

Русский вариант:

1.Итак, мы имеем модули новостей и статей. Писать в них материал может только администратор, через админ-панель. Но я администратор, а не писатель, хотя у меня есть корреспонденты. как мне разрешить публиковать новости и статьи? Только через админ-панель?

2.Какой смысл кнопки запроса email, если при нажатии на нее мне в почту приходит просто ссылка на профиль, в котором была нажата эта кнопка?

3.Я записался в 10 групп. Во многих активно участвую, про некоторые забыл... Как мне узнать, в каких группах я состою? В моем профиле есть информация только по тем группам, которые я сам создал...

4. Я хочу выйти из состава группы. Просто прекратить участие в ее жизни. Как мне это сделать?

5. Меня достал пользователь в моей группе. Шлет спам, пишет что попало... Как мне исключить его из состава группы?

Quote · 27 Sep 2009
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