OK here is a question, I didnt see around;
When you try to join, you have to type your nick name, but the nick name has to be one word or two words connected by underline....
Is there a way to make it possible where a member`s nick name can have two words but they dont have to be connected?
Here is my idea... when your members click on "members" link, they get all members listed....next to the pictures there is a nick name and DOB and shows description....so Im thinking if a member signs up using real name( like facebook or myspace) I would like to have their real name displayed next to the small picture in search display page...As it is now you would have to type Firstname_lastname as nick name.
I edited lang key nickname as full name but the underline bothers me a lot.
I hope someone can explain how to enable two words nick name...
This brings up many privacy issues my friend, and I would advise against it.
I'm with Topher on this one. There is a forum that I would love to join and be an active member of but you can ONLY register under your real name..
It's 3 years since I found the forum and I'm still not a member even though they have now made most of the forums 'members only'. I like the anonymity that a nickname gives me and refuse pointblank to register for a site that will display my real name to all and sundry. I do not have a problem with giving my info to the site, it's the displaying of that info that concerns me.
I'd like to bet that you would likely have a problem convincing people to join your site too if you go ahead with this idea.
Thank you for replying, but my community is based on finding old friends from specific area...and like facebook, users can make up name, its just the display im interested in ... |
I'm sure Nurke wasn't interested in unsolicited opinions about "privacy issues". Many, many sites (including mine) use real names and almost all business sites do- as do class reunion sites and tons of others. Would you make a condescending comment to the owner of Linkedin that "your site raises privacy issues my friend". Nurke, it would be difficult to do what you want to do with nicknames, but there are workarounds. Drop me a PM if you would like to discuss.
Dolphin is largely aimed at social networking. It is a legitimate concern, it is also the reason lots of women do not use gender specific email address's.
And of course, there are exceptions to every rule.
I'm sure Nurke wasn't interested in unsolicited opinions about "privacy issues". Many, many sites (including mine) use real names and almost all business sites do- as do class reunion sites and tons of others. Would you make a condescending comment to the owner of Linkedin that "your site raises privacy issues my friend". Nurke, it would be difficult to do what you want to do with nicknames, but there are workarounds. Drop me a PM if you would like to discuss.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
I agree. Myspace doesnt publish real name facebook does. Its up to site options and members will to publish real name.
I placed a post asking how to enable nick name to be made of 2 letters withouth being connected. I looked around and I feel would be pain to change, considering the script structure....
I came up with other Idea on how to add real name field to search online and maybe all members page...
The field "headline" I edited to be "Full Name", set it to join page and profile display page....and it works. Even search by headline(now real name) works.
Now if I could find a way to place additional line( headline-now full name) right under Nickname in search online page and even better on all members page, that would be great.
I have played with searchrow.html located in templates/temp_uni and thats the display page, but I can figure out what class to place so it shows headline.
<div class="short_desc" style="__add_style_c1__"> __match__ <div class="nick">__nick__</div> <div class="age_from">__age_headline_sex__ __from__ __city_con__</div> <div class="desc">__i_am_desc__</div> </div>
As default it shows small picture and on the side linked Nickname, underneath is DOB than city then flag and underneat that is short description...as you all know....
To make a log story short, I would like to be able to insert headline text between Nickname and DOD. It doesnt have to bi linkable....What class is for headline?
Thats for search online display only.....on all members display youve got small pic and linkable Nickname.... The best scenario for me would be to replace that Nick name to headline text. Linkable or not, doesnt matter...the pic itself is already a link...
I hope I explained in details what Im looking for and I hope someone will help me with the solution.
Hi Nurke,
I was able to get my fullname field in the members block on the homepage of my site
by replacing the "nickname" field with "full_name" as shown below. I haven't yet got it for the all members page though - let me know if you solve it.
// Template customizations
// profile Nick/Age/Sex etc.
$nick = '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $p_arr['ID'] ) . '">' . $p_arr['NickName'] . '</a>';
Thank you Caltrade for reply, that what I want. but the question is...did you edit any other lines where members would type their name?
I mean you changed nickname to full_name but where that full name comes from? Did you rename already set field or you made one?
I renamed headline field to be full name, so I will have to find out what to place ( what class or key) there so it will show that headline( in my case).
Please let me know...
Hi Nurke, I made a new field called full_name, and have been working with that. I kept the NickName field because I thought it would screw up too many things to change it, but I renamed its display name to "username".
Good News!!!
Caltrade`s solution did half of my idea....
I did what Caltrade did and the nickname link has changed to full name( I typed Headline, since I changed
that field-lang key to Full name) and it worked on search online members! Thats great!
Any suggestions on where to edit nickname display for all members page?
Thanks again Caltrade!
I'm with Topher on this one. There is a forum that I would love to join and be an active member of but you can ONLY register under your real name..
It's 3 years since I found the forum and I'm still not a member even though they have now made most of the forums 'members only'. I like the anonymity that a nickname gives me and refuse pointblank to register for a site that will display my real name to all and sundry. I do not have a problem with giving my info to the site, it's the displaying of that info that concerns me.
I'd like to bet that you would likely have a problem convincing people to join your site too if you go ahead with this idea.
Lazaru, that is a personal choice, and I won't argue with your decision, but it is also the right of the owner of that forum to deny you entrance to their site- as they apparently have done. Personally I would be less fearful if I were you- unless you are planning to use the site for some kind of criminal activity it is unlikey that something horrible will happen from people knowing your name. Everyone talks about "privacy" these days, but in business people generally want the opposite of privacy, they want "promotion". The guy who introduced me to Dolphin registered on my site with a realistic sounding name that I knew to be fake. When I asked him why, he gave me a long diatribe on "privacy" but then I asked him what would happen if he met someone on my site who wanted to do business with him and built a relationship. Then suddenly he would have to tell this business prospect that he had been using a fake name all along- it would be kind of weird. Anonymous communication has its place I guess- on fantasy sex sites like the old AOL, but I think it has been over done, and now sites that shouldn't be anonymous are. I've noticed even some dating sites are getting away from total anonymity - Yahoo personals for example now uses real first names- so you can write a message that says "Hi Sue" instead of "Hi ThunderPrestess" - or something like that. Some people (but certainly not all) tend to get real nasty when they post with their fake names, and it doesn't happen as much when people are using their real identity. I know people have different opinions on this - just throwing in my 2 cent worth.
CallTrade, please don`t get yourself fired up ...let them be....
Ok let me tell you next change....in profiles.inc.php, on line 109 change that to full_name(your case--mine headline) and when you go to someones profile on the block of their friends ,the full name will show.
Jeezzz I didnt know its going to be "allthe way in" heheh, but lets look for more pages/changes...
will post all mew findings.
That is an obscure one, but thanks - I made the change. I've also been trying to get rid of age and sex - a much bigger challenge and would like to get the full name on the messages we send also: http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/#topic/Removing-age-and-sex-from-messages.htm Let me know if you find that one.
CallTrade, please don`t get yourself fired up ...let them be....
Ok let me tell you next change....in profiles.inc.php, on line 109 change that to full_name(your case--mine headline) and when you go to someones profile on the block of their friends ,the full name will show.
Jeezzz I didnt know its going to be "allthe way in" heheh, but lets look for more pages/changes...
will post all mew findings.
Yes it will change to full name but its linkable.... its going to change your nick name link to full name, whis will whow IE cant fidn the page!
If you cah DE-link the full name then yes, the pic is still linked to nickname...
Yes it will change to full name but its linkable.... its going to change your nick name link to full name, whis will whow IE cant fidn the page!
If you cah DE-link the full name then yes, the pic is still linked to nickname...
Then don't tell me to do it with such confidence. I've reversed it but jeez.
Sorry about that, I was into finding all nick names displayed....then realised that my correction messes up linking to the profile...once again sorry about that....
Your editing changes members online search (display name) and linking is still good.
In my case I just need to change display name in all members page...instead nick name to headline...not need to be linked....anyone?
Listen here my friend, my comment, whether solicited or not is of my own. You shouldn't give advice about dolphin and programming if you have no experience in doing so, your solution, in my opinion, is a mess - the entire structure of dolphin uses the ID and NickName fields.
Yes, making the NickName field to allow spaces is very easy, simple, and one line of code. But, I hate rude people, and I hate comments from people who have no clue what is going on.
So figure it out yourself.
Topher, now you are getting fired up....why do you guys take everything personally?
Dont you see how I started this tread and what it came to? You say its just one line of code...you dont want to help?
If you would like to allow two names (words) with a space (for NickName) we need to do this:
goto admin panel, fields builder, join form, click nickname, advanced tab - find:
preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $arg0 )
Replace with:
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0)
Be sure everything else including the ( before the preg_match stays the same. This will allow one or two word nicknames, with 0-9 and - _ also.
Change minimum value to 3 and maximum value to 31.
Next, open .htaccess in dolphin root - find:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1 [QSA,L]
Add this line directly AFTER the above line:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\ ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1\ $2 [QSA,L] -
That will send the double worded nicks to the profile.php for friendlyurl support (mod_rewrite).
That's it.
This post was updated and contains all changes to make double word nicknames...
Thank you again, Topher, Ill try later, I cant change anything on this comp now...
Oh wait you are talking about admin paner, not some php file...ok let me do it right now...
Thanks again Topher!
Even though some are less worthy of help, I will not belittle myself and refuse to help, so - here it is. If you would like to allow two names (words) with a space (for NickName) we need to do this:
goto admin, fields builder, join form, click nickname, advanced tab - find:
preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $arg0 )
Replace with:
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0)
Be sure everything else including the ( before the preg_match stays the same. ) This will allow one or two word nicknames, with 0-9 and - _ also.
Change minimum value to 3 and maximum value to 31.
That's it.
Hello there. the change show great, but if the name is likenked to profile ID ( in some pages) it works ok but if the porfile is likned but nick name ( mysite.com/FirstName LastName then you get 404 error...
Looks like that all nick name linking where profile is linked to by nick name should be eddited to link by profile ID...
Any solutions for this?
Hello there. the change show great, but if the name is likenked to profile ID ( in some pages) it works ok but if the porfile is likned but nick name ( mysite.com/FirstName LastName then you get 404 error...
Looks like that all nick name linking where profile is linked to by nick name should be eddited to link by profile ID...
Any solutions for this?
Yes, didn't think of the url problem, but fixable! Need a few moments to find the code - brb.
Edit: Added to first post for ease of use.
Ok thank you again for your time and effort. I cant get in .htaccess right now , but tonight I will...
Just a quick question...
Adding this Rewrite rule....do we need to edit advanced section in join block(nickname) and then add Rewrite rule..or just rewrite rule without editing Nickname block?
Please let me know....
Once again thank you for your time and effort.
Sorry for the delay, mod_rewrite is tricky, and the reg_ex pattern is the problem, here is the solution:
open .htaccess in dolphin root - find:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1 [QSA,L]
Add this line directly AFTER the above line:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\ ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1\ $2 [QSA,L] -
That will send the double worded nicks to the profile.php now - try it and let me know.
You have to do as I wrote above first (admin panel) - follow it exactly, then open .htaccess and add that one line
above (second post)
There may need to be one more thing done in profile.php - but not sure, need this tested first.
Get back to me as soon as someone tests.
Ok Ill try it tonight and let you know...
Thanks again.
You have to do as I wrote above first (admin panel) - follow it exactly, then open .htaccess and add that one line
above (second post)
There may need to be one more thing done in profile.php - but not sure, need this tested first.
Get back to me as soon as someone tests.
OK this WORKS!
I tested it all the way, links, online, all members, ALL RAY WIDGETS, contacts, emails, editing....
And it works great...The only thing I had to rename was Nickname Blocks to Full name in join, my account page, and search page(whereever there was Nick name block) in field builder....
Topher, as it works perfectlly, you mentioned you may need to do some editing im member.php...but I didnt find any broken links...can you tell us what you had in mind....?
So far so great for all those who want to be able to display full name....
Thank you again, Topher!
OK this WORKS!
I tested it all the way, links, online, all members, ALL RAY WIDGETS, contacts, emails, editing....
And it works great...The only thing I had to rename was Nickname Blocks to Full name in join, my account page, and search page(whereever there was Nick name block) in field builder....
Topher, as it works perfectlly, you mentioned you may need to do some editing im member.php...but I didnt find any broken links...can you tell us what you had in mind....?
So far so great for all those who want to be able to display full name....
Thank you again, Topher!
I'm glad I was able to help - nope, if it all works we are good - just wasn't sure how the url encoding was going to work on redirect (tech stuff - lol) but if it all works, we are done... nothing else needed.
Enjoy two words for nickname field... and not so hard after all.
Help! I tried this and now none of my members can get to their profiles by clicking on the "My Profile" link in the top right corner?
They get the following error:
Not Found
The requested URL /alumni08/Miller_Don was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Anyone have nay idea of how I can fix this?
OK this WORKS!
I tested it all the way, links, online, all members, ALL RAY WIDGETS, contacts, emails, editing....
And it works great...The only thing I had to rename was Nickname Blocks to Full name in join, my account page, and search page(whereever there was Nick name block) in field builder....
Topher, as it works perfectlly, you mentioned you may need to do some editing im member.php...but I didnt find any broken links...can you tell us what you had in mind....?
So far so great for all those who want to be able to display full name....
Thank you again, Topher!
I'm glad I was able to help - nope, if it all works we are good - just wasn't sure how the url encoding was going to work on redirect (tech stuff - lol) but if it all works, we are done... nothing else needed.
Enjoy two words for nickname field... and not so hard after all.
Topher , Ive tryed this on my dolphin and can't seem to get this to work. I have the 6.1.4 version and when I try to change an exsisting nickname or try to create one it still tells me I need to have latin and -_ in the name. Any suggestions?
Linksys7 - I am also using 6.1.4 and everything seems to be working fine after following Tophers instructions with the exception of the link to "My Profile".... I get the following error:
Not Found
The requested URL /alumni08/Miller_Don was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
This would work great on our site if we could get it to work.
Linksys7 - I am also using 6.1.4 and everything seems to be working fine after following Tophers instructions with the exception of the link to "My Profile".... I get the following error:
Not Found
The requested URL /alumni08/Miller_Don was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
This would work great on our site if we could get it to work.
Replace with:
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0)
This is my full entry in the Fields builder, is this correct and does anything look not right?
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0));
Linksys7 - I am also using 6.1.4 and everything seems to be working fine after following Tophers instructions with the exception of the link to "My Profile".... I get the following error:
Not Found
The requested URL /alumni08/Miller_Don was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
This would work great on our site if we could get it to work.
Replace with:
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0)
This is my full entry in the Fields builder, is this correct and does anything look not right?
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0));
It should only be:
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0));
This is my full entry in the Fields builder, is this correct and does anything look not right?
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0));
What you have IMHO is tophers code that will not allow an entry that matches any directories ..... .
This is my full entry in the Fields builder, is this correct and does anything look not right?
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0));
What you have IMHO is tophers code that will not allow an entry that matches any directories ..... .
Would you happen to know why I am getting the "Not Found" error?
This is my full entry in the Fields builder, is this correct and does anything look not right?
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0));
What you have IMHO is tophers code that will not allow an entry that matches any directories ..... .
Would you happen to know why I am getting the "Not Found" error?
Okay, sorry for my disappearance, I have been swamped. Okay - when you added my code into your .htaccess file, are you sure you put it after the code I wrote above, you do not replace anything in .htaccess, you are adding. The first IS needed to send regular names to the profile.php.
Please, if you don't use my code exactly as it is - I can't guarentee anything. If I write replace with - and you just add my code in, and leave other code, you never know the results.
I will work and fix all these problems. Are you telling me that normal links, with the same url are working, just not the my profile link? That is interesting.
THIS MOD needs friendly url support - mod_rewrite enabled.
Now, let's figure this out 
I would also like to use this mod but I am concerned that is not possible if you are already using the word filter...
- Stuart
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Okay, sorry for my disappearance, I have been swamped. Okay - when you added my code into your .htaccess file, are you sure you put it after the code I wrote above, you do not replace anything in .htaccess, you are adding. The first IS needed to send regular names to the profile.php.
Topher -
That's it! I replaced the line in htaccess instead of "adding".
This is my full entry in the Fields builder, is this correct and does anything look not right?
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0));
What you have IMHO is tophers code that will not allow an entry that matches any directories ..... .
This is what he said:
goto admin, fields builder, join form, click nickname, advanced tab - find:
preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $arg0 )
Replace with:
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0)
Be sure everything else including the ( before the preg_match stays the same. ) This will allow one or two word nicknames, with 0-9 and - _ also.
This is what my entry looked like before I edited it:
return ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $arg0 ) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0));
This is what it looks like after I edit it:
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0));
The red part is the only thing I changed because he said:
Be sure everything else including the ( before the preg_match stays the same. ) This will allow one or two word nicknames, with 0-9 and - _ also.
Did I still do this wrong or is it supposed to be just plain? :
return ( preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0));
No, that is correct, it should work, I have personally installed it on 4 sites, and at least 3 here are now using it. Contact me if you want me to look at it.
It's easier than going back and forth.
Thanx Topher, this seems to be working now. Well for some reason I can't edit those lines in the admin panel, fields builder, join form, click nickname, advanced tab / from within any browser so I had to edit it from within phpmyadmin. I must have had the entry in wrong somehow but after I removed it and re entered it, it works now. Thanx for this mod, and by the way I like the photo Member Carousel but can't use it because I cant edit the width to fit within my blocks, any idea if width adjustment will be added later on? |
I have done this including updating the .htaccess file, but I cannot get it to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
It's fixed Stuart, check your site!
Okay, I'd like to take this one step futher...
Some of my members have 3, 4, even 5 words in their business name.
How would that modification work? Is it possible?
- D
Can this all be done strictly through my dolphin admin panel or must i follow all the steps?? |
Well i think the mod instructions seem fairly simple and easy to follow. I am going to be brave and give it a try!! :>} |
I have done all the steps as stated and i am unable to make it work aswell. I changed my .htaccess file as instructed here and i follwed these instructions aswell goto admin panel, fields builder, join form, click nickname, advanced tab - The results were i was unable to edit my username from TheGateKeeper to The GateKeeper as i would like it to be
I have done this including updating the .htaccess file, but I cannot get it to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
Problem solved in my community many thanks to all those whom helped me |
Hi guys - thanks for help here - tried to follow it and managed to get 1 space in nickname. However in url there's a '%20' added in space instead of a dash '-' as with other permalinks in Dolphin (eg articles and photo titles).
Also I'd like to have more than 1 space available...
By the way, there's a bug - in my implementation at least - my member submenu disappears for users with a '%20' in their url. This means user links like blog, photo gallery and video is not accessible...
Anyone is experiencing same problem/has found a solution?
this works like charm
thanks bro
If you would like to allow two names (words) with a space (for NickName) we need to do this:
goto admin panel, fields builder, join form, click nickname, advanced tab - find:
preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $arg0 )
Replace with:
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0)
Be sure everything else including the ( before the preg_match stays the same. This will allow one or two word nicknames, with 0-9 and - _ also.
Change minimum value to 3 and maximum value to 31.
Next, open .htaccess in dolphin root - find:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1 [QSA,L]
Add this line directly AFTER the above line:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\ ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1\ $2 [QSA,L] -
That will send the double worded nicks to the profile.php for friendlyurl support (mod_rewrite).
That's it.
This post was updated and contains all changes to make double word nicknames...
works perfectly
Thx a lot, man |
seems there is a problem in the members profile and account pages.
the forum rss feed box doesnt load - could it be related?
Perhaps I shoulld be more specific - as I noticed there are 'other' issues with rss feeds (that seem to get blamed on the server setup.
With the above change everything works fine, except, when logged in as a two name nick, then the forum rss boxes in the profilepage and accountpage never load (just a spinning graphic).
If I then log in as a single name nick these forum boxes load - and show the posts from that nick, as they should.
If I go into the field builder and take the rss code, replace the 2 name username and try the url bar in the browser - I get that users forums - but the url has added a %20 between the names.
So I imagine that the rss feed is searching for a forum/first name rather than a forum/first%20name - and is getting no response.
Is there any way of adding code to the rss feed code in field builder to insert the %20 between the names? or getting mod rewrite to convert for feeds perhaps?
By the way - Thank you Topher - I am glad that you have started posting again.
I had to give up on this because of the forum posts issue - shame it would be really useful if it worked sitewide. |
Hi there,
I tryied this mod already and they are serious problems with space between. So my suggestion is, how to change the code when I will create two separate boxes (like on Facebook) with name and second with surname, and system will create the address to a person without any space or with - whatever. Maybe by changing mod_rewrite rule. And everywhere else on the page will be displayng this two fields together with a nice space (but link will be without anything or with -). As you have two boxes you can manipulate with two words more isn't? The only thing needed is somebody with coding knowledge who can show us how to use this two separate boxes. Anybody!! Help!! :)
Live Support http://dolphinbugfixing.com |
This mod is great but not allowing same data for users.
Myspace idea is to take data before @ as a nickname and create user pages named with it (containing their real names) and identified by this nickname all over the site.
Facebook got numeric system and the can be duplicate name and surname like: 74943343/user-name/ and everywhere users with similar data are identyfied by this address - database recognize user by this numbers generated by systems, that's why they're never duplicated and their values like name-surname can be duplicated as it's not in the main database category.
These are ideas for good mod or even Dolphin 7, there is lot's of pages with nicknames but only few with name and surname, also time for more privacy for users like profile not visible until you're his/her friend! Teamwork guys!
Hi, how can you get this working for a nickname with 2 or more spaces in it?
I want to get this working for usernames with more than one space and/or special characters in it. I have the htaccess code working for this:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9!~,*.'`{}@:=\ _-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1 [QSA,L]
but I can't get the preg_match working in the check for the NickName field.
Can anyone help?
For problems related to pages not found b/c of % between two names (first and last).... go to admin --->settings--->permalinks and unclick "enable friendly profile permalinks".
Then all users related pages and info will be working except users orca forum posts on users profile page.
PM me if you still have problems.
What would I do if I wanted to add more that one space in the nickname? |
I am getting frustrated here, i have done all of the instructions
If you would like to allow two names (words) with a space (for NickName) we need to do this:
goto admin panel, fields builder, join form, click nickname, advanced tab - find:
preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $arg0 )
Replace with:
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0)
Be sure everything else including the ( before the preg_match stays the same. This will allow one or two word nicknames, with 0-9 and - _ also.
Change minimum value to 3 and maximum value to 31.
Next, open .htaccess in dolphin root - find:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1 [QSA,L]
Add this line directly AFTER the above line:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\ ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1\ $2 [QSA,L] -
That will send the double worded nicks to the profile.php for friendlyurl support (mod_rewrite).
But i still can not seem to put a space in my username. Is it because i am using the newest dolphin version.
You posted this in 6.1, are you using 6.1?
This topic is also three years old...
I am getting frustrated here, i have done all of the instructions
If you would like to allow two names (words) with a space (for NickName) we need to do this:
goto admin panel, fields builder, join form, click nickname, advanced tab - find:
preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $arg0 )
Replace with:
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15}(| [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,15})$/i', $arg0)
Be sure everything else including the ( before the preg_match stays the same. This will allow one or two word nicknames, with 0-9 and - _ also.
Change minimum value to 3 and maximum value to 31.
Next, open .htaccess in dolphin root - find:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1 [QSA,L]
Add this line directly AFTER the above line:
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\ ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1\ $2 [QSA,L] -
That will send the double worded nicks to the profile.php for friendlyurl support (mod_rewrite).
But i still can not seem to put a space in my username. Is it because i am using the newest dolphin version.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
No i am not using 6.1. When i first installed this on my old site using 6.1.4 it worked like a charm not trouble at all. I am now using Dolphin 7 whatever is the latest my site is now 3 weeks old... I guess i need to look in 7 forums for a solution. |