Nickname suggestion allows your site visitors to complete the join form on your site quickly!
Users can check the nick availability on the site and in case it is used, the module suggests a list of usernames which can be used . Suggested usernames will be generated based on first name and last name. If there are not first and last name, nickname will be generated based on unique hash code.
Module is easy to use and install, there are not any changes in core code but you need to click on install , that's all.
view more details here:
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I found a BUG in the program. Ichanged my join form to use two pages and the "Check Availability" button is showing up on both pages, i.e. it's also displayed at the top of the second page where it's not needed. |
No response from the developer. Anyone else found this problem and figured out how to fix it? Otherwise I'm forced to only use a single page "Join" form... and there are certain advantages to using more than one page that I'd like to take advantage of.
I found a BUG in the program. Ichanged my join form to use two pages and the "Check Availability" button is showing up on both pages, i.e. it's also displayed at the top of the second page where it's not needed. |
My site is single join page only and the module works very well. I love it and members and developers have told me how profesional it makes the site feel.
I will use this on all sites I build : )
Please don't get me wrong... I do like this module for what it does...but I can't "love it" until I can use it on a multi-page JOIN setup. I imagine ESASE has other priorities so I'll ask one of the forum programming wizards if they'll fix it.
My site is single join page only and the module works very well. I love it and members and developers have told me how profesional it makes the site feel.
I will use this on all sites I build : ) |
Hello epaulo!
Would you be so kind to explain the issue by email ( It not a module bug and your post may confuse other people.
Regards, Sasha
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Not a module bug? Okay then let's call it a "feature limitation". I've attached three images for a 3-part Join form that shows the "Check Availability" button on all three pages... even though the field the mod is designed to check is only on page-1. On page 2 and 3, I clicked on the "Check Availability" button and it produced the same info that was given on page-1. Now some people may want to check their nickname on each Join page... but I'm guessing that most new members will not need to... and some of them might even find it a bit confusing.
Of course if the option to create and use a multi-page JOIN form was not part of the default feature-set for Dolphin 7.0.9 then I would not bother you with a request to update your code... but it is... so I humbly ask you to please revise your code to work with both single-page and multi-page JOIN form options. Thank you :-)
Hello epaulo!
Would you be so kind to explain the issue by email ( It not a module bug and your post may confuse other people.
Regards, Sasha
Also, could the forced capitalization of the first letter when displayed in the "Check Availability" response not happen, e.g. a check for "test" is converted to "Test" in the displayed "check" response. |
No solution? Then please let everyone know your module (v1.0) will only work on a single-page Join form. 
Not a module bug? Okay then let's call it a "feature limitation". I've attached three images for a 3-part Join form that shows the "Check Availability" button on all three pages... even though the field the mod is designed to check is only on page-1. On page 2 and 3, I clicked on the "Check Availability" button and it produced the same info that was given on page-1. Now some people may want to check their nickname on each Join page... but I'm guessing that most new members will not need to... and some of them might even find it a bit confusing.
Of course if the option to create and use a multi-page JOIN form was not part of the default feature-set for Dolphin 7.0.9 then I would not bother you with a request to update your code... but it is... so I humbly ask you to please revise your code to work with both single-page and multi-page JOIN form options. Thank you :-)
Hello epaulo!
Would you be so kind to explain the issue by email ( It not a module bug and your post may confuse other people.
Regards, Sasha
Also, could the forced capitalization of the first letter when displayed in the "Check Availability" response not happen, e.g. a check for "test" is converted to "Test" in the displayed "check" response. |
To get this module working with my "User Add" module you have to edit the following files:
/** * Process profile fields * * @return void */ function _processProfileFields() { //define all fields if(!$this -> iMemberId && !$GLOBALS['logged']['admin']) { <-- && !$GLOBALS['logged']['admin'] IS ADDED foreach($this -> _oPF -> aArea as $iKey => $aFields) {
/** * Get suggestions block * * @param $sModuleUrl string * @param $iProfileId integer * @return text */ function getSuggestionsBlock($sModuleUrl, $iProfileId = 0) { //include all needed js and css files $this -> addCss('main.css'); $this -> addJs('nick_suggestions.js'); //include for using in admin panel <-- THIS IS ADDED $this -> addAdminCss('main.css'); <-- THIS IS ADDED $this -> addAdminJs('nick_suggestions.js'); <-- THIS IS ADDED
//-- generate availability button --//
Enjoy ;) - your resource for Dolphin Pro |
To get this module working with multiple site join forms you have to edit the following files:
/** * Add nick suggestions block * * @param $oForm object * @return void */ function addNickSuggestionsBlock(&$oForm) { if(!$this -> _oConfig -> aNeededFields || !isset($this -> _oConfig -> aNeededFields[$this -> _oConfig -> sNickNameField]) ) { return; } $aNewInputs = array(); //-- process inputs list --// foreach($oForm -> aInputs as $iKey => $aItems) { $aNewInputs[] = $aItems; if( strstr($aItems['name'], $this -> _oConfig -> sNickNameField) && !strstr($aItems['type'], 'hidden') ) { <-- && !strstr($aItems['type'], 'hidden') IS ADDED //add new field $aNewInputs[] = array(
Enjoy again ;) - your resource for Dolphin Pro |
I've tested both of these fixes and they both work perfectly. Thank you very much for sharing these fixes with the rest of us... very much appreciated!
Also... any idea why the Check Available response (if the name is good) will always capitalize the first letter? If not needed (why would it be) can this be fixed so we see what the exact name that's being checked? For example, if I test "aaaaaa" the response is "Aaaaaa is available". Note... if I cut-n-paste the info I get "aaaaaa is available" (without the Capital "A")... an indication it's just for the display? |
Kind of funny if your demo site has Pay for the join - how am I meant to test the join page nick suggestion, lol? ;) |
Module is available for Dolphin 7.1 We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I am a little uneasy about buying this module and maybe others since I see someone else posting a fix for this module 177 days ago without a response from the module developer. Does the current module have the fix in place since it is reporting the same version number?
To get this module working with multiple site join forms you have to edit the following files:
/** * Add nick suggestions block * * @param $oForm object * @return void */ function addNickSuggestionsBlock(&$oForm) { if(!$this -> _oConfig -> aNeededFields || !isset($this -> _oConfig -> aNeededFields[$this -> _oConfig -> sNickNameField]) ) { return; } $aNewInputs = array(); //-- process inputs list --// foreach($oForm -> aInputs as $iKey => $aItems) { $aNewInputs[] = $aItems; if( strstr($aItems['name'], $this -> _oConfig -> sNickNameField) && !strstr($aItems['type'], 'hidden') ) { <-- && !strstr($aItems['type'], 'hidden') IS ADDED //add new field $aNewInputs[] = array(
Enjoy again ;)
Geeks, making the world a better place |
I am a little uneasy about buying this module and maybe others since I see someone else posting a fix for this module 177 days ago without a response from the module developer. Does the current module have the fix in place since it is reporting the same version number?
To get this module working with multiple site join forms you have to edit the following files:
/** * Add nick suggestions block * * @param $oForm object * @return void */ function addNickSuggestionsBlock(&$oForm) { if(!$this -> _oConfig -> aNeededFields || !isset($this -> _oConfig -> aNeededFields[$this -> _oConfig -> sNickNameField]) ) { return; } $aNewInputs = array(); //-- process inputs list --// foreach($oForm -> aInputs as $iKey => $aItems) { $aNewInputs[] = $aItems; if( strstr($aItems['name'], $this -> _oConfig -> sNickNameField) && !strstr($aItems['type'], 'hidden') ) { <-- && !strstr($aItems['type'], 'hidden') IS ADDED //add new field $aNewInputs[] = array(
Enjoy again ;)
thank you I will add this fix today
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
version 1.0.1 was realized - fixed trouble with multiple join form. Special thanks to misterpopper for his bug fix We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
you are welcome my friend ;)
version 1.0.1 was realized - fixed trouble with multiple join form. Special thanks to misterpopper for his bug fix - your resource for Dolphin Pro |